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What Happens With The Unions Involved?

LGA / 037 said:
Robc98, America West CSR's ( as they are called ) just voted in the teamsters. According to CWA Reps I have spoken to they DO NOT HAVE a contract as of yet. AWA could de-certify them as our company did at first under Wolfe/Gangwal back when the CWA first got voted in . But regardless, a contract will have to be reopened again in order to get an agreement with the new members as well as the overall merger . Our biggest question (worry) is is there another paycut proposition looming as the AWA employees make $2-$3 less an hour already then us, or will the new members (AWA) be brought up to our current scale ?
AWA could de-certify them as our company did at first under Wolfe/Gangwal back when the CWA first got voted in .
you are mistaken.....U did not decertify your union,the membership did through piss poor turnout...i believe it was the NMB that decertified due to poor turnout.
But regardless, a contract will have to be reopened again in order to get an agreement with the new members as well as the overall merger .
again i think you need advice...depending on who the purchasing entity is will dictate whose union contract succeeds...look at theirs and compare...LCC- (low cost carrier) when all is said and done i believe the lower cost option will totally prevail....wouldn't you want it that way if you were the holding company??
usair_begins_with_u said:
What is this 'union' thing you people speak of? What is it? What does it do? The word sounds familliar?
corporate stooge............
The Piedmont - Allegheny Wholly owned merger can be used as an example of how the NMB may look at a combined US-HP.

When Piedmont and Allegheny announced the merger of the two companies - Allegheny CSAs were represented by the IBT, Piedmont CSAs were not represented (the CWA was challenging a recent vote). The NMB determined that the new collective group could vote for "The Alliance" (an agreement established between the IBT and the CWA that would allow the IBT to continue to represent the employees currently covered by the IBT contract and the CWA to represent all other Piedmont CSAs), or the collective group could vote 'no union'.

Ultimately, the collective group (the Allegheny and Piedmont CSAs) voted no union - so now none of the CSAs are covered under a contract.

Could the IBT and CWA form another "Alliance" for the US-HP merger? It is very possible, in order to preserve memberships for both groups.
FLY, absolutely!! the U employees should be 'stapled' to the TOP for what they have given up!! BUt i know that won't happen.

dash8ter said:
The Piedmont - Allegheny Wholly owned merger can be used as an example of how the NMB may look at a combined US-HP.

When Piedmont and Allegheny announced the merger of the two companies - Allegheny CSAs were represented by the IBT, Piedmont CSAs were not represented (the CWA was challenging a recent vote). The NMB determined that the new collective group could vote for "The Alliance" (an agreement established between the IBT and the CWA that would allow the IBT to continue to represent the employees currently covered by the IBT contract and the CWA to represent all other Piedmont CSAs), or the collective group could vote 'no union'.

Ultimately, the collective group (the Allegheny and Piedmont CSAs) voted no union - so now none of the CSAs are covered under a contract.

Could the IBT and CWA form another "Alliance" for the US-HP merger? It is very possible, in order to preserve memberships for both groups.
PSA CSAs are also IBT by the way.
Does anyone know what happens to all of us on furlough that still might like to come back? I am sure with the merger we will be forgotten. Although I only have until Oct. and then recall runs out anyway so I am not holding my breath.
delldude said:
you are mistaken.....U did not decertify your union,the membership did through piss poor turnout...i believe it was the NMB that decertified due to poor turnout.

Actually , Delldude U pulled the rug right out under the feet of the CWA when they APPLIED for de-certification and won ! They had the majority but found a technicality to force a re-vote , just stalling the outcome in prep for the then "DONE DEAL" future merger with UAL !
delldude said:
you are mistaken.....U did not decertify your union,the membership did through piss poor turnout...i believe it was the NMB that decertified due to poor turnout.

DELL, the NMB did de-certify the union but at whose request ? Call the CWA , not locally, but in Washington, they will give you accurate info! ( If they dont return your call right away , they are swarming around Tempe, AZ , so I hear ! )
LGA / 037 said:
delldude said:
you are mistaken.....U did not decertify your union,the membership did through piss poor turnout...i believe it was the NMB that decertified due to poor turnout.

Actually, it was the Ex-Eastern Employees WHOM RESIGNED FROM EASTERN TO WORK FOR TRUMP and got their EASTERN seniority back were the ones whom put the vote over the top to get the union in !

P.S. How can you resign from a company and get your seniority back !

Because the mechanics at LGA sued the IAM and US Airways and won and the jury ruled to give them their seniority back. Stranger things have happened.

August 11,2004

To all US Airways Mechanic and Related Employees:

On August 10, 2004, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in New York issued a decision affirming a lower court ruling requiring that certain former Trump Shuttle mechanics be given their Eastern Airlines seniority dates on US Airways. The IAM’s attorneys had argued, among other things, that the case was time barred by the six-month statute of limitations applicable to such duty of fair representation cases. The appellate court disagreed. “We are disappointed with the opinion and concerned with the impact this decision will have on all of the employees who will be affected. Our attorneys are reviewing the decision to determine what legal avenues may be available.â€￾

We will continue to keep you advised of all future developments as they occur

Sincerely and fraternally,

William O'Driscoll
700UW said:
Because the mechanics at LGA sued the IAM and US Airways and won and the jury ruled to give them their seniority back. Stranger things have happened.

First ALPA , Then AFA ( now AFA/CWA) and then Cwa Customer service all decided to go along with the company and give the Trump empoyees their EASTERN time ! Why , I will probally never know! The IAM in my opinion DID DO THE RIGHT THING and not honor the EASTERN time. Why a court would reverse the decision is beyond me. I went head to head with this issue when the CWA was first trying to represent and they trying to blow it off as a " back burner issue" No one had a problem with giving the employees their Trump time, but WHEN YOU RESIGN FROM A COMPANY AS THEY ALL WERE FORCED TO SIGN & DO, you should not be able to carry your seniority.
At least for the F/A's it was not AFA or US Airways that gave the Shuttle F/A's their Eastern seniority dates, it was Trump. Trump created a seniority list based on the old Eastern dates...it was part of the F/A's contract. Once US Airways purchased the Shuttle, it was obligated to honor Trump's agreement, and under AFA's merger policy, the Shuttle F/A's were integrated using their Shuttle seniority dates. Not necessarily a popular outcome, but required.

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