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Alpa Code-a-phone Udpate - 3/28/05


May 18, 2003
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MEC CODE-A-PHONE UPDATE - March 28, 2005

This is Jack Stephan with a US Airways MEC update for Monday, March 28th, with one new item.

Several ALPA MEC events are scheduled this week that pertain to MDA pilots, including the proposed agreement between Republic Airways Holdings and US Airways, and this proposed agreement's impact on the provisions of LOA 91.

Tomorrow, March 29th, your MEC officers, Negotiating Committee members, MDA pilots, and ALPA representation will be meeting with US Airways President and CEO Bruce Lakefield and other members of senior management to discuss this issue.

On Wednesday, March 30th, a special MEC meeting will be held in Pittsburgh . The agenda for the meeting is a briefing from the Negotiating Committee, MEC Officers and advisors on LOA 91 and its relationship to potential MDA transactions. The MEC will also receive a report on ALPA's March 29th meeting with US Airways senior management and will discuss the Thursday, March 31st bankruptcy court hearing, at which time US Airways is scheduled to seek the court's approval for the proposed agreement.

MEC Chairman Bill Pollock is also preparing a letter to MDA pilots that will include information on significant events from March 14th, the date that US Airways announced that it had reached an agreement with Republic Airways Holding, until at least March 31st, the day that US Airways' court appearance is scheduled.

This letter, which is scheduled to be emailed to all MDA pilots by the end of the week, will also provide the latest news on MDA contract negotiations.

MDA pilots, like all other US Airways pilots, are understandably apprehensive about this proposed agreement and its potential impact on our contract. ALPA continues to assess every aspect of this situation and all possible outcomes so that the rights and protections contained in the MDA contract, LOA 91 and our entire current contract, will be preserved. It is critical that we fully understand the potential agreement and all LOA 91 implications, evaluate the legal procedures available to us, and prepare for our next steps.

This evaluation period is absolutely necessary. In a situation like this, where several parties are involved, the process becomes complicated. However, ALPA will not jeopardize the careers of MDA pilots, or other US Airways pilots, by prematurely stating our intentions until we have evaluated every piece of information that is needed to represent the best interests of all US Airways pilots.

Please remember we have 1,879 pilots on furlough.

Thank you for listening.
Can you say see ya MDA, I believe there may be some pain involved here with some members of ALPA, do I like this certainly not but U needs the cash right?