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We all need to wake up

Nicolau told the east the truth
Prater is telling the east the truth
The court will soon be telling the east the truth.

And still, they'll have none of it. They are rapidly running out of people who are willing to feed their fantasy.

Stephan is really being worked to the bone!

Just because the medicine tastes bad doesn't mean that it shouldn't be taken.

USA320Pilot comments: If nothing else the East pilots can simply not agree to a joint contract, live under LOA 93 until its amendable, enter into RLA negotiations, and prevent the Nicolau Award from being implemented for maybe as long as a decade.

During this time the East pilots will maintain their pre-merger career expectation, the West pilots will maintain their pre-merger carreer expectation, the majority of East pilots will see pay raises due to attrition and advancement, and the vast majority of the West pilots will see stagnation and no pay raises.

Either the East and West pilots reach a seniority integration settlement or the Courts/ALPA International find an acceptable solution or the scenario above will unfold and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, the West pilots can do to force the East pilots to accept a joint contract.

That's the bottom line!


Ohh yeah, one that was working for a broke a$$ airline at that...which by all accounts on it's way to BK2!

I'd point out that US was already wallowing through BK2 at that point, and to the rest of the industry looked like it was ready to take the big dirt nap when this merger was announced.

Tell yourself whatever you need to in order to get yourself through the day,but from the outside it looked like US was DOA without this merger.
if you cannot expect to have and preserve DOH seniority, then what's the purpose of seniority?
I have somebody to introduce to you: ALPA Merger Policy. You two should get to know each other. Perhaps then you'll understand why the concept of avoiding windfalls means that DOH cannot be a standing policy. Nicolau felt bound by the Policy and believed he ruled in accordance with it. All you want is restitution for how crappy your career has turned out (through no fault of your own) at the expense of AWA pilots. Nice try, but it didn't work. The AWA pilots asked for something reasonable and got something reasonable. Perhaps there's a lesson to be learned here...
All you want is restitution for how crappy your career has turned out (through no fault of your own) at the expense of AWA pilots. Nice try, but it didn't work. The AWA pilots asked for something reasonable and got something reasonable. Perhaps there's a lesson to be learned here...

I had to laugh at that. I don't think that is his problem but yours. Look in the mirror pal.
I'd point out that US was already wallowing through BK2 at that point, and to the rest of the industry looked like it was ready to take the big dirt nap when this merger was announced.

Tell yourself whatever you need to in order to get yourself through the day,but from the outside it looked like US was DOA without this merger.
Did I say it wasn't?
U-Turn Rank and File Members Speak Out and Take Action

[The Op-ed below is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of U-Turn. Anyone wishing to use U-Turn to convey a message to our subscribers is free to do so provided the Email does not advocate the removal of ALPA as our CBA, does not advocate illegal jobs actions and does not personally attack fellow union members.]


It is time for this pilot group to stand up and be heard. As many of you know, the ALPA National Executive Council has once again delayed acceptance of the Nicolau award. John Prater and ALPA National are attempting to strong-arm our MEC into negotiating against ourselves. We believed they would continue this delay and strong-arm tactic until we have a joint contract to vote on, but looks like National wants to settle this sooner rather than later. Prater has called for a Special MEC meeting on July 17th between the East and West MECs with the Executive Council in attendance. At this time, it is believed National will attempt to threaten, pressure, and pull out all the stops in order to force our MEC to agree to concessions of the Nicolau award. They are trying to take the easy way out of a difficult situation. If we willingly negotiate “post-arbitrationâ€￾ with the East or agree to put fences in a joint CBA, the East is then appeased and we will no longer have grounds for a DFR suit. ALPA National escapes unscathed. The problem with this is that National is willing to sacrifice our pilots in the process while looking out for themselves. This is wrong and therefore it is time for us to step down from the high road. The East pilots’ bad behavior has been and continues to be rewarded by National. We pay dues each month to ALPA National for representation. This is the same National that is currently trying to damage the AWA pilots. Why should we sit back and watch while they blatantly attempt to negatively affect our careers?

· STOP DUES CHECK OFF today. Click on the links below.

· ALPA National is no longer following Merger Policy. They are making up the rules as they go.

· If you didn’t believe it last month, you better believe it now. National is trying to force our MEC to negotiate with the East to negatively affect the list.

· We support the AWA MEC 100% as long as they hold the line.

· Our MEC cannot ask us to stop DCO. It is up to us, the line pilots, to stand up for ourselves and take action. National will get the message loud and clear if everyone who reads this takes action.

· Clear ALPA policy has turned into politics. Unfortunately, if we are to succeed, we must also play the game.

· Once you stop DCO, it is your choice whether or not to pay the bill.


Send an e-mail requesting this change to ALPA National at membership@alpa.org. Ask to cancel Dues Check Off and let them know you are unhappy with the way National has been conducting business.

Also, contact US Airways payroll at 480-693-7821 or e-mail vickie.dunster@usairways and ask to stop having your dues withheld from your paycheck.

In Solidarity,

Lance Burkhalter

Misty Winker

http://www.decertifyalpa.org/ print the letter out and send it in
This stopping DCO stuff is very amusing. Hundreds of AAA pilots stop DCO and think they're sending a message. Tens for now, perhaps hundreds later AWA pilots stop DCO and think they're sending a message. Does the group with the most DCO-stopped pilots win? Or does ALPA just ignore all of them? My guess is the latter.

Look in the mirror pal.
Okay, I will. {one minute later} I need a shave. My wife hates a stubbly chin. Thanks for the advice.
I have somebody to introduce to you: ALPA Merger Policy. You two should get to know each other. Perhaps then you'll understand why the concept of avoiding windfalls means that DOH cannot be a standing policy. Nicolau felt bound by the Policy and believed he ruled in accordance with it. All you want is restitution for how crappy your career has turned out (through no fault of your own) at the expense of AWA pilots. Nice try, but it didn't work. The AWA pilots asked for something reasonable and got something reasonable. Perhaps there's a lesson to be learned here...
reasonable? not so much...this "award" flies in the face reasonable.
you just don't get it, do you? didn't think so...
by the way, and since you actually believe what you are telling yourself is true, i have somebody to introduce you to: DSM-IV, anything in the delusional realm will do.
reasonable? not so much...this "award" flies in the face reasonable.
you just don't get it, do you? didn't think so...
by the way, and since you actually believe what you are telling yourself is true, i have somebody to introduce you to: DSM-IV, anything in the delusional realm will do.
Ok.... I'll bite.

What in your definition is reasonable?
[bI]f nothing else the East pilots can simply not agree to a joint contract, live under LOA 93 until its amendable [/b]

Nor going to happen. The east guys are tired of living under LOA 93 and are going to vote in the joint contract so they can finish with more pay and a better schedule.

enter into RLA negotiations,

And work under LOA 93 for another 2 years beyond the amendable date and then get parked by the NMB

and prevent the Nicolau Award from being implemented for maybe as long as a decade.

All the while working under LOA 93.

Ya, good luck with your little dream. You guys are setting yourselves up again.

At least you're finally admitting that the award is set in stone and that this is your only recourse.

The West is not going to negotiate anything. You had your chance.
USA320Pilot comments: If nothing else the East pilots can simply not agree to a joint contract, live under LOA 93 until its amendable, enter into RLA negotiations, and prevent the Nicolau Award from being implemented for maybe as long as a decade.

So your entire pilot group works for 30%-40% less than it could so that maybe 100 FO's can upgrade?

During this time the East pilots will maintain their pre-merger career expectation, the West pilots will maintain their pre-merger carreer expectation, the majority of East pilots will see pay raises due to attrition and advancement, and the vast majority of the West pilots will see stagnation and no pay raises.

Read the transition agreement genious. Don't think for a second that East won't downsize while West grows. The East attrition will merely prevent furloughs. West will get a raise from Section 6 and all of the growth. It's happenening already - a large chunk of East block hours have been shifted into the West operation.

Either the East and West pilots reach a seniority integration settlement or the Courts/ALPA International find an acceptable solution or the scenario above will unfold and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, the West pilots can do to force the East pilots to accept a joint contract.

And there is nothing, absolutely nothing, the East pilots can do to force the West pilots to negotiate away any part of the award. The West pilots would rather go Section 6, continue to enjoy upgrades from the westward shift of block hours, and keep all of the senior ex-PSA guys out of Phoenix.

Have you read the transcripts yet? Dumb question... if you had you'd stop believing that the East pilots had ANY pre-merger career expectations.

Arbitration Transcripts

DOH is reasonble...it has been for years...

And your DOH is 9/2005.
FYI: The spelling is GENIUS.

Hey, I'm an ex-PSA guy in the top 517 who can't wait to get to PHX. We thought we'd be there by now, given that it's been over 2 years since the merger. Looks like Mr. Nic's award is going to make it longer yet. But someday we'll make it.

But I wouldn't be too concerned. There aren't that many of us left and most will be retired within the next 2-10 years. Even if Age 60 goes away.

Looking forward to flying with you soon.
Really? Because entitlement to me is when a furloughed employee thinks they can step over all of the active employees to secure the next left seat block holding position available when they did not even bring a job to the merger.

That's pure garbage. Like it or not, we're working for the same company now. And in doing so, the junior pilot is the one that has to deal with the furlough. That is the system-here and everywhere else in this industry. The two year guy doesn't get a pass on that. Further, yes I believe that I should get the upgrade prior to the two year guy. I have no problem in stating so. I have 18 years with this company, and I took the furlough because it was necessary to facilitate the survival of this company. Now you guys want to play smoke and mirrors to steal what I have rightfully earned. You say that it's a sense of entitlement. I say that I have earned the right.

I'm sorry that you have a problem with how the seniority system works. I guess that for some, the notion of having to put the actual years into earning something is less appealing than leap frogging the one's who actually contributed. That my friend is a character flaw, not a flaw in the system.
. I have 18 years with this company, and I took the furlough because it was necessary to facilitate the survival of this company.

2007-18= 1989. If you were an 89/90 hire weren't you furloughed twice? Once from (approximately) 92-98 and once from (approximately) 03-07? Doesn't that give you 6 - 8 years "on property" with the company, not the 18 you claim?

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