TWU informer

Nov 4, 2003
Rumors around Tulsa are that AA extended the VBR Window one week so that the folks at MCI could "get on board".

Seems the VBR is a better deal than laid-off without job security provisions.

I wish the best to those at MCI but seriously I think the VBR would be a better option than a furlough without job security provisions.
Rumors around Tulsa are that AA extended the VBR Window one week so that the folks at MCI could "get on board".

Seems the VBR is a better deal than laid-off without job security provisions.

I wish the best to those at MCI but seriously I think the VBR would be a better option than a furlough without job security provisions.
<_< -------Thanks informer!------- Last count here at MCI was 185 have signed up for the VBR, with just under a week left to sign.
<_< -------Thanks informer!------- Last count here at MCI was 185 have signed up for the VBR, with just under a week left to sign.

The news said 400 had signed up as of last week. According to Jetnet the deadline has been extendedto 8/31/2008. AA has also changed the Employee Information Package that is downloadable from Jetnet. I printed it when I accepted VBR on the 14th of Aug. I opened the link again this morning and the one thing i noticed is the Cobra payments are higher on the latest revision. Guess "They Can Do That Brother".
Rumors around Tulsa are that AA extended the VBR Window one week so that the folks at MCI could "get on board".

Seems the VBR is a better deal than laid-off without job security provisions.

I wish the best to those at MCI but seriously I think the VBR would be a better option than a furlough without job security provisions.

Never thought I'd say this, but I totally agree with you. It's probably inevitable that some at MCI will lose their jobs no matter how many VBRs are taken, but I hope it's at least a decent way out for guys near retirement.
Never thought I'd say this, but I totally agree with you. It's probably inevitable that some at MCI will lose their jobs no matter how many VBRs are taken, but I hope it's at least a decent way out for guys near retirement.
<_< ------For some, like myself ,that were looking to retire anyway, it's forsting on the cake! But for those that have no choose but to take what comes, it'll be hard! -------- And this is from people that told us, less than a month ago, that we were doing "world class work"! So much for the BS!!!!
<_< ------For some, like myself ,that were looking to retire anyway, it's forsting on the cake! But for those that have no choose but to take what comes, it'll be hard! -------- And this is from people that told us, less than a month ago, that we were doing "world class work"! So much for the BS!!!!

Hell with that, we are doing world class work! I do believe that management realizes that, but if we're downsizing and shifting work to maximize efficiency, some jobs are going to be lost no matter how great a job we are doing. Economics is cold, but that's the sad reality.
<_< ------ I hear local management, and our tech crew chiefs, are frantically trying to put together a bid to do 767 cargo door conversions. This would be a sub-contract. We've had people in Israel, checking out the operation, and may send some back with a bid. But with all our major metal talent, ether taking the VBR, or being layed-off, I don't see the point of it! And this project would require major, structural work! I get the feeling that upper management doesn't have the commitment for this level of Aircraft Maintenance! But if you're serious about MRO work, this is where the $$$ money is at!!!
Hell with that, we are doing world class work! I do believe that management realizes that, but if we're downsizing and shifting work to maximize efficiency, some jobs are going to be lost no matter how great a job we are doing. Economics is cold, but that's the sad reality.
frontline-combine your comment about disregarding world class work-it's economics you say-with the non-official rif #'s-and then add in 48m vs. 1m lease figures and you end up w/politics at its best.........
frontline-combine your comment about disregarding world class work-it's economics you say-with the non-official rif #'s-and then add in 48m vs. 1m lease figures and you end up w/politics at its best.........
<_< ---- All I can say about that is Mr. Ross must have a better legal team than AA! That must be one hell've a lease they signed!!! :down:
<_< ------ I hear local management, and our tech crew chiefs, are frantically trying to put together a bid to do 767 cargo door conversions. This would be a sub-contract. We've had people in Israel, checking out the operation, and may send some back with a bid. But with all our major metal talent, ether taking the VBR, or being layed-off, I don't see the point of it! And this project would require major, structural work! And I get the feeling that upper management doesn't have the commitment for this level of Aircraft Maintenance!
Mr.MCI- very few mngmt. know anything at all about metal...they know more and care more about those dwms lines running together...tell them that there are interference fits on the l/wing and they'll call security ... vbr-wise...the window is closed...now multiply the savings ...if it's not enough have a vbr @tul/dfw ...now if that puts enough in the kitty....split-up $$$ savings w/co.------you now have a plus-leaning contract financed by the people who produced the plus
263 took VBR at MCI/MCIE. I saw only title 1 breakdown 220 AMTs 1 AC. If the RIF timeline the company handed us happens as advertised it appears there will be 120 AMTs involuntarily furloughed at the end of December. Whats the total VBR on the system? Any word about anymore RIFs at other places? Any increases due to work movement?
Shop steward here at afw posted 593 took the vbr system wide. I`m still looking for confirmation.
doesn't matter does it???? granted on sta. by sta. basis....will all be granted @mci with none down south?????or as i stated previously will they now grant most vbrs in order to fill the kitty...by the way...Mr. ChevErest leaving the co. very soon...accepted position w/different outfit......the publicized line "it won't affect us" is true......we won't be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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