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What AMTs expect in 2015 contract

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700UW said:
They have put out updates Rush.
Guess they dont show them on Fox News.
They are putting together a new CBA, when its done you will see it.
They are not letting the cat out of the bag as they dont want to let the company know what will be in it, until they exchange proposals.
Rush? How did you determine my political leanings simply because I ask for information..Oh I see, you have to be a liberal to support a useless union. If not, you must be conservative.
700UW said:
They have put out updates Rush.
Guess they dont show them on Fox News.
They are putting together a new CBA, when its done you will see it.
They are not letting the cat out of the bag as they dont want to let the company know what will be in it, until they exchange proposals.
Dont want to let the cat out? Thats a joke right? This isnt section 6 contract talks and even if it were the corporation isnt going to give up something just because they were blind sided by a proposal. These washed up hand me down unions are not going to surprise this corporation with anything. Its the indentured membership that will get the stiff surprise!
Let the cat out of the bag? You mean don't let the members get a wiff of what the company is going to dictate to the association. Then the association will sugar coat it and say vote yes to save job's or the line guys are your enemies or maybe they'll come up with a new one and say it's the AA guys that screwed you.
Don't take this the wrong way guys, but do we really need another thread on what the AMT's want, expect, lost etc...really?
why are on the mechanics thread any way I don't go on your fleet service page it dose not pertain to you
conehead777 said:
why are on the mechanics thread any way I don't go on your fleet service page it dose not pertain to you
Well, even though that comment was a month ago I will answer. Because 99% of the post here are in one way or another are AMT related so thought you could just jump into one of those.
By the way, go ahead and visit fleet. You're welcome to comment as well. But you may have to search real hard, it's hidden among the other threads. Being a newbie with only four posts, I will cut you some slack and apologize for my rude welcoming comment.
There are several mechanics who regularly post and highjack the fleet thread.
700UW said:
There are several mechanics who regularly post and highjack the fleet thread.
I don't im sick of you hijacking maintance treads and slamming afma the only reason we did not get afma was Tulsa . I know the reason that afma scares you non amts is because you know that with out us the company will lower your wages ridding our coat tails will stop and you know that with the mechanics with the association that the company will offer so much to the association and sense fleet service is has the most due paying members the association is going to make fleet service happier . Without us the company will offer less to the association . So enjoy it now because one day it will change the mechanics will have a union that works for the mechanics and only us. So you can blow the Iam and penision out you nowhere your a broken record 700
MetalMover said:
Who the **** do you think you are? I don't have a right to get information and answers from the union I pay dues to? You are obviously an IAM lackey happy to pick up the crumbs after the leadership has their fine meal. You could care less what is force fed you without your consent as long as you get to suck union leadership butt.
Why don't YOU grow up and grow some balls and not do "whatever your union tells you to do."
This isn't North Korea.
You talk about professionalism? A staunch supporter of the IAM?     What a joke you are.
700 is just a Socialist, he does not understand you need to keep the earnings you work for. He would rather distribute your earnings as a mechanic to his AFL-CIO brethren. That is why he is trying to protect his beloved IAMPF , which is a socialist scheme to transfer your wealth to the union for redistribution.
MetalMover said:
Rush? How did you determine my political leanings simply because I ask for information..Oh I see, you have to be a liberal to support a useless union. If not, you must be conservative.
He determined your political leanings because he assumed because you and I do not like the Association of Socialism when it is I who am the Conservative. 
700UW said:
Your the joke you can't and haven't been able to vote AMFA in, keep trying.
They are writing a whole new CBA to send to the company,the members will see it when it's done.
Your worse then a child
I agree probably a big job, my issue is they met one week this month and there gonna meet one week next month. I very upset there is no sense of urgency. They should be locked in a room every day till this is complete. The dragging of the feet is where I have a huge problem
I think the big issue is will the two unions within this Association end up with parity.
iluvaa said:
I agree probably a big job, my issue is they met one week this month and there gonna meet one week next month. I very upset there is no sense of urgency. They should be locked in a room every day till this is complete. The dragging of the feet is where I have a huge problem
Agree. It is asinine for something this huge not to have the ASS locked in a room until time to meet with the company.
Unless the ASS has something up their sleeves (retro, please no giggling) then they are costing us money each day they waste.
iluvaa said:
I agree probably a big job, my issue is they met one week this month and there gonna meet one week next month. I very upset there is no sense of urgency. They should be locked in a room every day till this is complete. The dragging of the feet is where I have a huge problem
Hey they have to spend time with their families. You can't expect them to take negotiations serious, do you? I'm sure proposals are already drafted up. They just need to clean them up a bit to make them look like they actually are working for the membership and not the international or company.
700UW said:
There are several mechanics who regularly post and highjack the fleet thread.
Straving for recognition, the former stores/utility guy hijacks either AMT or FSC threads, in an attempt to further his agenda.
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