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We Have 50% Cards Signed

Checking it Out said:
Calm down! Truth Hurts!

Delle made some promises on the 12th and the organizers have already passed the date they promised to reach in order to have 50%.

The Organizers have no choice but to inflate the numbers at this time to save face and receive income from Amfa to organize! Will you be the one on Amfa's payroll?

Will you be the one Delle sends money too?
The TWU supporters have accused AMFA organizers of being paid by the National for a long time.
So which is it? ARE on the payroll or, WILL be on the payroll. Either way one of the TWU claims is yet another lie. Answer Pl..... forget it we'll not get a straight answer anyway. :blink:
All mechanics in a mechanics union....well almost huh? I just hope the supporters of AMFA are employed long enough to hold the offices locally they continue to bash, can't wait. I'm looking forward to all our abuse coming to an end with AMFA, cannot wait to see the groves of mechanics lining up to run against Delle and the rotating door swinging wildly as we vote our International officers out over each and every mistake they make, can't wait. I'm looking forward to placing the elected officers under a microscope, chastizing them for every attempt at establishing a rapport with management, can't wait for the first unpopular contract brought to the floor, have to practice my cut and paste technique for this one, proving I also can use a search engine to spread grief in a already stricken enviroment, can't wait. I'm looking forward to no longer having any affiliation with the AFL-CIO, our union will be strong enough and our local halls will be bulging with the membership participation that we will no longer need political support, we will put the fear of a total airline shutdown to the public during negotiations, knowing our elected officers will go to jail for us by denying the return to work orders from the President...can't wait. Best of all...I cannot wait to hand out cards and sell T-shirts at a profit. I will wear my TWU shirt daily, explaining to the floor how daily AMFA is screwing us whether I have facts or not, the message will go out. My only resolve will be that it will not take 8 attempts to rid our airline of AMFA, we will inflate our actual card count to the floor , I suppose the only difference is that this drive will be ran with union people for union people...can't wait.

Won't be so much fun when the rabbit has the gun!
What a joke!! Finally got to 50%! Whew!! Since you realistically need around 65% cards signed to have a legit chance of winning can you get them before cards start to expire? Its taken a loooong time just to get to 50% and thats even with the help of the concessions.
Steve Connell said:
All mechanics in a mechanics union....well almost huh? I just hope the supporters of AMFA are employed long enough to hold the offices locally they continue to bash, can't wait. I'm looking forward to all our abuse coming to an end with AMFA, cannot wait to see the groves of mechanics lining up to run against Delle and the rotating door swinging wildly as we vote our International officers out over each and every mistake they make, can't wait. I'm looking forward to placing the elected officers under a microscope, chastizing them for every attempt at establishing a rapport with management, can't wait for the first unpopular contract brought to the floor, have to practice my cut and paste technique for this one, proving I also can use a search engine to spread grief in a already stricken enviroment, can't wait. I'm looking forward to no longer having any affiliation with the AFL-CIO, our union will be strong enough and our local halls will be bulging with the membership participation that we will no longer need political support, we will put the fear of a total airline shutdown to the public during negotiations, knowing our elected officers will go to jail for us by denying the return to work orders from the President...can't wait. Best of all...I cannot wait to hand out cards and sell T-shirts at a profit. I will wear my TWU shirt daily, explaining to the floor how daily AMFA is screwing us whether I have facts or not, the message will go out. My only resolve will be that it will not take 8 attempts to rid our airline of AMFA, we will inflate our actual card count to the floor , I suppose the only difference is that this drive will be ran with union people for union people...can't wait.

Won't be so much fun when the rabbit has the gun!
Revolving door? No, as many of the Anti-AMFA camp has claimed Delle has made mistakes. He is there because the members of AMFA have decided to keep him. I guess they figure when all is weighed in, he is not perfect but good enough. However its their choice AND THAT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE!!!

Nobody can reasonably expect perfection, however accountability is not an unreasonable expectation.

Little, Gless, Yingst, Hall & Kerrigan must go! Under their rule they have denied the members of their right to vote on contracts and their right to choose their own local officers. They have brought back the most concessionary contract in the industry. They are a disgrace to the labor movement.

Well in a few months time this and they will all be history.
AAmech said:
What a joke!! Finally got to 50%! Whew!! Since you realistically need around 65% cards signed to have a legit chance of winning can you get them before cards start to expire? Its taken a loooong time just to get to 50% and thats even with the help of the concessions.
To get 50% of the mechanics to sign on to anything is an accomplishment. What percentage of the mechanics would you claim are TWU supporters and how many do you feel would pay dues if we were under RTW? I'll bet a lot less than 50%.

While it might be true that every card signer may not be an AMFA vote its also true that many of those who have not signed a card will not vote at all. If AMFA gets 60%, odds are that they will win by a wide margin. What reason would any mechanic, not counting those who were once mechanics who are now on the International payroll, have to vote against being in a mechanics union, like plumbers in a plumbers union, flight attendants in the AFA or Pilots in the ALPA?

We all know why we dont have AMFA now. Because in Tulsa mechanics live on $60,000 as well as International reps live in NY on $130,000. The problem is that for mechanics in NY, that $60,000 is like $30,000 in Tulsa. If it was up to the line stations we would have been AMFA 30 years ago.
I think this speaks for itself, Layoffs continue!

Northwest Air to Cut Less Than 55 Jobs at Memphis Hub

Wednesday September 24, 11:18 am ET By Elizabeth Souder, Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--

Northwest Airlines Corp. will cut jobs at its Memphis hub due to capacity cuts. Company spokesman Kurt Ebenhoch declined to give an exact number but did say the number will be less than 55.

Those employees furloughed will be ground crew and mechanics, and the airline will strive to trim staff through attrition and voluntary resignations, he said. No pilot or flight attendant jobs will go. Northwest announced earlier Wednesday it will cut 16% capacity at its third- largest hub, dropping the number of daily flights to 198 from 242. The move, to begin Jan. 6, will lower overall capacity for the country's fourth-largest airline by 1.6%. Guy Meek, president of the Professional Flight Attendants Association, which represents Northwest flight attendants, said even though the union won't lose any jobs, workers will still be affected as their daily schedules change.

Fewer flights mean fewer of the popular flights that the most senior attendants choose to work, causing a ripple effect through the ranks as flight attendants get new routes.

Full Story: NW Mechanics continue Layoffs
Hey dumb ass how many is AA laying off in Nov. even after we gave up the farm. CIO get a life and hop on, we may forgive you for being so stupid
Hey Steve after next weeks anouncement you wont have to worry about a great future with AFMA. Maybe the TWU will let you wash there toilets
Why are you bothering?

Didnt you tell the guys up at BDL that once SWA went AMFA that you knew that AA was next?

Didnt you also say "I dont care. I'm certified and I'll just roll out my tools".

Do you mean that the International wont keep you?

For the last thirty years the line mechanics have been trying to get AMFA, but Tulsa always held it back. Having Tulsa enjoy wages that were above the local market rate was possible by forcing the line guys to work far below the local market rate. When averaged out the company made out. There was not much the line guys could do about it. For the TWU this worked well.

Fleet service doesnt have this problem where the majority is in a low cost area. Fleet service never had any options though, it was stay with who you have or be non-union, for at least two years. Now Fleet has an option, the AGW. Never before have Fleet Service workers had the option of an airline industry union over a catch all union. They have an option without a low cost majority to keep them in the TWU. We may see the AGW go from obscurity to on the property in an amazingly fast time, imagine if they had money, all it takes is one carrier. Maybe thats why you and Conley are hitting all the stations Fleet service workers but avoiding Maint.

Guys, dont worry about AFL-CIO affiliation, these new unions would not be friendless there for too long. There are unions in the AFL-CIO that are being led by (comparatively ) young leaders who want to see labor on the march again. One such union is the SEIU, the biggest of them all. Dont be swayed by political statements such as Sweeneys letter last week, if you read it closely, he really is not going against the move to new unions in earnest, a united industrywide airline labor movement, without the political baggage of old corrupt leaders like Sonny Hall could be the best thing to happen to the labor movement in a long time.

See Business Week, Sept 15 pg64, "Breaking Ranks with the AFL-CIO and go to the SEUIs website and find the essay "United we Win".
Steve Connell said:
All mechanics in a mechanics union....well almost huh? I just hope the supporters of AMFA are employed long enough to hold the offices locally they continue to bash, can't wait.
I'm looking forward to all our abuse coming to an end with AMFA, cannot wait to see the groves of mechanics lining up to run against Delle and the rotating door swinging wildly as we vote our International officers out over each and every mistake they make, can't wait. I'm looking forward to placing the elected officers under a microscope, chastizing them for every attempt at establishing a rapport with management, can't wait for the first unpopular contract brought to the floor, have to practice my cut and paste technique for this one, proving I also can use a search engine to spread grief in a already stricken enviroment, can't wait. I'm looking forward to no longer having any affiliation with the AFL-CIO, our union will be strong enough and our local halls will be bulging with the membership participation that we will no longer need political support, we will put the fear of a total airline shutdown to the public during negotiations, knowing our elected officers will go to jail for us by denying the return to work orders from the President...can't wait. Best of all...I cannot wait to hand out cards and sell T-shirts at a profit. I will wear my TWU shirt daily, explaining to the floor how daily AMFA is screwing us whether I have facts or not, the message will go out. My only resolve will be that it will not take 8 attempts to rid our airline of AMFA, we will inflate our actual card count to the floor , I suppose the only difference is that this drive will be ran with union people for union people...can't wait.

Won't be so much fun when the rabbit has the gun!
Yes Steve, It is very likely that the( yet to be elected LOCAL 12) leadership will make mistakes, BUT remember...Accountablity...Hopefully the new leadership will addmit their shortcomings, when they happen. Passing the buck and blaming someone else is what the TWU is well known for.(Little for Example).
What abuse are you refering to...The abuse that AMFA supporters suffer?

I'm sure a staunch TWU supporter will try and unseat a widely respected man like Delle... Good luck to you.

AMFA supporters know there will be "microscopes", this is why AMFA does every thing in the open, no suprises that way. I doubt there would be any meetings (of contractual nature) behind closed doors. (Like Little leaving many of the negotiators in the hall way)
that's why Membership are invited to attend AMFA contract negotiations.

Maybe the membership will be encouraged by the new affiliation knowing that they will at least have a voice.

Your reference to the President? That wouldn't be Clinton would it? He did get in the way of our (AA) Flight Atts. Didn't he? Oh..! My BAD! A real union guy would not bash a Democrat for stepping on workers rights. You must be Bashing Pres. BUSH. :blink:

I'm sure when you wear your TWU t-shirt in an AMFA shop you won't be charged with Dual unionism! Pay a printer, design your shirt, Collect a few dollars extra to fund your drive. Don't forget to dig deep into your own pocket to fund somthing, in which you believe strongly. I also doubt an AMFA guy would rat you to management for wearing your shirt and talking trash about the new union.

If you think you and your co-supporters can take back the mountain in less than 8 attempts then by all means...get right after it...Of course you'll have to wait 2 years after the AMFA is certified. If we don't make it this time, I'll be back as part of try #9 (& 10 &...). Don't forget "Patience is our greatest virtue"... O.V. Delle-Famine.
Inflate, Deflate, it matters not to me. Make your plans work, hard achieve success.

I can't wait either Steve, can't wait to see that you and your's will receive more respect than the current AMFA supporters have in the past.

And finally...You see the TWU as the rabbit? I see it more as a Voracious Weasel!!

GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR (future) Drive....I mean it , I really do...really :up:
So I'm not called a coward... AGAIN....here's my name... AGAIN: Derek Mills,Hyd shop, Tulsa.
From the AMFA Card Count page;

8045 Total Signed Election Authorization Cards by Station and Title Group (From system seniority list dated 02-12-2003):
Updated, Thursday September 25, 2003 at 12:14:15 AM. Our goal is to obtain 60% of the Craft and Class of
Mechanic and Related, and at this time, our estimate of that number, with 'elbow room' is approximately 10,000 cards.
Using that number, at this time, we are about 80.4% to our goal, or approximately 49.7% of our Craft and Class.

Wow. 49.7%! And thats using the Feb list, so you know what that means? They already have 50%. Its just a matter of time now.
Wow. 49.7%! And thats using the Feb list, so you know what that means? They already have 50%. Its just a matter of time now.

Only one flaw in your statement Bob. It is not "they" it is all of us, including you. Thanks for becoming a factor in the improvement of our profession.
8103 Total Signed Election Authorization Cards by Station and Title Group (From system seniority list dated 02-12-2003):
Updated, Thursday September 25, 2003 at 11:48:58 PM. Our goal is to obtain 60% of the Craft and Class of
Mechanic and Related, and at this time, our estimate of that number, with 'elbow room' is approximately 10,000 cards.
Using that number, at this time, we are about 81.0% to our goal, or approximately 50.0% of our Craft and Class. Good job so far, and let's
REDOUBLE our efforts and GET THIS DONE!

Over the top now and I have plenty of cards to get right here. :up: :up: :up:
Checking it Out said:
I think this speaks for itself, Layoffs continue!

Northwest Air to Cut Less Than 55 Jobs at Memphis Hub

Wednesday September 24, 11:18 am ET By Elizabeth Souder, Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--

Northwest Airlines Corp. will cut jobs at its Memphis hub due to capacity cuts. Company spokesman Kurt Ebenhoch declined to give an exact number but did say the number will be less than 55.

Those employees furloughed will be ground crew and mechanics, and the airline will strive to trim staff through attrition and voluntary resignations, he said. No pilot or flight attendant jobs will go. Northwest announced earlier Wednesday it will cut 16% capacity at its third- largest hub, dropping the number of daily flights to 198 from 242. The move, to begin Jan. 6, will lower overall capacity for the country's fourth-largest airline by 1.6%. Guy Meek, president of the Professional Flight Attendants Association, which represents Northwest flight attendants, said even though the union won't lose any jobs, workers will still be affected as their daily schedules change.

Fewer flights mean fewer of the popular flights that the most senior attendants choose to work, causing a ripple effect through the ranks as flight attendants get new routes.

Full Story: NW Mechanics continue Layoffs
TWU announced today that AA will be laying off mechanics and fleet service in STL, MCI, MCIE, EWR, MSP, IAH, OAK and PHX in October. Local 514 lamented that Tulsa may not be "directly effected" by TWA employees but may be "indirectly effected" through bumping. AA has not released any numbers yet.

Glass Houses, CIO. Don't throw stones when you live in a Glass House.

Oh, I forgot...please Mr Arpey, please, please please, baaaaaaaaaaa

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