What Is Impressing Alpa About Lakefield?


Apr 1, 2003
Hey guys,

I have heard so much about the good will between ALPA and Lakefield. It appears that the pilots have warmed up to him. What do the pilots, leadership, or both like about this man? Do any of you pilots feel he said something secret to the ALPA leaders that encouraged them to feel positive about negotiating? Or is ALPA running scared?

This is not a thread to put down the pilots or to point out certain pilots. I just want to understand? Thanks.
One pilot's perspective.....

Never met the man - who may be a great guy to share a beer with. I'm still waiting to see what he does, since that'll mean a lot more to me than what he says.


ps - Pollock does seem enamored of him, though.
BoeingBoy said:
One pilot's perspective.....

Never met the man - who may be a great guy to share a beer with. I'm still waiting to see what he does, since that'll mean a lot more to me than what he says.


ps - Pollock does seem enamored of him, though.
Word has it that even Lorenzo was personable and "a great guy to share a beer with." And many pilots did just that.

What does the pilots leadership like about Leftfield? The same thing they liked about Siegel when he showed up. He talks a good talk and can schmooze with the best of them.

From another pilot's perspective, Leftfield is just Siegel warmed over. Even the plan is Siegel's, by their own admission. They just thought a new face may get less opposition. It obviously worked with the ALPA "leadership," but I'm skeptical, to put it mildly.
firstamendment said:
What do the pilots, leadership, or both like about this man?
Interesting question, I've wondered that myself.

Is it the vast amount of airline experience and understanding he brings to the table? hmmm He's got about 30 days experience in the industry. Must not be that.

In my opinion the pilot group is so desperate to save themselves they will look to anyone as their savior. They are delusional.

Most people knew Wolf was a wolf when he came in the door. Certain pilots loved the Wolfman... remember the worldwide "Carrier of Choice", and "we came here to build the airline, not to sell it."

Oh, by the way... "there is no plan B." --- Rakesh G.

Siegel came in and gutted the contracts during BK, was given the keys to the kingdom and every tool imagineable. No leadership, no vision, no honesty, no trust. No profits, no future. Certain pilots loved "Dave". After all he's a Harvard guy!

Now the next empty suit is speaking to the pilots. No rallying the troops, no personal tour to build morale, no good news. Just another refrain from the steal from the employees and retirees songbook. Certain pilots love this guy cause he has "integrity" and is a "straight shooter". Gimme a frickin' break!

If the new man had any integrity, he would have ousted the failed regime on day one and promoted from within people that love the airline and have given their working lives to it and want it to survive.

The employee group at U has been abused and degraded so long, some have lost all standards of objectivity and good judgement. Well maybe this guy won't beat us so bad so I'll stay with him and take it... it's pitiful.

How about demanding some level of accountability and responsibility from the upper levels of U?

Contracts ignored. Scope covered work farmed out. No negotiation in good faith.

You cannot negotiate with bullies.

Prepare for all possibilities now.
you left out the religous experience ALPO had with Bronner...maybe some was rubbed off on lakefield... :lol:
IMO it's got nothing to do with Lakefield. It has everything to do with the intense fear the pilots have over losing their jobs. Had Siegel stayed (and I am thrilled he is gone) the pilots would have given anything and everything in an attempt to save their jobs. Siegel's ouster was more for the benfit of the IAM, CWA and AFA than for ALPA. Lakefield and company need not negotiate anything. All they need to do with the pilots is TELL them what they are going to give up. This will not be the case with the other groups.

We shall see if he has integrity. I give him the benefit of the doubt at the moment. The problem is not labor. If he changes the structure of the company and get labor on his team he will succeed. Even if he has labor on his team he will fail unless he changes the way we do business. I do see signs of progress. The glass is half full. For now.

BoeingBoy said:
ps - Pollock does seem enamored of him, though.
Is Pollack ex-millitary?

Since Lakefield went to Canoe U, it might endear him to a large chunk of the pilot group, although I suspect that sentiment might fade a bit once it dawns on some folks exactly how bloody Lakefield is going to get.


U mgmt (why bother remembering the names? Sorta like the punchline to the joke about subsituting lawyers for lab rats in medical experiments - "you don't get as attached to them") has offered to 'assist' in restoring U ALPA to it's rightful place - "top of the heap; king of the hill." Those greedy agents and mechs are paid waaaaaaaaaay to much; if they were paid what they were worth, there would be room in the budget for ALPA to resume their three-car garage, two ex-wives and a mistress lifestyle.

I fully realize there are many thoroughly decent ALPA types - I've hunted and fished with you.

Unfortunately, as LOA 91 indicates, you are in the minority.
I am in a rather small minority. U will come after the pension we have in place of the one we allowed them to disband. And our frightened pilots will agree. They will come after our seniority and vacation. And our frightened pilots will agree.

We are cowards. Sad but true. LOA 91 proved it and the company knows it.

I have known U is in trouble. But it really came home (again :( ) when a pilot acquaintance of mine, and a good guy, had trouble looking me in the eye when I queried after LOA91.

He finally said, "I voted for me."

He realized what LOA 91 would do to other work groups; knew what it would do to folks he's known for 25 years.

I couldn't be angry - he's got kids in college, and a lost pension to restore out of his back pocket.

I was mostly, sad.

And lo, how mighty, alpha-male, hairy-chested ALPA has fallen!

God help working class folks - the long knives are out!
Yes dude, I expect that's what fleet will hear from their mech 'brothers', as the bus rolls over them.

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