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Weight restrictions on airbuses

So how much are we now paying for landing fees and refueling? This is just nuts not to mention when people book a non-stop they expect JUST THAT. When will be BOD wake up? No one knows.
The brainiacs in Tempe have also pushed Republic to add seats to their ac. The 170'a added 4 seats. Now a plane full at 72 with bags that barely made it to DFW or MSY before , now takes restrcitions for both bags and pax and we give out DBC's everyday, The weight restrictions on the 175's is nearly as bad. An 86 seat ac that can only carry 70 pax to DFW/MSY and we book it to 90 and give out 20 DBC's. More brilliance from the desert. Maybe Dougie and Scotty can come out here and explain to our passsengers why we can't get them to their destination for days because of their choices.
How many times have we been told to seat everyone behind row 13? Come on, we all know the reason. Scary thing , if a flight is landing in a congested airport and has to circle for a while it could cause lives. I have witnessed 6-8 hour delays on the west non-stops to Phl because of wheels up time and bad weather in the east? Nah, its airport congestion and they want to glide in on fuel rather that diverting to gas up. This company will not stop at anything to penny pinch. I just pray lives aren't at stake here !
I would think that a fuel stop uses more fuel than the fuel needed to carry the extra weight of a few pounds more fuel needed to make the non stop.

You would think! Also isn't there a landing fee associated with that as well. HUMMM :shock:
If stupidity was a drug the higher ups in Tempe would have od'd by now. :lol:
You have to know that they would NEVER accept the blame for their own stupid decisions when they can blame it on someone else like the passenger or the employee. You know the passengers will not pay a little more for more comfort and true first class service.(at least according to Tempe) , so let's jam them on a plane for 5 hours . Lets put seats that don't fit and are not designed for an A330 and jam them on for 8 plus hours to Europe, lets screw up the video system on the ac and do everything Airbus told us not to do , because we know better (NOT). We are the mighty Tempe Nincompoops.
Within the last 3 weeks we had a weight restriction on a dca-lga shuttle flight. We took vols and gave db's. The shuttle carries few bags and 12-16,000 lbs of fuel. Again this has only been happening since HP load/mtc systems were put in place. Although making money is nice , what good things has HP management given us? The worst res system in modern aviation , a useless maintenance computer system , now weight issues that we have never had before. USAirways where (thanks to Tempe) Incompetence reigns supreme!
:lol: Oh, I couldn't let THIS Topic unfold without MY Two Cents........even at the expense of ruffling the feathers of UPANDAWAY (why don't they B-l-o-w away) and a few others. Along with the p*ss poor Res System, we got a "New" look Swoosh and a Flag and blah interiors, an airline version of NIKE "Trackware" uniforms, a very disgusted business traveller, butchered AB aircraft with no closets, minimum galleys and tight legroom. Throw in a CEO that has quite a colourful rap sheet, a Trainwreck called Shambles leading the Stewardesses and most proudly, a freakn CALZONE that is available in 25 flavours! And they want Me to wear a silly arsce pin proclaiming "I Make US FLY"............NO WAY Bozos, I am one of few that CONTINUE to apologize for your poor business ethics, disregard for its employees and customers and try to rationalize your poor decisions every chance I deal with the clusterf* YOU Create. I WILL N-E-V-E-R drink the koolaid Tempe is serving but I will certainly EXPOSE Them for the lousy, rotten Corporate Clowns that they are. So at this melancholy time of year........Happy New Year to ALL and hopefully good riddance to the Clowns! :lol:
How many times have we been told to seat everyone behind row 13? Come on, we all know the reason. Scary thing , if a flight is landing in a congested airport and has to circle for a while it could cause lives. I have witnessed 6-8 hour delays on the west non-stops to Phl because of wheels up time and bad weather in the east? Nah, its airport congestion and they want to glide in on fuel rather that diverting to gas up. This company will not stop at anything to penny pinch. I just pray lives aren't at stake here !
And how about the multiple COUNTS required on taxi-out, with breakdowns by rows and actual number of children under 12, under 8, lap kids, kids with stuffed animals, and kids with FULL diapers :lol: . And to think UPANDAWAY gets offended/disgusted and peeved when US Nasty/bitchy/complaining "Easties" resort to our relentless tirades! PITY!! 🙄 Walk in MY SHOES Baby and YOU Will See the light.........either You will see it Glaring at You or MANY of US would like to kick You INTO IT. (They are Colossal Failures......ADMIT IT!)
I don't know what you people are seeing or using but I'm seeing something completely different from my captain's seat on the 737. At least on that plane we aren't doing anything the old west HP way. Nothing. It is all east procedures now. I fly relatively short legs and am routinely weight restricted for no apparent reason.

On one short flight out of Burbank to Phoenix we almost couldn't leave without offloading 10,000 pounds of fuel, bags and pax. When I called dispatch in Philly and asked if I could depart with flaps 15 - which used to be normal west procedure out of Burbank - I was told that all of the old west performance data had been deleted from the performance profiles and flaps 15 was no longer a valid procedure under the now east dispatch/performance parameters.

We finally did make it out of there with all the pax and bags but it took 45 minutes of wrangling with the old east performance data computer to do it. In the past with HP procedures that whole performance process was done on board the aircraft and took about 3 minutes to do. We had the charts on board to plan a flaps 1, 5, 10 or 15 setting, bleeds on or off, full power or reduced. Now we can't do any of that anymore and we routinely get final paperwork with the wrong runway so it all has to be redone again while we sit at the end of the runway waiting for the computer to spit out from Philly.

Nice system we inherited! At least its cheap and insures everyone both east and west has a bad day!
Another example of a fine on point post, by a great hardwarking US Airways employee who is held back only by the stooges in Tempe!
When your done with Dougies, why don't you pucker up and give mine a smooch too!
There has been a noticeable increase in weight restrictions for the A330 out of CLT recently. For the past 5 nights, we haven't been able to load all of the cargo that was brought plane side, or take all of the standby passengers, even though there have been empty seats. This is troubling, because an A330 on a Transatlantic flight, fully loaded with cargo is a huge money maker. In fact, in some cases, the revenue from the freight actually covers the cost of flying, and the passengers are pure profit. Something is definitely askew with the load planning software, and it deserves a serious look from the anal ists in Tempe.
ONE WORD FOR ALL THIS MESS "CLP". Its killing the OTP. Here is a classic example.

About 3 weeks ago had a PHX/SJC 737-300 pbt 35, std fuel, CLP says can't go unless we move 17 pax to the back, can you imagine those scared, pissed off pax ???? We have to go back to each station having there own w/b.
I would think that a fuel stop uses more fuel than the fuel needed to carry the extra weight of a few pounds more fuel needed to make the non stop.

But wouldn't the calculation be:

Fuel is cheap in Station X, so the company wants to shift fuel purchases to that station. So, they notice that the typical load factor/operating weight of a certain flight is such that putting in so many gallons works most of the time. Since fuel is so high and the price of a ticket is so low and since LCC offers so many flights on small/medium aircraft and have open seats across the system, it makes financial sense to incur the cost of a denied boarding, because the cost of re-accomodating and compensating is less than the cost of fuel saved. When you make this calculation, every once in awhile, you cut it too close because of wind conditions and you have to stop.

Of course, it means that you don't care what your customers think, or your customers don't care.... especially the ones that think that they are getting a deal when they volunteer.

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