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What Are You Really Worth?

700UW said:
Why don't you ask yourself what a pilot, f/a or mechanic is worth when you take your wife and kids to the airport and put them on an airplane to fly from point A to point B.

Go ask the United Airlines Sioux City Iowa survivors what Al Haynes and two other pilots are worth.

Go ask the families of the Valujet tragedy what cheap workers did to their lives.

Go ask the passengers of the UAL flight from HNL what pilots are worth.

Do I need to continue?

Don't forget Aloha B-737 convertable over Hawaii.
U ato agents are worth the same $25 an hour, good health plan, 401K and profit sharing that WN ato agents are.

Both are union, both have pretty near the same work rules, and both do the same job.

Unfortunately, U has a failed business model, and the market dictates that U cannot afford to pay the WN rates.

Pilots get paid by wieght and size of the plane.

And I am glad to see you did not answer anything I posted to you.

Guess you did not see Comair shut down for three days.

And Mesa's reliablity is not the best in the industry.
DCFlyer said:
Excellent so a SWA Pilot will never be able to fly an A330 at $160 an hour. Please elaborate on how much they work (and have worked historically) per month with comparison to you? What about days per month worked? Apparently you still have a pension and they do not. Also I have heard that SWA pilots have helped clean a plane. These numbers are fine and dandy...but give me your number....what are you willing to work for with pay and benefits per year? Why are comparisons so important?

PS - Why does this always go back to senior management....aren't you guys on the board to help appoint these people (with pay packages?). Heck I am still looking for an airline with pilots running the show.
I have a fewquestions for you: Just who in the hell are you anyway worrying about what people earn and asking them to justify it? Who appointed you King Tutu? Who gave you the final authority to even ask let alone pry into another mans personal business? Since when did passengers earn the right to say a damn thing about airline employees personal affairs? The Pineybob syndrome must be contagious and eradicate ASAP
diogenes said:
U ato agents are worth the same $25 an hour, good health plan, 401K and profit sharing that WN ato agents are.

Both are union, both have pretty near the same work rules, and both do the same job.

Unfortunately, U has a failed business model, and the market dictates that U cannot afford to pay the WN rates.


So let me get this right $25 an hour is something like 50k a year. + all of the rest? But wait U hasn't turned a proft in quite sometime. At 50k a year plus benefits makes something like 65k+ a year is this right?

So bottom like is that an Agent who looks at a computer and talks to customers should be paid almost 70k a year (with benefits).
700UW said:
Pilots get paid by wieght and size of the plane.

And I am glad to see you did not answer anything I posted to you.

Guess you did not see Comair shut down for three days.

And Mesa's reliablity is not the best in the industry.

You are killing me Mr/Ms. 700UW - I was just warming up to respond to you.

From one of your earlier posts you compared UAL and Value Jet...and seemed to hint that worth had something to do with crashes....at that time UAL pilots were making near the top and working something like 30 hours a month. I care about safety...but fortunately the FAA helps regulate this...that is why US Airways is under extra scrutiny under Bankruptcy.

Pilots get paid by weight and size of the plane? From my understanding most pilots who fly RJs...50 and 70 seaters make about the same. Heck if a 70 seater can fly further and the pilots have to fly less days per month why should they be paid more?

ps...from my original question how much are you worth?
deano said:
I have a fewquestions for you: Just who in the hell are you anyway worrying about what people earn and asking them to justify it? Who appointed you King Tutu? Who gave you the final authority to even ask let alone pry into another mans personal business? Since when did passengers earn the right to say a damn thing about airline employees personal affairs? The Pineybob syndrome must be contagious and eradicate ASAP

When the unions started blaming the customers.
DCFlyer said:
So let me get this right $25 an hour is something like 50k a year. + all of the rest? But wait U hasn't turned a proft in quite sometime. At 50k a year plus benefits makes something like 65k+ a year is this right?

So bottom like is that an Agent who looks at a computer and talks to customers should be paid almost 70k a year (with benefits).
So in your twisted reasoning since the company has not been profitable for several years employees should work for free, starting this weekend.

You are not going to get an answer, especially when you don’t answer questions asked of you.

Take a hike.
You are out of touch, no pilot only worked 30 hours a month being a block holder.

You have no idea.
DCFlyer said:
So let me get this right $25 an hour is something like 50k a year. + all of the rest? But wait U hasn't turned a proft in quite sometime. At 50k a year plus benefits makes something like 65k+ a year is this right?

So bottom like is that an Agent who looks at a computer and talks to customers should be paid almost 70k a year (with benefits).

Yes, just like they do at WN.

And, if you'll note, I made the distinction between what an agent is worth versus what they actually make.

U had a cost advantage, vis a vis WN, on agent pay before BK II.

Unfortunately, the business plan is sooooo bad, that advantage still does not translate to profitability. Hence, BK II.

Guess what? After BK II concessions, and U with a whopping advantage vis a vis WN, U will still not turn a profit.

Perhaps if everyone worked for free.

SAAAAAY, hasn't that been thought of? :shock:
deano said:
I have a fewquestions for you: Just who in the hell are you anyway worrying about what people earn and asking them to justify it? Who appointed you King Tutu? Who gave you the final authority to even ask let alone pry into another mans personal business? Since when did passengers earn the right to say a damn thing about airline employees personal affairs? The Pineybob syndrome must be contagious and eradicate ASAP

DeanO, DeanO, DeanO -

I am just a concerned passenger who wants to fly (and not drive). The folks around here are always complaining so I thought it would be great to get to the bottom line. Frequently I hear about how rough it is to be in the business you are in on this board. By no means am I the final authority, but as a tax payer I deserve to have some answers. There is no Pineybob syndrome here. All I asked is a simple question....it sure is difficult trying to find an answer.

The sad thing is I really care about US Airways employees and I want you to succeed and prosper.
deano said:

Customers are like kids, to be seen and not heard.


and former employees are like the mullet, thank god they are gone.
US1YFARE: Now a customer can Serenade the U employees, and I suggest something like this which is fine;

Brother bought a coconut, he bought it for a dime
His sister had another one, she paid it for the lime

She put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both together
She put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both up
She put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both together
Put the lime in the coconut, call the doctor, woke him up, say

Doctor! Ain't there nothin' I can take, I say
Doctor! To relieve this bellyache, I say
Doctor! Ain't there nothin' I can take, I say
Doctor! To relieve my bellyache

I put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both together
Put the lime in the coconut, I drink 'em both down
I put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both together
Put the lime in the coconut, call de Doctor, woke him up, say

Doctor! Ain't there nothin' I can take, I say
Doctor! To relieve my bellyache, I say
Doctor! Ain't there nothin' I can take, I say
Doctor! And he say, lemme get this straight

You put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both together
Put the lime in the coconut, you drink 'em both up
You put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both together
Put the lime in the coconut, call de Doctor, woke him up, say

Doctor! Ain't there nothin' I can take, you say
Doctor! To relieve your bellyache, you say
Doctor! Ain't there nothin' I can take, you say
Doctor! You such a silly woman

Put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both together
Put the lime in the coconut, then you feel better
Put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both down
Put the lime in the coconut, an' call me in the mo-o-o-ornin'

Woo, woo, ain't there nothin' I can take, I say
Woo, woo, to relieve my bellyache, I say
Doctor! Doctor! Ain't there nothin' I can take, I say
Yah, yah, to relieve my bellyache
I was worth more than the 16$ an hour with no raise for 3 years that PSA gave me, but it beat unemployment for 3 months till I found another real job that I liked. 🙂

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