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Aug 20, 2002
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Need to make an urgent trip to DEN this weekend from PHL.
Going out Sun and back on Mon is $1916 on US an UAL. I don''t need the segements and just want to go and come back as quick as possible.
In order to maintain ****roach status, I looked at a Sat departure. UAL drops to $268 but U stays at $1916.
Now I know we have benefits by flying UAL but why does US want to give away this money to another carrier.
Just unbelievable!!!
Phillyguy US1

Thanks - I tried that approach and it didn't help the flight for sunday.

Sorry U - but this one looks like it is going to UAL.

On 11/19/2002 6:36:25 AM phillyguy wrote:

Need to make an urgent trip to DEN this weekend from PHL.

Going out Sun and back on Mon is $1916 on US an UAL. I don't need the segements and just want to go and come back as quick as possible.

In order to maintain ****roach status, I looked at a Sat departure. UAL drops to $268 but U stays at $1916.

Now I know we have benefits by flying UAL but why does US want to give away this money to another carrier.

Just unbelievable!!!

Phillyguy US1

Believe it or not, US has the same exact holiday fare pricing with one exception(BTW this is a holiday discount 268 rt fare, not your normal fare for booking less than a week or 2 out..)The big exception is....US requires 7 days adv for these holiday fares..United has no advance notice needed. This is where CCY marketing and pricing in its infinite daily wisdom is not up to speed with the competition and this is why U loses business..Its no longer tit for tat same,everyone has the same fare, you used to be able to quote and research like clockwork scenario and everyone matched. NO LONGER TRUE!The people in charge of pricing and monitoring fares have been doing a pi$$poor job of late.If I am not mistaken Us started these holiday fares before anyone else, dont quote me but I think so. It started out as 10 day adv then went to 7 day,then there are higher levels in some markets with zero advance..There is no consistency in advance within the same airline or between, they're scattered all over the place.More job security for pricing and more frustration trying to sell and reissue these fares.
If anything the fares are getting MORE not LESS complicated in an industry which should be looking for less complications. The airlines are a good 75pct victim of themselves,25 pct outside circumstances. That's how I see it.And no pricing reformations on the horizon.
TRUE!The people in charge of pricing and monitoring fares have been doing a pi$$poor job of late.If I am not mistaken Us started these holiday fares before anyone else, dont quote me but I think so. It started out as 10 day ----------------

From what I've been told, pricing is way short on people. I know someone who got an offer but the salary was just too low to make it worth the risk. Also, look at the job postings on usairways.com -- that's the only department with multiple openings. Everyone complained about the $6 mil in bonuses, but yet when the good people leave folks complain CCY isn't doing a good job.

On 11/19/2002 3:29:27 PM USFlyer wrote:

TRUE!The people in charge of pricing and monitoring fares have been doing a pi$$poor job of late.If I am not mistaken Us started these holiday fares before anyone else, dont quote me but I think so. It started out as 10 day ----------------

From what I've been told, pricing is way short on people. I know someone who got an offer but the salary was just too low to make it worth the risk. Also, look at the job postings on usairways.com -- that's the only department with multiple openings. Everyone complained about the $6 mil in bonuses, but yet when the good people leave folks complain CCY isn't doing a good job.


You would have to be nothing short of a vegtable to take a job with US Airways. I've heard MANY stories about people getting hired to get fired a week to a month later. As has historically been the case, there is absolutely no communication between our managment - so we have cuts happening where they shouldn't and hiring happening where it shouldn't. Then, the flavor the of the week changes, and the departments that were just authorized to hire are now told to let people go.

If you are looking for a job, trust me, look elsewhere.
The fare on US dropped this morning from 1900 to 300 without a saturday night stay, booking today (wed) for sunday travel
I am not a US Airways employee, but I read this board faithfully. It has been difficult to ignore the howling when the issue of management bonuses comes up. This is a good example of the predicament Seigel et al are faced with. If you make completely equitable cuts, you will eventually lose those in management who are not locked into a seniority based system. This will assuage the concerns of the union folk who may tend to react based upon emotion, rather then thinking the whole problem through.

Or you can try to dangle carrots to keep management from jumping ship. However, this tends to infuriate the seniority based employees who have already taken extremely painful cuts.

It is a no-win for Seigel. (From this distant perch, I think he has performed admirably so far.)

On 11/19/2002 3:29:27 PM USFlyer wrote:

From what I've been told, pricing is way short on people. I know someone who got an offer but the salary was just too low to make it worth the risk. Also, look at the job postings on usairways.com -- that's the only department with multiple openings. Everyone complained about the $6 mil in bonuses, but yet when the good people leave folks complain CCY isn't doing a good job.

Beautiful. It's roughly 3148 miles round trip (DEN-PHL). At 10.5 cents per mile (the CASM), it's going to cost U $330.54 to operate the flight. $1900 was a pretty hefty profit and could have stood to drop some. But dropping it to a level BELOW costs....thats a Brilliant strategy...but one that helps reinforce the need to seek those cost reductions. Would there have been any problem dropping it to say $350 and making 20 bucks on the deal? How about dropping all restrictions and charging $500? You guys are in trouble....real trouble.
I agree with you dropping it to $500 would have been acceptable and reasonable. Somedays their pricing strategy seems like playing a game of Whack-A-Mole .
On 11/20/2002 7:07:53 AM phillyguy wrote:

The fare on US dropped this morning from 1900 to 300 without a saturday night stay, booking today (wed) for sunday travel

Also an Esaver was filed in that market this morning for sat -tue for 218 pl tax..so it doesn't always pay to go with 1st choice..like I always say, fares are analagous to buying a stock.You win some you lose some.
Yes..Just call me Dave is doing a great job. He might as well liquidate.
Why has he not replaced the loser VP's from the last regeime?????
I wonder how much he knows about his airline or is his information being filtered by Al C.

It doesn't seem like it can get any worse. Just shut it down...Dave.
I do not mean to beat a dead horse, but it really is simple. I have said this before; I know a guy who was once asked why he paid his employees $10 per hour? His reply was, Because I can. U is going to cut and cut...because they can. It is really simple. Our Saudi allies have provided airline management with the tools they could have only dreamed of in the pre 9-11 world. K.I.S.S. Revenue is the key, U is hoplessly broke and management can pay you what they want, because they can. What is it called...a chapter 11 action? Life generally is simple, we make it complicated. Make an informed decision, not one based on emotion!