WestJet's AMFA/Engineers reach a T/A with the company

April 30 AMFA calls for a Strike vote. AMFA threatened the Airline FIRST.

Mic 🎤 drop again…….

Coming back to a thought.

It’s sad how people want to paint this picture in a perfect light for AMFA but if it was any other Union like say IAM, IBT or TWU the rocks would be thrown or at least there may be a small measure of credibility to the real picture here.

Personally I can’t stand AMFA, (SSM&P) but the truth is this is a tough negotiation for a group to try and gain their first contract. The Strike vote may have been a little early in the process but it was done. Westjet threatening a lockout was nasty but it was their response to the Strike vote.

AMFA then did the right thing sending a TA to those workers. They didn’t seem to sell it in either direction which (Gasp) was also the right thing to do. The members then at least supposedly overwhelmingly voted no. Ok they declared their intentions.

Management running to the CIRB depending on Canadian Laws was/is a given. It’s obvious they would do that. The reason being they don’t want them to Strike and don’t want to lock them out. At least I don’t think either side wants to do either? Why would they?

I think (ultimately) this CIRB will do exactly what the Company wants them to do. If management doesn’t sweeten the deal they will get a deal shoved down their throats.

Best part of that is AMFA doesn’t have to look like the bad guy or a bunch of idiots. They’ll have a Government imposed deal and can gripe to their new members how they were screwed by the Corporatocracy.

I’d be incredibly surprised if they come out of this with much of a better deal than they just rejected? 🙅‍♂️
It’s sad how people want to paint this picture in a perfect light for AMFA but if it was any other Union like say IAM, IBT or TWU the rocks would be thrown or at least there may be a small measure of credibility to the real picture here.

LMFAO! Whats sad is that a troll like you, who essentially lives on this board, denigrating damn near everything posted about AMFA, has the unmitigated audacity to try and cast aspersions on others about how they might address other unions in this situation, when you've already changed your story twice on this thread alone.

April 30 AMFA calls for a Strike vote. AMFA threatened the Airline FIRST.

Mic 🎤 drop again…….

LMFAO Part: II - And exactly how is AMFA taking a strike authorization vote a "mic drop"?

Still doesn't change the fact that Westjet threatened a Lock out, and then ran to the CIRB ... they BLINKED first.
LMFAO! Whats sad is that a troll like you, who essentially lives on this board, denigrating damn near everything posted about AMFA, has the unmitigated audacity to try and cast aspersions on others about how they might address other unions in this situation, when you've already changed your story twice on this thread alone.

LMFAO Part: II - And exactly how is AMFA taking a strike authorization vote a "mic drop"?

Still doesn't change the fact that Westjet threatened a Lock out, and then ran to the CIRB ... they BLINKED first.

AMFA just sucks and you know it. I mean even trying to say something nice about them (SSM&P and Brett) is like choking on my own bile. They blow big Donkey balls. They do, they just really do.

I love the IBT. Don’t you also you lucky 🍀 guy you. You even soon get to be in Teamcare. Wow.
AMFA just sucks and you know it. I mean even trying to say something nice about them (SSM&P and Brett) is like choking on my own bile. They blow big Donkey balls. They do, they just really do.

I love the IBT. Don’t you also you lucky 🍀 guy you. You even soon get to be in Teamcare. Wow.

Thanks for so aptly illustrating my point
It's easy for someone in TWU, who hasn't been close to a strike of their own during his career, to be confused about the gravity of a strike.

Striking should be an action of last resort. I don't think Lockouts should happen but they're the only recourse to a strike.

Westjet blinked. Everyone knows it except Weasy. His hatred of AMFA is obvious and he and other haters NEED to believe they blinked as opposed to acting like a real union should.

I'm not labor's biggest fan, but AMFA has handled this and played their cards well Or perhaps more appropriately, their version of MEC at Westjet has.
It's easy for someone in TWU, who hasn't been close to a strike of their own during his career, to be confused about the gravity of a strike.

Striking should be an action of last resort. I don't think Lockouts should happen but they're the only recourse to a strike.

Westjet blinked. Everyone knows it except Weasy. His hatred of AMFA is obvious and he and other haters NEED to believe they blinked as opposed to acting like a real union should.

I'm not labor's biggest fan, but AMFA has handled this and played their cards well Or perhaps more appropriately, their version of MEC at Westjet has.

So when did AMFA put you on the payroll E. I know the other two are total salesman and I can understand you being a freelancer since you said the TWU tried to get you fired.

As for me you all need to be some kind of serious stoopid on this issue if you think I’m ever going to be a fan of AMFA. They’ve constantly my entire career tried to raid and weaken my Union so SSM&P, Brett the Ostrich and all the cronies can go to Hell.

But you’re all so bent on painting me that you completely missed (IGNORED) where I said AMFA did the right thing TWICE in the above post (Letting them vote and not selling it either way)

AMFA, Lee, Lucas, the Firm, the Welder, the Star spangled AMT (MacTeirnan) and all the surrogates and latchkeys can drop dead ☠️

But I do absolutely wish those WestJet AMT’s fighting for their first contract all the best.
But you’re all so bent on painting me that you completely missed (IGNORED) where I said AMFA did the right thing TWICE in the above post (Letting them vote and not selling it either way)

Thanks for showing us all (yet again) what a pathetic disingenuous sot you are - You aren't being missed/ignored, or painted unjustly. Your own words betray your complete lack of credibility.

When AMFA first brought the TA back this is what you said ...

AMFA p*ssied out.

Now that you've changed your story, you want to play the victim? Sell it to someone who's buying
After WestJet’s maintenance technicians u-turned on their decision to negotiate with the airline, handing in their second strike notice, the airline group, composed of WestJet and WestJet Encore, locked out their maintenance engineers. This was the second strike notice in a few weeks' time, with the union pointing out that its strike authorization vote was valid until July 9, 2024.


WestJet receives second strike notice from AMFA within hours of returning to the bargaining table targeting busiest travel weekend of summer​

Last updated June 25, 2024.

Union continues to reject Canadian industry-leading agreement, which would make WestJet AMEs best paid in country

WestJet on Tuesday received a second strike notification, in the span of just over a week, from the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA), the union that represents WestJet Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs) and other Technical Operations employees under the bargaining unit. The work stoppage, initiated by AMFA, could occur as early as Friday, June 28 at 5:30 p.m. MT in advance of the long weekend, where more than 70,000 guests per day are booked for travel.
AMFA delivered strike notice less than one day into the parties’ mutual agreement to return to the bargaining table across four days. WestJet presented a revised industry leading offer, which would see WestJet AME’s receive a 22 per cent increase over four years, making them by far the best paid AMEs in Canada. The union’s ask far exceeds this mark by a long shot and remains unreasonable.
“Receiving a second strike notification from the union after they mutually agreed with WestJet in front of the CIRB to return to the bargaining table in good faith for an additional four days following last week’s initial disruption, is disheartening and unacceptable for our guests, employees and the communities and businesses that rely on our service,” said Diederik Pen, President of WestJet Airlines and Chief Operating Officer. “We sincerely regret the stress and uncertainty AMFA’s tactics are causing Canadians, deliberately targeting especially the busy July long-weekend; however, we must hold strong on a reasonable outcome that protects affordable air travel for Canadians, for years to come.”
WestJet is committed to the collective bargaining process and remains at the table to reach an agreement on reasonable terms. The Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) ruling on first contract arbitration, under section 80 of the Canada Labour Code, is still pending.
“WestJet presented the union with its latest Canadian industry-leading offer. It was swiftly dismissed, and a strike notification issued, leaving us with no choice but to follow with a lockout notice to manage travel disruption to hundreds of thousands of guests. It is our obligation in the coming days to ensure the safety and orderly takedown of our network and to minimize the risk of stranding our guests, our crew and our aircraft,” concluded Pen.
The union issuing notice does not mean travel disruption will occur. However, in the coming days, the WestJet Group will take all necessary actions to manage the impacts as much as possible, including:
  • Beginning preparations to operate a reduced schedule.
  • Proactively managing changes and cancellations, to ensure the ability to communicate with guests in advance of changes.
  • Providing flexible change and cancel options for those who wish to make alternate arrangements.

Should flight delays or cancellations occur, impacted guests will be refunded or reaccommodated, as applicable.
For guests who booked directly with WestJet, changes to existing travel will be directly communicated via the email address provided at the time of booking. Guests who booked through a travel agent or online booking agency, are asked to contact them directly.
LMFAO! 😄 You have to be some kind of desperate to try and float that crap - damn you're pathetic

Well thank you for the continuing insults. What I’ve come to expect from years of swiping down you AMFA cronies.

Teamcare will support you well soon enough.

BTW have you heard of any schmucks voting down any good contract extensions lately?

Well thank you for the continuing insults. What I’ve come to expect from years of swiping down you AMFA cronies.

You're absolutely welcome - I enjoy taking down fake unionists like yourself. That too coming from years of experience.

Like most of your failed predecessors, you start with the insults then whine when its returned in kind.