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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

"Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich came out swinging Saturday against the nation's legal system, pledging if elected to defy Supreme Court rulings with which he disagrees and declaring that a 200-year-old principle of American government, judicial review to ensure that the political branches obey the Constitution, had been "grossly overstated."

It looks like Newt views himself as the final authority on the law. I'm not sure wether to laugh or be extremely worried. Given the number of people in this country who are ignorant on how their system of government works I lean more towards worried.
"Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich came out swinging Saturday against the nation's legal system, pledging if elected to defy Supreme Court rulings with which he disagrees and declaring that a 200-year-old principle of American government, judicial review to ensure that the political branches obey the Constitution, had been "grossly overstated."

It looks like Newt views himself as the final authority on the law. I'm not sure wether to laugh or be extremely worried. Given the number of people in this country who are ignorant oN how their system of government works I lean more towards worried.

Hey 777, Obammy swings the same way.....and they both Progressives....
"Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich came out swinging Saturday against the nation's legal system, pledging if elected to defy Supreme Court rulings with which he disagrees and declaring that a 200-year-old principle of American government, judicial review to ensure that the political branches obey the Constitution, had been "grossly overstated."

It looks like Newt views himself as the final authority on the law. I'm not sure wether to laugh or be extremely worried. Given the number of people in this country who are ignorant on how their system of government works I lean more towards worried.

Seems that Mr Gingrich fancies him self a monarch rather than a civil servant. I wonder how that would fly in this country. As president that only follows judicial rulings that he agrees with. I would think that such idiocy would sink his bid for office. We are a nation off laws. I understand the idea of seeking to change laws one does not agree with. How ever the idea of ignoring a ruling because one does not agree with it is in my opinion a very very dangerous idea.

I shudder at the idea of him as president. One the other hand, if the republicans were to elect him into office, I suspect it would be the end of the republican party as we know it. They could not survive him.
Iowa Governor: Ignore Ron Paul Win

“It would make the caucuses mostly irrelevant if not entirely irrelevant,”
“It would have a very damaging effect because I don’t think he could be elected president and both Iowa and national Republicans wouldn’t think he represents the will of voters.”

“I don’t think any candidate perverting the process in that fashion helps [the caucuses] in any way,” said Iowa House Speaker Kraig Paulsen, adding that he didn’t know if that’s necessarily how Paul would win.

“They’ll all go back and vote for Obama,” predicted Beach.

The most troubling eventuality that Iowa Republicans are bracing for is that Paul wins the caucuses only to lose the nomination and run as a third-party candidate in November — all but ensuring President Obama is re-elected.

One of many reasons why Ron Paul shouldn't be president.

He's a racist and a Truther.

He’s not saying he’s not a 9/11 truther, he’s just too busy to make it a front burner issue.
Another reason why he shouldn't be president (besides being a racist and a truther).

Congressman Ron Paul calls Wikileaks & Bradely Manning Heros

Another reason why he shouldn't be president (besides being a racist and a truther).

Congressman Ron Paul calls Wikileaks & Bradely Manning Heros

Considering Ron Paul's anti-war stance (which I fully support... we should never have gone to Iraq), it makes sense that he sympathizes with Wikileaks. And other than the intelligence information that Wikileaks revealed which could endanger people on the ground, I support what they do. They've blown the whistle on a lot of government corruption and cronyism. Don't tell me that's a bad thing.

Ron Paul is also not a racist. I'm not even going to bring that argument up, but Google is your friend. It's been de-bunked more times than there are millions of dollars in our government debt.
Considering Ron Paul's anti-war stance (which I fully support... we should never have gone to Iraq), it makes sense that he sympathizes with Wikileaks. And other than the intelligence information that Wikileaks revealed which could endanger people on the ground, I support what they do. They've blown the whistle on a lot of government corruption and cronyism. Don't tell me that's a bad thing.

Ron Paul is also not a racist. I'm not even going to bring that argument up, but Google is your friend. It's been de-bunked more times than there are millions of dollars in our government debt.

Ron "nutters" Paul has a a lot of explaining to do and so far has been unable to. if he is the best we have then you might as well settle in for another for more years of Obama. The only thing nutters will succeed at is handing Obama the election on a silver platter. Thanks to all his nutter supporters like yourself.
Considering Ron Paul's anti-war stance (which I fully support... we should never have gone to Iraq), it makes sense that he sympathizes with Wikileaks. And other than the intelligence information that Wikileaks revealed which could endanger people on the ground, I support what they do. They've blown the whistle on a lot of government corruption and cronyism. Don't tell me that's a bad thing.

Ron Paul is also not a racist. I'm not even going to bring that argument up, but Google is your friend. It's been de-bunked more times than there are millions of dollars in our government debt.

I don't look at it as Anti-War as much as I view his stance as pro Liberty. Why should Iraq, Libya, Iran, etc knuckle under to our specific brand of so called democracy? Isn't the right to live free conferred by no less then the Creator? I know Obama thinks he's God but really?

The folks in the Middle East don't suicide bomb us because we are free, they bomb us because we occupy THEIR country.

If wikileaks helps keep the parasite political glass on their toes then I'm in total favor as well. Remember Integrity is how you conduct yourself when no one is watching. Given that, it appears that most politicians have little if any Integrity. In fact I question whether many of them can even spell the word.
You seem to think we can live in a bubble. So did Neville Chamberlin. That didnt end well.

Get a clue:

Ron Paul's racist link

The candidate should explain how offensive comments about the L.A. riots were printed in his newsletter.

"Order was only restored in L.A.," the publication opined, "when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks."
I don't look at it as Anti-War as much as I view his stance as pro Liberty. Why should Iraq, Libya, Iran, etc knuckle under to our specific brand of so called democracy? Isn't the right to live free conferred by no less then the Creator? I know Obama thinks he's God but really?

Try to remember that Obama did not start the U.S. involvement in the Middle East. He's trying to wrap it up and bring the troops home. We should do what we did in Vietnam...declare victory and walk away from the mess. Those Semitic first cousins have been at each others throats for the past 5,000 years. A 10-year direct involvement by us changes nothing--other than we may have made the situation worse temporarily.

I live and work in Texas, and lived many years in Houston. Ron Paul's district residents are more noted for living by terse slogans than by thinking. "Down with Government" (unless of course my house is on fire, I'm having a heart attack, or I want a tax break on my summer home.) It's the same general area that re-elected that pillar of rectitude and honesty, Tom DeLay, time and time again.
Ron Paul's racist link

The candidate should explain how offensive comments about the L.A. riots were printed in his newsletter.

He has on multiple occasions, so for everyone else it's a non-issue. It was addressed extensively during the 2008 primary season.

Here is the latest clip where the issue is raised near the end and Dr. Paul's direct response.

Further, the nearly 1 Trillion Dollars and 4,500 plus lives lost in Iraq is at best a questionable use of our youth and our Treasure. Over the last 90 years we've been at "war" more years than not (Counting cold war) then we have been at peace. I'm not 100% certain the Dr. Paul's approach of a foreign policy on non-intervention is the right path or will succeed. What I am certain of it's worth a shot given the failures of the last 90 years.

What we are doing now is the very definition of Insanity. We repeat the same behaviors and expect a different outcome and now it's to the point where we are nearly flat broke in a deep recession and the current Foreign Policy is no longer feasible from an economic stand point. Our foreign policy WILL change over the next 20 years whether we like it or not due to economics. Why not change it now to one that's less expensive, less intrusive on others and go about the business of business which is one thing we are extremely good at.

Simple fact is Iran and others know that all a nuclear weapon gives them is negotiating leverage. They know they can be wiped off the face of the earth at the push of a button. Why NOT try diplomacy, knowing we can eliminate them in the time it takes an ICBM to get from North Dakota to Tehran?