I don't know what you people are seeing or using but I'm seeing something completely different from my captain's seat on the 737. At least on that plane we aren't doing anything the old west HP way. Nothing. It is all east procedures now. I fly relatively short legs and am routinely weight restricted for no apparent reason.
On one short flight out of Burbank to Phoenix we almost couldn't leave without offloading 10,000 pounds of fuel, bags and pax. When I called dispatch in Philly and asked if I could depart with flaps 15 - which used to be normal west procedure out of Burbank - I was told that all of the old west performance data had been deleted from the performance profiles and flaps 15 was no longer a valid procedure under the now east dispatch/performance parameters.
We finally did make it out of there with all the pax and bags but it took 45 minutes of wrangling with the old east performance data computer to do it. In the past with HP procedures that whole performance process was done on board the aircraft and took about 3 minutes to do. We had the charts on board to plan a flaps 1, 5, 10 or 15 setting, bleeds on or off, full power or reduced. Now we can't do any of that anymore and we routinely get final paperwork with the wrong runway so it all has to be redone again while we sit at the end of the runway waiting for the computer to spit out from Philly.
Nice system we inherited! At least its cheap and insures everyone both east and west has a bad day!