We're Waitng To Hear What Mgt's Is Giving Up?

Aug 23, 2002
Surely, management must think we are stupid to keep giving and giving.. and for us not look to see what "their share" is gonna be to help this company?

Hey, we are not the only ones trying to make a living here.....

If we don't fly...they are out of a job, too!!!!!

I haven't seen one story in the newspaper or on tv about what their share of the giveback to the company is???... How come?.. Have I missed those storys?

" Hello????.....Hello????....Mr Lakefield are you out there ????????
Reservation Agent said:
Surely, management must think we are stupid to keep giving and giving.. and for us not look to see what "their share" is gonna be to help this company?

Hey, we are not the only ones trying to make a living here.....

If we don't fly...they are out of a job, too!!!!!

I haven't seen one story in the newspaper or on tv about what their share of the giveback to the company is???... How come?.. Have I missed those storys?

" Hello????.....Hello????....Mr Lakefield are you out there ????????
Res agent,

Did ya notice how long Davey boy was unemployeed?? They are not sweating our demise, they will loose nothing. That is the rub, only we have to sweat this job. Only we have to explain to our children why we gave up a job for a job with less money doing the same thing, oh by the way we have to move... If you say you already know of a job nearby that pays more, then take it or your mental appitude is in question!!!

They haven't discussed giving anything. What Lakefield DID announce is that quarterly retention bonuses will be given to mangement so they don't bail out. Lower management will get their 4% as planed in July, and senior management no cuts or bonsuses announced..but status quo.

ALL Bull%$#& to me.

Hey USA320, oh, I mean Bigbusdrvr,

No one gives a damn where Dave goes, went, gone....we only care about the employees of U on this property.
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No union member should give up 1 nickel if management gets ANY raise or bonus!!!!!!!! ...That should be part & parcel to ANY negotiations....

Bonuses For what???? ...The company is losing money.... and by giving bonuses it will just lose more...

If the company has the money to give bonuses, then saying the company it is loseing money is a sham...It is a paperwork loss...

The unions leaders should say.."no more givebacks if your giving management bonuses that are not justified...Bonuses are supposed to be earned...

and managers should be required to take a cut to atleast what any other employee is taking.... or forget it...Or

See ya in bankruptcy court...

If not ...I will like to see them justify that with a bankruptcy judge...that the company is being run at a loss...Everybody else has been trying their best to help the company.....employees have sacraficed..the taxpayers have sacraficed ....and they want to reward people who run a losing company with bonuses????... when will it end?

If they are so afraid that the group of people in charge would jump ship, do they really consider those people "really"... loyal to the company?

Or that they are so ir-replacable?

Articles in major newspapers & magazines now say the passenger traffic is back...Back to where it was before 9-11.....

The difference is not calling essential operating areas a waste of money...When you are operating a "service industry"...and looking to where the waste truly, is... Do we really need a.... Vice-President of seat cushions?

I would vote NO on anything more...

Southwest costs are higher than USAIRWAYS..
The difference is the way the companys are run...The prioritys are different....
Southwest knows how to keep employees happy and make a profit...Sometimes things go hand in hand... :shock:
Articles in major newspapers & magazines now say the passenger traffic is back...Back to where it was before 9-11.....

Traffic may be back but the revenue from those pax sure isn't back to those levels. Just because the pax has returned to the planes doesn't mean the revenue they use to supply has returned with them.

Southwest costs are higher than USAIRWAYS..
The difference is the way the companys are run...The prioritys are different....

Their costs may be higher but their revenue is even higher than their costs which equates to a PROFIT! Isn't it ironic the only airlines showing even the slightest hope for a profit are LCC's?
yep that about sums it up! the LCC's know how to run a buissness, and the majors can't figure out which hand wipe with!
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Stll looking for the announcement on Mgt's givebacks?....

Did I miss the contribution they're gonna make or is it another bonus for them...mabey a percentage of the giveback by the pilots?....

Can't be a bonus on the "profit" of a non-profitable airline...
Did I miss the contribution they're gonna make or is it another bonus for them...mabey a percentage of the giveback by the pilots?....

Spindoc replies:
Heck, management should get a raise after putting up
with the whining of the union shills on these boards.
But that wouldn't be fair (union terminology) so I don't
expect it to happen.

Management has been told that a comparison of salaries
across the low cost carrier industry will be done and
adjustments will be made based on the average salaries
for similar positions at B6, WN, FL, HP, F9, and AS.

If the union employees can't deal with the results, they
might want to consider decertifying and going back to
being at will employees so their salaries, benefits, and
work rules can also be matched to the average of the low
cost carriers. Or, they can quit and take their chances in
the free market.
WN highest % of unionized employees and pay.

Funny how US use to compare us to WN, now it is all B6, F9 and HP.

Funny they can't even make up their minds on who to compare us to on a consistant basis.
I heard they considered giving up the designer toilet paper they use in the executive washrooms, but decided against it since without this perk they might lose some of the outstanding talent that has gotten us this far already.
bigbusdrvr said:
Only we have to explain to our children why we gave up a job for a job with less money doing the same thing, oh by the way we have to move...
So your gonna find another job doing the same thing? Yea right! :blink: I'm sure if some pilots go on strike at another carrier thats where you'll find your job, right thru the picket line scab boy. ;)
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You would think any reporter worth his Journalism Degree, would ask the question of USAIRWAYS Management ? If managers are going to give up any of "their pay or benefits"?
It seems like management doesnt know what it wants this company to become. They seem to only want to be the "Me Too" airline. Cheap Fares? Me too. First Class? Me too. International? Me Too. All of the LCC have found their "niche" in the market and stick to it. They dont try to be all things to all people. They keep in simple and when a customer buys a cheap ticket, they know what their gonna get. A cheap flight with no frill and no first class. Period. Thats what most travelors want now...cheap seats. The more you try to give them, the more they want for free. This industry has turned into cheap mass transit. The customers have voted with their wallets. Give them what they want with no frills and cheap fares and dont whine and cry that our employees are the cause of all our problems. Southwest agents make more money than we do and they obviously are not the problem there. So wake up Lakefield and forget the free upgrades, the free seats we give to other airline partners, and the Crystal Palace in LCC. Get back to basics and give the public what it wants at a cheap price. Dont try to put lipstick and a new dress on an old pig. It just wont fly.
Reservations Agent didn't say we could beat the pay as it is now----but when we transferred to INT my wife had to find new work--and its starting pay is higher than what U wants to force down our throats.....and Citi's not in any danger of failing again, unlike U, and they're still hiring.....As to the UM boneses, didn't go through for AA while in BK-the Unions and the BK Judge all said H... NO!! Once UM takes a major hit, we will al probably fall in line...till then no, H no, and F no. eck, even Schofield took the payhit before shoving it down non-union's throats......guess our present leaders aren't even of that calibur, so why any retention bonuses?????????????????????? :angry:

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