(Copied and pasted from another thread) usramperTPA said:
On a totally different topic, seeing as you are throwing stones at me and I'd like to throw one back at you, are you the sales dept genius that continues to sell our B-P
1900 aircraft here in FL to 19 seats or even oversell them? Because maybe you should take a little W and B training for the B-1900, Did you folks in sales know that when you put 19 passengers on a B-1900 on a longer than average leg, such as TPA-PNS or TPA-VPS/PFN, you cannot take the passengers baggage due to W and B. I know that mgmt's answer is to ask for volunteers, but more times than not, no one wants to give up their seat. This forces us to expedite their baggage thruogh CLT to PNS or even worse to ATL for a connection to VPS/PFN on Delta! This is ludicrous! Yesterday I had expedite a CP's baggage tp PNS through CLT. Do you know how pissed this guy probably was when he got to PNS and his bags didn't? When I was writing the expedite tag for this guys bags, all I could do was cringe! Is there anything we can do to correct this at the sales level? Can't we cap these flights at maybe 16, and oversell to 18? It always seems to be the last passenger's weight that makes or breaks the load on these flights.
Just thought I'd add this to the thread I had started a few weeks ago. Glad to see we're on the same page with this. Too bad no one above the level of AGENT can grasp what type of service we're giving our customers with these flights. Maybe someone from Express Ops would like to come down one day during a busy day and work the flights to see what exactly goes on and how much it is actually costing us in bag claims, reroutes to other carriers or people who are just fed up with the service standards....