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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

Everyone seems to want someone else's ox gored in the government cutbacks. I'm not sure there is any candidate that can accomplish what the American people really want.

Which is why I like Ron Paul. His ideas are based upon and defined by our founding documents so everyone gets screwed equally or at least is screwed according to the COTUS.

One of the reasons he's soooo popular with younger folks is they've looked around at the fiscal mess we've created and in effect they're saying what we told our kids when they screwed up, "You expect ME to pay for this mess?". When I look at the financial mess we've created if the current generation doesn't round us up and shoot us I think they are being a very benevolent group.
You could be saying the same thing about Newt Gingrich,

I could but I'm not and the reason is that Newt is part of the Crony Capitalist Political Parasite Class IMO.

Ron Paul, despite what seems like a bajillion years in Congress has never been part of the inner sanctum of jackals that rule us. His persona to many in Congress was accurately explained by of all people, Jon Stewart in his rant about Paul getting shut out of the news. To many he is "Crazy Uncle Ron". However as time passes we find out that "Crazy Uncle Ron" isn't nearly as crazy as anyone first thought.

In case you forgot
Which is why I like Ron Paul. His ideas are based upon and defined by our founding documents so everyone gets screwed equally or at least is screwed according to the COTUS.

Since Ron Paul and his supporters seem to be the resident experts on said documents then they will have to admit some very unpleasant facts to themselves. When they talk about ending the Federal Reserve they must realize that a President does not have that power. Just as he would not have the power to eliminate certain departments within the government.

I've asked this before, you eliminate the Fed then what?
Sparrowhawk, The one thing you seem to keep missing vis-a-vis a Ron Paul candidacy. Yes, he has an answer for everything. Question is...are they workable answers? I think not.

But, not because I don't think some of his ideas are good. The answers are not workable given the sense of entitlement of the American public. Yes, they all agree that Social Security is a bottomless financial pit--as long as...
1. I get to collect mine, the people behind me will just have to learn to do without.
2. fixing" Social Security does NOT mean that we'll have to go back to the "good ole days" and have my parents move in with me when they retire.
3. if a relative becomes unemployed, I don't have to provide them with food and shelter.

I've said this before, everyone is a libertarian until their Social Security check does not come in the mail. Let me add until they are unemployed and they want unemployment benefits. My brother-in-law likes to call himself a libertarian. Did not stop him from collecting an unemployment check forabout six months.
Since Ron Paul and his supporters seem to be the resident experts on said documents then they will have to admit some very unpleasant facts to themselves. When they talk about ending the Federal Reserve they must realize that a President does not have that power. Just as he would not have the power to eliminate certain departments within the government.

I've asked this before, you eliminate the Fed then what?

There are a number of workable monetary systems that have been proposed by some of the world’s leading economists and financial experts that would solve nearly all of our fiscal problems quickly and simply if the Fed were eliminated.

A thorough discussion of the details of these systems is beyond the scope of this forum. Here are some links I found that address the issue.









There you go bringing home movies to the water cooler again.

Legalize Heroin. Vote Ron Paul.

That ends your fantasy.
There you go bringing home movies to the water cooler again.

Legalize Heroin. Vote Ron Paul.

That ends your fantasy.

Ya think??? His comment regarding heroin got a huge round of applause at one of the debates.

The War on Drugs is the same as Prohibition and history has shown us how well that worked out.

Fact is more people die from legal drugs.

States are releasing non violent drug offenders because they can't afford to build any more prisons.

If heroin were made legal tomorrow morning would anyone here go out and do heroin? Addiction is a Public Health issue not a crime.

History has show us during Prohibition that when an item is prohibited the level of violent crime increases by about 40%. Would you rather have

A system that raises the chances that YOU will be victim of a violent or property crime? A system that unfairly incarcerates on the basis of race due to the cost of defending oneself? A System that causes laws to be passed that restrict YOUR liberty? (Think RICO & No Knock Warrants)


A system that allows each of us to do as we please with our bodies? A system that brings BILLIONS out of the underground and subject to taxation by states and Federal Governments? A system that eliminates the need for prisons and lowers the cost of government. A near immediate 40% drop in crime eliminating the need for as many law enforcement. Increased Liberty as RICO and No Knock warrants are no longer required.

Increased Individual Liberty is always preferred over increased government control of our lives.
I am no fan of the War on Drugs.

But I am no part of the Republican base.

That base finds drugs pure evil.
I am no fan of the War on Drugs.

But I am no part of the Republican base.

That base finds drugs pure evil.

Why are the liberal left in favor of legalization of that pure evil?

Pure evil decimates healthcare and legal costs if you didn't notice......or are you stoned again?


Individual Liberty's are conferred upon us by our Creator.

Among those are Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness, which by extension includes the right to do stupid & harmful things. Like eat a Big Mac a day, Driving while eating said Big Mac, smoking cigarettes all of which kill more people than illegal drugs do and are a far bigger drain on the healthcare system.

According to the CDC:

Smoking Tobacco
Lung cancer: 128,900 deaths
Other cancers: 35,300 deaths
Ischemic Heart Disease: 126,000 deaths
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: 92,900 deaths
Stroke: 15,900 deaths
Other diagnoses: 44,000 deaths
Alcohol Deaths
79,000 deaths annually attributable to excessive alcohol use. In fact, excessive alcohol use is the 3rd leading lifestyle-related cause of death for people in the United States each year.
From Bloomberg News from courtesy of the CDC
“By 2009, the number of deaths involving prescription drugs was four times the number involving illicit drugs,” the report said. “These findings indicate the need to strengthen interventions aimed at reducing overdose deaths from prescription drugs.”
Courtesy of Medical News Today via the CDC
American government researchers said that obesity is quickly overtaking smoking as the country's number one killer.

So if we follow the logic of the War on Drugs we should outlaw all high fat foods, force people to exercise, quit smoking, outlaw cigarettes and go back to Prohibition. Anyone in favor of the above? THINK!
Legalization of drugs makes Paul unelectable.

A point his supporters can't argue.

Funny, Obama says its a topic of worthy debate......guess he's unelectable too.

States like Caleefornya are already looking at the tax base from weed....

Just when you thought everyone with the Obama Obsession had gotten help.

Or maybe it is just a relapse.

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