Yes Steve, It is very likely that the( yet to be elected LOCAL 12) leadership will make mistakes, BUT remember...Accountablity...Hopefully the new leadership will addmit their shortcomings, when they happen. Passing the buck and blaming someone else is what the TWU is well known for.(Little for Example).
What abuse are you refering to...The abuse that AMFA supporters suffer?
I'm sure a staunch TWU supporter will try and unseat a widely respected man like Delle... Good luck to you.
AMFA supporters know there will be "microscopes", this is why AMFA does every thing in the open, no suprises that way. I doubt there would be any meetings (of contractual nature) behind closed doors. (Like Little leaving many of the negotiators in the hall way)
that's why Membership are invited to attend AMFA contract negotiations.
Maybe the membership will be encouraged by the new affiliation knowing that they will at least have a voice.
Your reference to the President? That wouldn't be Clinton would it? He did get in the way of our (AA) Flight Atts. Didn't he? Oh..! My BAD! A real union guy would not bash a Democrat for stepping on workers rights. You must be Bashing Pres. BUSH. :blink:
I'm sure when you wear your TWU t-shirt in an AMFA shop you won't be charged with Dual unionism! Pay a printer, design your shirt, Collect a few dollars extra to fund your drive. Don't forget to dig deep into your own pocket to fund somthing, in which you believe strongly. I also doubt an AMFA guy would rat you to management for wearing your shirt and talking trash about the new union.
If you think you and your co-supporters can take back the mountain in less than 8 attempts then by all means...get right after it...Of course you'll have to wait 2 years after the AMFA is certified. If we don't make it this time, I'll be back as part of try #9 (& 10 &...). Don't forget "Patience is our greatest virtue"... O.V. Delle-Famine.
Inflate, Deflate, it matters not to me. Make your plans work, hard achieve success.
I can't wait either Steve, can't wait to see that you and your's will receive more respect than the current AMFA supporters have in the past.
And finally...You see the TWU as the rabbit? I see it more as a Voracious Weasel!!
GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR (future) Drive....I mean it , I really do...really