I would think that a fuel stop uses more fuel than the fuel needed to carry the extra weight of a few pounds more fuel needed to make the non stop.
Within the last 3 weeks we had a weight restriction on a dca-lga shuttle flight. We took vols and gave db's. The shuttle carries few bags and 12-16,000 lbs of fuel. Again this has only been happening since HP load/mtc systems were put in place. Although making money is nice , what good things has HP management given us? The worst res system in modern aviation , a useless maintenance computer system , now weight issues that we have never had before. USAirways where (thanks to Tempe) Incompetence reigns supreme!
And how about the multiple COUNTS required on taxi-out, with breakdowns by rows and actual number of children under 12, under 8, lap kids, kids with stuffed animals, and kids with FULL diapersHow many times have we been told to seat everyone behind row 13? Come on, we all know the reason. Scary thing , if a flight is landing in a congested airport and has to circle for a while it could cause lives. I have witnessed 6-8 hour delays on the west non-stops to Phl because of wheels up time and bad weather in the east? Nah, its airport congestion and they want to glide in on fuel rather that diverting to gas up. This company will not stop at anything to penny pinch. I just pray lives aren't at stake here !
When your done with Dougies, why don't you pucker up and give mine a smooch too!Another example of a fine on point post, by a great hardwarking US Airways employee who is held back only by the stooges in Tempe!
I would think that a fuel stop uses more fuel than the fuel needed to carry the extra weight of a few pounds more fuel needed to make the non stop.