
Bagbelt said:
When I first got hired I trained with a guy who started in 1947. This was in 1992.
He said to me something that is the most truthful statement I've ever heard about
the airlines. " Everyone will tell you the place s--ks, but no-one ever leaves."

Bagbelt, no truer statement. We all complain about everything (some A LOT more than others), we work awful shifts and holidays. But we don't leave. Many that are able to escape, want back in, it's a crazy job.
to much time to quit said:
You only have 8 years and you still have a job at Usairways?? I'm shocked, but that hardly counts for paying your dues at this carrier.

That is wrong... It does not matter how much time you put in with US Airways, What matters is how much "heart and Soul" you put into it.

Some people work at a company for 20, 30 years and never ever have a vested emotional interest in their work. I should know... as a gate agent, I have worked with plenty of agents who have had 20 years plus in and could give less than a crap if the place sinks or swims.

I am sure alot of people would agree with me. Paying your dues has nothing to do with time, but heart.
Dog Wonder said:
For too long this board has allowed people who would never 'stoop' to working for a living to rant about how much those who do earn for it.

Get a job Piney Bob, Mweiss, and A320 pilot before you decide what people who make this airline run are worth.

Sitting at a desk, or in a classroom, or in a cockpit, if that is what you really do, is no substitute for paying your dues in a cargo bin

I guess I can't agree. Perhaps those with independent observer status could see the situation globally and have a better viewpoint about best solution. That assumes of course that finding a solution that restores US Airways to going concern status is your goal. That isn't obvious in your rant.

If anything, 'paying your dues' in a line worker position gives you an especially bad viewpoint in trying to find the solution as it gives you irrational emotional feelings about management and no ideas on a real solution.
Dog Wonder said:
It is so tiresome listening to the 'experts' telling the people who make this airline run feed their egos by telling the people who do, how it should be done.

If any of you talked your nonsense on the ramp you would find your self where you have earned the right to be.

Do you really think that playing tough guy is going to convince thoughtful independent observers, some of whom have pretty good financial backgrounds and understanding about potential strategic options, that "you're right and now I see it your way?".
Trin03 said:
That is wrong... It does not matter how much time you put in with US Airways, What matters is how much "heart and Soul" you put into it.

Some people work at a company for 20, 30 years and never ever have a vested emotional interest in their work. I should know... as a gate agent, I have worked with plenty of agents who have had 20 years plus in and could give less than a crap if the place sinks or swims.

I am sure alot of people would agree with me. Paying your dues has nothing to do with time, but heart.

So what does it accomplish having that "heart" you speak of broken? What would you have? To go ahead full steam and pour your entire being into this place so that when they pull the rug out from under you in the middle of the night on a weekend your heart is also be pulled out of you. How can you fault anyone who has eyes and sees the reality of this industry and take them to task for not being what you perceive as the perfect employee? Is this mess worth your very life? I am sure to some poor souls it is.

I know of a foremen who has GERD so bad he needs checked all the time for pending cancer, half the time he can't swallow and yet worries about everything little thing this management team is placing on his back in the name of intimating the mechanics into submission with tons of punitive policies. This guy goes about blindly doing their bidding while at the same time it eats him up, literally, with tons of acid production because he doesn't have the heart to be cruel like they want him to be, yet he continues on doing their bidding while it’s killing him a little everyday. When it’s over and he died of massive stress induced health problems and U is out of business, his tomestone will read; "He was a good soldier doing our bidding and never questioned our orders to the point that here he lies" Gee what a hero this guy was.

This is exactly what your attitude portrays, saps like this fool of a foremen who doesn’t posses the common sense to walk away and pick a life elsewhere that has less stress and enjoy his life. It is simply astounding watching such people who actually care to the point of their own demise, and for what? Common sense is rare around these here parts partner.

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