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Well..just Gonna Thro It Out

L1011Ret said:
It certainly was necessary to have sacrifices to keep AA out of bankruptcy. However, how those sacrifices impacted different parts of the workforce and the process by which those sacrifices were arrived at deserve serious scrutiny.

News Flash...JW came back from the pep rally in DCA and refused to accept the resignation of his secretary despite the fact her job opening had already been posted. She will return 5/17. Perhaps someone should start a Tabloid in Useless, TX.
Update on "As The APFA Burns" :
3 BOD members insist that the resignation stand,
a temp. be hired until the vacancy can be filled. Ward refuses. APFA staff covered by the UAW and contract issues being reviewed....stand by for commercial break :jerry:
L1011Ret said:
News Flash...JW came back from the pep rally in DCA and refused to accept the resignation of his secretary despite the fact her job opening had already been posted. She will return 5/17. Perhaps someone should start a Tabloid in Useless, TX.
Refused to accept her resignation? She is coming back 5/17? Has APFA reinstituted indentured servitude? I thought when someone "resigned", they got to leave. Or is this one of those union gotchas? "I'm not going to do the job I was hired to do anymore, but you have to give me another job at the same company."

This is a new one on me! :huh:
jimntx said:
Refused to accept her resignation? She is coming back 5/17? Has APFA reinstituted indentured servitude? I thought when someone "resigned", they got to leave. Or is this one of those union gotchas? "I'm not going to do the job I was hired to do anymore, but you have to give me another job at the same company."

This is a new one on me! :huh:
Jim, "as my above post" that is where it stands, now. I would ask that everyone read "Confessions of a Union Buster" by Martin Levitt. It is the most "eye-opening"
look into corporate/union politics. When I read it, so many things became very clear.........and it wasn't pretty for the American Worker, yet re-enforced my resolve that (no matter what "faction" we are with) the most important thing is
to stick together---if we hadn't in the past---we would be speaking with a British accent!!!!!!! lol
I would just like to know why Mr. Ellis was harrasing her in the first place. For someone with an independant voice, he sure has signed up for the APFA inner circle club real fast!
s80dude said:
I would just like to know why Mr. Ellis was harrasing her in the first place. For someone with an independant voice, he sure has signed up for the APFA inner circle club real fast!
That's just it, S80--if anyone knows what color your underwear are, it's your secretary--lol. I would say that Steve's shannigans say that he is "outside" the circle, and being prodded by others--the "front'" Man.
These last posts make no sense at all. You are assuming that everyone is dealing from the same information base.

First off, I questioned the statement that someone posted that JW "had refused to accept his secretary's resignation." Aside from the sentiment involved, what possible good would it do to refuse someone's resignation if they don't want to work there anymore. They could just leave, period, full stop, end of discussion.

So, if he/she meant their resignation, why are they "returning on 5/17?" It's not like JW could get a court order requiring her/him to return to work. The whole post just didn't make sense.

And, what "harassment by Mr. Ellis?" Do you mean Steve Ellis? What involvement would he have with the resignation of JW's secretary? And who is the "front man?" The implication was that Mr. Ellis was harassing the secretary at the insistence of the "front man." Who? Why? If the front man is JW, why would he have Mr. Ellis harass the secretary to the point of resignation and then refuse the resignation?

Will someone please answer my questions without wandering off into philosophical discussions of the history of unionism and busters thereof?

P.S. Woztwa, bad analogy. At the time of the American Revolution, only about 1/3 of the colonists actually supported separation from Great Britain. The trick was that for the most part that was the third with the local political power and the guns.
jimntx said:
These last posts make no sense at all. You are assuming that everyone is dealing from the same information base.

You must have missed the following posts on the "private" message board:

Jodi C., Wards assistant resigns.

She alleges it was some kind of conspiracy amongst several people
includung Steven Ellis.
She resigned yesterday,in a tearful good-bye; effective today .



I also received wind of this information.

Apparently Steve Ellis was COUNTING ON
John Ward remaining ON THE PROPERTY so
he could have a Quorum present to
overthrow him.

From what I'VE heard Mr. Ellis asked
Jodi (John's secretary) where John was.
She wasn't sure...but gave Mr. Ellis
what she believed to be an honest answer.

Later, when Mr. Ellis and the rest of
the Kangaroo Court convened the E.C.
Meeting and found out that Mr. Ward
had left the building to catch a flight
up to Washington for our Lobby Day....

He accused Jodi of lying to him....
and went to Jodi's supervisors and
had a little "pow wow" meeting accusing
her of lying to an APFA official.

First of all...only the National Officers
should be taking this kind of action...
NOT A MERE AD HOC of the Executive Committee.

This amounts to nothing more than a
blatant attempt at intimidation and
harrassment of APFA staff members who
work VERY hard for all of us.

It goes to show that the Gibbvidians
will try to intimidate, fire, or otherwise
harrass anyone who isn't in their back pocket.

This goes BEYOND PATHETIC in my book.

Mr. Ellis is a slippery snake...
and the membership should watch this
so called "Independent Voice" carefully.
He's ALREADY receiving full time trip removal
to the tune of 100 hours plus each month.


It has been reported by some of the APFA BOD members that John Ward is maintaining that his assistant agreed to stay and will return to work on Monday.
TWAnr's post accurately reflects my knowledge. She did resign and JW refused to accept her resignation. She made tearful but confusing remarks about a conspiricy with S. Ellis involved. Those seem to be the facts. As to who said what to whom, and motivations of the parties involved, it appears to be all conjecture as no one is saying "I heard him say this or her say that." Simply, eye witness reports are lacking. I am waiting for JN to say it was P. Gibbs or the TWAers fault.
It occurs to me this thread should take on a soap opera name. How about, "AS APFA BURNS."
Flyboy4u said:
You are correct L1011 and as Miaami so eloqently put it


You mean necessary because you kept your job Right?.....I never wanted to see anyone lose their jobs and was for doing whatever it took to keep those in a job..Unfortunately, No scenarios were ever looked at because JW and company decide what was best for themselves.......All I have to say is watch out....We are All coming back soon!!
I know what how awful furlough can be...I've been there. Yes I was lucky enough to keep my job. When you get recalled won't it be much better coming back to a wage that will help you get back on your feet quicker? We have yet to read any info on how furloughs were not necessary. I'm open to ideas but no one has put anything in writing other than that apfa wouldnt listen. Well I'm listening...show me the numbers. Flyboy, after rereading my previous post to you I did see how I seemed a little hostile to you... sorry about that! Believe me I hope everyone gets called back sooner than later. Hang in there.
TWAnr said:

You must have missed the following posts on the "private" message board:

It has been reported by some of the APFA BOD members that John Ward is maintaining that his assistant agreed to stay and will return to work on Monday.
Thanks. If by the "private message" board, you mean the 4M, you should know that I was invited to join, I joined, and a week later cancelled my membership. I told the moderator that if the only purpose of the board was to bash former TWA flight attendants, I wasn't interested in belonging.
jimntx said:
Thanks. If by the "private message" board, you mean the 4M, you should know that I was invited to join, I joined, and a week later cancelled my membership. I told the moderator that if the only purpose of the board was to bash former TWA flight attendants, I wasn't interested in belonging.

Your lack of selfishness knows no bounds. You are a man of integrity.

Being that my wife is one of the red headed stepchildren, I get copies of selected 4M posts from a sympathetic nAAtive.

Thanks for being you.

Thank You for the apology....Unfortunately what you said in your previous posts seems to be the normal attitude for many of those left on the line. Furlough is unbelievebly awful especially in times like these..If you will look back in past posts on this message board there have been numerous posts about what "could have been done" to save money, pay, and yes JOBS.....What's hard to understand is NONE of this information was looked at, and in fact, it was completely ignored. Also, to throw salt in the wound, these same people took any compensation that we would be given following the furlough away from us without any justification to the membership or furloughees.. Does that sound like a union? Hopefully, the courts will sort all of this out with the breach of contract suits filed against the APFA. Not only are we asking for our money back from the APFA since our date of hire , we are also asking for damages, as well as, pain and suffering to date. This ought to be an interesting outcome....Stay Tuned!

What Unity?