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What AMTs expect in 2015 contract

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700UW said:
No one said anything different, maybe if the TWU didnt refuse to meet with the IAM, they would be negotiating with the company.
You do want the Association going into negotiations prepared right?
And once again, how many negotiating committees have you been on and now many contracts have you negotiated?
Posters claimed no information and even went to the SAME web page where I found the information right there, how come an outsider like me knows where to find it, read it almost a month ago, and you top notch breakroom lawyers, accountants and negotiators couldnt see it when it is there clear as day?
All i have been asking for is UPDATES regarding the talks., I want SPECIFICS as to what is being discussed. Stop making excuses for their lack of transparency. 
MetalMover said:
All i have been asking for is UPDATES regarding the talks., I want SPECIFICS as to what is being discussed. Stop making excuses for their lack of transparency. 
There are are no talks, they're STILL reconciling.
Peterson talking out both sides of his mouth.
MetalMover said:
We have no choice but to give the association a chance as we were denied a vote in they're BECOMING an association.
So, what do you say they start by giving us an UPDATE on what is going on between the TWU and thew IAM for starters?
Couldn't agree more, updates would be great. I would like to know what the unions proposal for seniority and CC seniority
700UW said:
They are in DFW this week still combining CBAs, do you not read the updates?
They aren't negotiating yet with AA.
Should be a short meeting since we have nothing in contract.
So your CBA and the IAM CBA have nothing in their contracts?
The level of ignorance is enormous.
700UW said:
The information will be released when they are done.
Thanks Nancy ( Pelosi )
The JCBA has to be ratified before you know what's in it....
You all need to really grow up, you want to be treated as a professional, yet you don't act like one.
700UW said:
You all need to really grow up, you want to be treated as a professional, yet you don't act like one.
Who the **** do you think you are? I don't have a right to get information and answers from the union I pay dues to? You are obviously an IAM lackey happy to pick up the crumbs after the leadership has their fine meal. You could care less what is force fed you without your consent as long as you get to suck union leadership butt.
Why don't YOU grow up and grow some balls and not do "whatever your union tells you to do."
This isn't North Korea.
You talk about professionalism? A staunch supporter of the IAM?     What a joke you are.
Your the joke you can't and haven't been able to vote AMFA in, keep trying.

They are writing a whole new CBA to send to the company,the members will see it when it's done.

Your worse then a child
700UW said:
Your the joke you can't and haven't been able to vote AMFA in, keep trying.

They are writing a whole new CBA to send to the company,the members will see it when it's done.

Your worse then a child
Well the TWU and IAM have been treating us like children with NO VOTE on the association..So i guess I might as well act like a child.
Keep this in mind, Nancy Peloisi...If it is UNACCEPTABLE, the TWU membership will vote POS agreement down........We have the numbers, you don't.
The NMB made the decision, not the Association.

Keep signing those Yellow Cards, maybe your grandchildren can vote in AMFA.
You cant even change your representative, good luck on anything else.
700UW said:
The NMB made the decision, not the Association.
Keep signing those Yellow Cards, maybe your grandchildren can vote in AMFA.
You cant even change your representative, good luck on anything else.
Nancy, the unions still could have allowed a vote. But then again, it would have been voted down. This is not about AMFA, Nancy.....This is about having a say in an ASSociation that we do not want. 
So stop diverting attention with your AMFA remarks. All I have been asking for is INFORMATION from the the two unions and you play games by throwing AMFA into it.
They have put out updates Rush.
Guess they dont show them on Fox News.
They are putting together a new CBA, when its done you will see it.
They are not letting the cat out of the bag as they dont want to let the company know what will be in it, until they exchange proposals.
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