Sidestick, You wrote , that I sound like the victim of a No vote. Well let me say this. I will be will thousands of others. I will not be a "Victim". I have planned for this possibility of a complete failure of things. I for one , am not "leveraged to the gills"..and I have other things that I could readily be doing for money. The issue is, Is this change really what I want to be doing? The awnser is frankly no!!. I happen to love this industry...and inspite of the numerous issues..I love USAirways. I have been treated in a pretty fair and equitable manner...not Nervana by any stretch of the imagination..but in an acceptable manner. Aviation for me..started like it did for most , as a childhood dream and hobby. My father before me , was an IAM member at McDonnell Douglas. He was thankfully retired from there , prior to the Boeing takeover. Dad had always told me..That when in doubt..lean toward the unions side between the issues. However , he also said to never allow others to think for you. I'm not letting Siegel or the IAM think for me..My thoughts are with my loyalties to my desires..and what really makes me happy. Thankfully if it all ended tomorrow? , I will not have dependents suffering from my actions or yours. I will also not be in a position to have to scramble to the next victimizing circumstance. I have read numerous accounts in the national press about the job market. By most accounts 60 to 70% of the workforce that has been displaced since the start of the current economic downturn and Post Sept. 11th fallout, have returned to work in some capacity. The figures are..That of that perecentage..the return was to 64% of thier previous income. This does not even delve into the lack of job satisfaction in thier current positions. These are all valid issues. Somehow an average drop of 36% in money , at a job you hate seems worse than what Siegel is asking of me here.....Just something else to think about. [🙂]