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Amfa Wins Arbitration

It appears there is already a dispute rising about what the Arbitration Decision actually means. This must be why the Arbitrator retained SIX MONTH jurisdiction over handling of the award.

Northwest Airlines Statement Regarding Arbitration Board Decision on Furloughed Mechanics
Monday June 14, 6:16 pm ET

EAGAN, Minn., June 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- In 2003, approximately 2,000 Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA)-represented Northwest Airlines (NWA) employees were furloughed in response to the effects of the Iraq war and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak. AMFA filed grievances claiming that all these "force majeure" furloughs were in violation of the collective bargaining agreement between AMFA and NWA.

The recent arbitration decision by the Railway Labor Act (RLA) System Board found that approximately 1,850 of the 2,000 furloughs were justified under the collective bargaining agreement. The Board also found no basis for recall for the 1,850 furloughed employees.

Concerning the estimated 150 furloughs that were not sustained, Northwest will honor the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.

Northwest furloughed approximately 650 AMFA-represented employees as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. AMFA also filed grievances in that case with the RLA System Board, which ruled that the 9/11- related furloughs were similarly justified under the collective bargaining agreement.

Northwest Airlines (Nasdaq: NWAC - News) is the world's fifth largest airline with hubs at Detroit, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Memphis, Tokyo and Amsterdam, and approximately 1,500 daily departures. Northwest and its travel partners serve nearly 750 cities in almost 120 countries on six continents.
twuer said:
It is always good news when a job is restored so I am happy for the 150!! What about the other 1900 or so who were told they would also be returning? No hope for them????


It's kind of like this. The 11 747's were obvious bad decisions by the Co. to claim, as they were already predicted prior to any FM, and were not caused by SARS.
Nightwatch said:
Why is it that you can take away from good news. 'A REAL UNION CAN DO' lost FM1,missed your post on that news item.

I do congratulate AMFA for returning the 150 mechanics to work, well done.
If you were "informed" at all, you would know that not 1 union prevailed on arbitrations dealing with the September terrorist attacks. I also find your lack of knowledge on the AMFA appalling. It's obvious you are not the one to stop the AMFA movement. I hope if the AMFA "road show" comes to your town, you will be able to find time between jobs to attend. Same thing, having to be told over, and over, and over again. Do any of you twu wannabes have the ability to learn??
Points to consider. The twu could have not done more for ANY of the AMFA represented members. AMFA if doing everything possible by a union for its members. They will fight where as the twu rolls over!! We've tried it the twu way. Now it's time for our other option!!!!!!

Keep the Faith..........VOTE AMFA!!!!!!!!!!
Points to consider. The twu could have not done more for ANY of the AMFA represented members. AMFA if doing everything possible by a union for its members. They will fight where as the twu rolls over!! We've tried it the twu way. Now it's time for our other option!!!!!!

I'll consider that Stop, but you cry when the TWU lose items or go a route that you find less than desireable. What are you going to do when AMFA's actions affect you negatively? Straight up. You'll yell at the TWU for the same thing you make excuses for amfa, and you don't even hide it well.
Name: T6
Employer: NWA
Station: MSP
Date: Monday June 14, 2004
Time: 10:59:14 PM

Was this another AMFA self proclaimed, "Great Victory?" 3,500 NWA Mechanics and Cleaners lost their jobs "Illegally", according to AMFA. Now, I don't claim to know everything but I do know this much, Arbitrations are won or lost, period. Winner takes all. I am really suspicious of this settlement thing. There have been rumors of partial recalls for several weeks now, I think I smell a fox in the hen house! I certainly hope AMFA didn't sign another Secret Letter of Agreement agreeing to this compromise. 150 jobs back out of 3,500 is NO victory in my book. We'd of been better off trying to win the SARS FM instead of compromising on both the war and SARS. If I was one of the other 3,350 who got screwed I'd be on the phone to my AMFA local and on the phone with my lawyer next.
Name: Please Update Site
Employer: EX-NWA
Station: MSP
Date: Monday June 14, 2004
Time: 07:13:29 PM

Hey AMFAnator, I don't understand? What is all the champagne popping for, if I am reading the press releases correctly the Board ruled in our favor for 150 technicians that were displaced when the Company parked 11 747'S. What about the other 1,850 technicians? The press releases say the Company "WAS JUST IN THE FURLOUGHS OF 1,850 TECHNICIANS". Does that mean of the approx. 4,000+ jobs lost under the AMFA agreement and both FM1 and FM2 arbitrations we were only successful in getting back 150 jobs? Please update the board and let us know, this sounds like a loss.

The Arbitrator denied AMFA's argument that force majeure should not apply to the Iraq war or SARS. The Arbitrator ruled that the removal of eleven 747-200's from service in August 2003 was not caused by a so-called "force majeure" event, and that the related furloughs violated the Job Security Covenant of the contract. Technicians and Cleaners who were laid off on that basis will be restored to their jobs with full back pay and benefits. The Arbitrator did not rule on any specific number of mechanics to return, AMFA said it expects the ruling to affect about 150 laid-off mechanics. The ruling directed AMFA and the Company to work together during the next 60 days to develop a plan to identify all individuals who were furloughed on this exact basis and restore them to their jobs. Recall will not be based on seniority, the recalls will only be related to the furloughs directly connected to the removal of the 747-200's. Any technician or cleaner who was laid off on the basis of the removal of eleven 747-200's who did not exercise they seniority to the fullest extent on the system, but instead took station layoff will not be restored to their jobs! I fear that very few people meet the EXACT BASIS for recall.
Reuters Update

Northwest Airlines Told to Restore Jobs

Northwest Airlines Told to Restore Jobs

Kirk, this is for:

Received: 06/14/04 15:16:32 EDT

Ruling Opens Way For More Job Restorations After War Emergency Is Over

MINNEAPOLIS, June 14, 2004 - An arbitration board ruled today that Northwest Airlines (Nasdaq: NWAC) must restore the jobs of about 150 aircraft mechanics laid off following the Iraq war and the SARS outbreak last year. In addition, the ruling opened the way for additional job restorations after the effects of the Iraq war and SARS are over, according to the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA), which filed a class action grievance.

The board ruled that Northwest's removal of eleven 747 aircraft from service in August 2003 was not caused by a force majeure emergency, and that related layoffs therefore violated the job security provisions of the labor contract between Northwest and the mechanics. Mechanics laid off on that basis must be given back their jobs with full back pay and benefits, according to the ruling. AMFA said it expects the ruling to affect about 150 laid-off mechanics.

AMFA and Northwest representatives were instructed to work together to develop a plan within 60 days to determine the exact number of unfairly laid-off mechanics and to restore them to their positions. The affected employees will be identified by examining records. The board will oversee the process for six months and resolve any individual remedial issues.

"Northwest went too far and laid off people in violation of the contract agreement. For the sake of these employees and their families, we're happy we were able to put the brakes on this excessive behavior and get these jobs restored with full compensation for lost wages and benefits," said Jeff Mathews, AMFA national contract coordinator at Northwest. "We expect most if not all of the affected employees to return to their technician or cleaner positions."

AMFA attorney Nick Granath added that, "We didn't get everything we wanted, but we got some very important things, and this appears to be the first ruling of its kind in the airline industry."

"Now it's on to the next battle," Mathews said. "Today's ruling serves notice that once the effects of the Iraq war and SARS are over, Northwest Airlines is obligated to restore the jobs furloughed by force majeure. That's important because the trend in Northwest's business is already upward. One of our major concerns is keeping quality jobs in America."
Steve Connell said:
Straight up. You'll yell at the TWU for the same thing you make excuses for amfa, and you don't even hide it well.
Just as you will not hold the TWU to the same satandard you wish to hold AMFA?
It's kind of like this. The 11 747's were obvious bad decisions by the Co. to claim, as they were already predicted prior to any FM, and were not caused by SARS.

So tell me, How many force majeure cases has the twu won or for that matter even taken to arbitration?
Nightwatch said:
Do you two ever get tired?
One thing is for certain, you do have the right not to read and or post hear.

If you grow tired of this then I am sure you know what to do....
Steve Connell said:
I'll consider that Stop, but you cry when the TWU lose items or go a route that you find less than desireable. What are you going to do when AMFA's actions affect you negatively? Straight up. You'll yell at the TWU for the same thing you make excuses for amfa, and you don't even hide it well.
The difference is that the twu has been going down the" losing items and a route less desireable" for the last 20 years at AA. How long will the AA membership have to wait?? I'm not getting any older and I don't want to spend the rest of my aviation career trying to make the twu like the AMFA. Granted the destruction has already been done at AA and we may never re-coop our lost gains.
Does it not bother you that the pilots got a 9.4% snap-back and the twu tells you that there was no room to negotiate one??
Like I've said before, we have tried it the twu way. Now is the time to excersise our other option.

Keep the Faith..........VOTE AMFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Decision 2004 said:
It appears there is already a dispute rising about what the Arbitration Decision actually means. This must be why the Arbitrator retained SIX MONTH jurisdiction over handling of the award.

Northwest Airlines Statement Regarding Arbitration Board Decision on Furloughed Mechanics
Monday June 14, 6:16 pm ET

EAGAN, Minn., June 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- In 2003, approximately 2,000 Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA)-represented Northwest Airlines (NWA) employees were furloughed in response to the effects of the Iraq war and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak. AMFA filed grievances claiming that all these "force majeure" furloughs were in violation of the collective bargaining agreement between AMFA and NWA.

The recent arbitration decision by the Railway Labor Act (RLA) System Board found that approximately 1,850 of the 2,000 furloughs were justified under the collective bargaining agreement. The Board also found no basis for recall for the 1,850 furloughed employees.

Concerning the estimated 150 furloughs that were not sustained, Northwest will honor the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.

Northwest furloughed approximately 650 AMFA-represented employees as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. AMFA also filed grievances in that case with the RLA System Board, which ruled that the 9/11- related furloughs were similarly justified under the collective bargaining agreement.

Northwest Airlines (Nasdaq: NWAC - News) is the world's fifth largest airline with hubs at Detroit, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Memphis, Tokyo and Amsterdam, and approximately 1,500 daily departures. Northwest and its travel partners serve nearly 750 cities in almost 120 countries on six continents.
Spin Doctor

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