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Amfa Wins Arbitration

Speaking of AE taking AA routes CIO. Please explain the contract language below and why Twu is doing nothing about AA violating it.
  • ATTACHMENT 1.5 – SEAT MILES SCHEDULED BY COMMUTER AIR CARRIERS 351 352 From: Jane G. Allen 353 To: Edward R. Koziatek 354 Re: Seat Miles Scheduled by Commuter Air Carriers 355 356 August 15, 1995 357 358 This will confirm our discussions leading to signing of the agreement dated August 15, 359 1995, in which we discussed provisions for the future schedules of commuter air 360 carriers relative to American Airlines. 361 362 It is agreed that, beginning with twelve (12) month period following August 15, 1995, 363 and each twelve (12) month period thereafter, the total number of available seat miles 364 (ASM’s) which may be scheduled by all commuter air carriers owned by AMR or feeding 365 American may not exceed six (6) percent of the total ASM’s scheduled by American. 366 This limitation will not apply to ASM’s scheduled by such commuter air carriers on new 367 service on a route, which American has not served since March 1, 1993. 368 369 No aircraft type currently in the American Airlines fleet, or inactive aircraft type 370 previously in the American Airlines fleet and still under the Company’s control, and no 371 current orders or options for an American Airlines aircraft type will be transferred to or 372 operated by a commuter air carrier either owned by AMR or feeding American Airlines. 373 374 (Signed original on file) 375 ARTICLE 1 – RECOGNITION AND SCOPE
Mark Inman said:
Speaking of AE taking AA routes CIO. Please explain the contract language below and why Twu is doing nothing about AA violating it.
  • ATTACHMENT 1.5 – SEAT MILES SCHEDULED BY COMMUTER AIR CARRIERS 351 352 From: Jane G. Allen 353 To: Edward R. Koziatek 354 Re: Seat Miles Scheduled by Commuter Air Carriers 355 356 August 15, 1995 357 358 This will confirm our discussions leading to signing of the agreement dated August 15, 359 1995, in which we discussed provisions for the future schedules of commuter air 360 carriers relative to American Airlines. 361 362 It is agreed that, beginning with twelve (12) month period following August 15, 1995, 363 and each twelve (12) month period thereafter, the total number of available seat miles 364 (ASM’s) which may be scheduled by all commuter air carriers owned by AMR or feeding 365 American may not exceed six (6) percent of the total ASM’s scheduled by American. 366 This limitation will not apply to ASM’s scheduled by such commuter air carriers on new 367 service on a route, which American has not served since March 1, 1993. 368 369 No aircraft type currently in the American Airlines fleet, or inactive aircraft type 370 previously in the American Airlines fleet and still under the Company’s control, and no 371 current orders or options for an American Airlines aircraft type will be transferred to or 372 operated by a commuter air carrier either owned by AMR or feeding American Airlines. 373 374 (Signed original on file) 375 ARTICLE 1 – RECOGNITION AND SCOPE
Here it comes;

ER, ah, They can do that

Because with the company paid TWU as your "Union" they can do whatever they want. That should be clear to everyone after they opened and gutted the contract last year. They abrogated the contract without even going bankrupt. They got more concessions than the bankrupt airlines did!
LOL my o my LOL good one daaaaaaaaaaaave amfa (puke) wins!
lets do the math LOSER!!
=1750 people who are still waiting for recall ....won't happen @ NW.
hell has a better chance of freezing over before that happens & IF it does it will be because NW wised up again & KICKED the SCABS out.
to the complete jerk who called amfa(puke) a union better get out your websters 'cause pal there is NO U in amfa(puke) it is an ASSOciation!!!!
UNIONS put people to work & get them back to work just like TWU (note the U scab)
het boobieboy yeah you bob owens what would you know about RTW? were you here did you vote for it like the rest of the amfa(puke) scabs did?
RTW was bought in Oklahoma just you scabs are trying to buy the NMB WHAAAAA

princess "k" kiss a big one & take a hike 🙂 amfa (puke) sux!!!!!!
Hey SCAB SCRAPER, Why was an EASTERN AIRLINES scab proudly displayed in last month's TWUexpress as a proud member of TEAMtwu?
scab scraper said:
LOL my o my LOL good one daaaaaaaaaaaave amfa (puke) wins!
lets do the math LOSER!!
=1750 people who are still waiting for recall ....won't happen @ NW.
hell has a better chance of freezing over before that happens & IF it does it will be because NW wised up again & KICKED the SCABS out.
to the complete jerk who called amfa(puke) a union better get out your websters 'cause pal there is NO U in amfa(puke) it is an ASSOciation!!!!
UNIONS put people to work & get them back to work just like TWU (note the U scab)
het boobieboy yeah you bob owens what would you know about RTW? were you here did you vote for it like the rest of the amfa(puke) scabs did?
RTW was bought in Oklahoma just you scabs are trying to buy the NMB WHAAAAA

princess "k" kiss a big one & take a hike 🙂 amfa (puke) sux!!!!!!
And how many mechanics jobs have we lost? Isnt it over 2000?

RTW, unfortunately unions like the TWU with their undemocratic ways help those pushing RTW. I'm against it but I fear unless we can get rid of the crooks and bring transparency to the the movement then RTW will end up being the law of the land.
Hey SCAB SCRAPER, Why was an EASTERN AIRLINES scab proudly displayed in last month's TWUexpress as a proud member of TEAMtwu?
The only "scabs" I know at AA are ex-Eastern and they support the twu. Maybe scab free is dealing with his/her own denial?? Where did you work before AA??

Keep the Faith........AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!
Because with the company paid TWU as your "Union" they can do whatever they want. That should be clear to everyone after they opened and gutted the contract last year. They abrogated the contract without even going bankrupt. They got more concessions than the bankrupt airlines did!

You are truly amazing. You have the audacity to bad mouth the TWU. The same TWU that was putting $800/mo. into your greedy, yes greedy, little pockets each month. You gladly accepted the wages, putting your "strong union beliefs" on the shelf for a gallon of milk.

I do not see where anyone can give anything you post a bit of creedance. After doing my homework on you Mr. Owens I find you to be a true bottomfeeder. Who's padding the wallet these days?

It's one thing for members to voice their opinions here on the TWU and sometimes get carried away a bit, but to have a guy that willingly sold his beliefs for a monthly check? Wish there was a polite way to state, "kiss off".
on/on with this FM, i am still LOLROTFLOL.
as i read this there are so many things that are indicative of why amfa (puke) are indeed LOSERS.
I lkie page 17 the last paragraph & continuing on page 18 down to the "findings"
my o my that is absoultly the worst!!!!!!
you wannabes can not even get the language in the contract. did you think that just because the pilots/fa's have that language it should be automatic for you????jerks plain & simple. let me quote
pg 18 DAVE (i give you time to get there, follow along now 🙂 )
"It charges that amfa's(puke my add 🙂 )argument that the force majeure clause includes a "duration" requirement is an ATTEMPT (my caps 🙂 ) to insert language into the agrreement that the ASSOciation NEVER OBTAINED (my caps 🙂 ) in bargaining, unlike other employee organizations such as representing the pilots.
But even if there were implied obligation to recall, there would be no occasion to recall because the effect of the force majeure events are still being experienced"
o my, o my, HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! what part of "BARAINING" DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?
i sorta like that pharse " what part of UNION don't you understand? " don't you DAVE? the next paragraph is more of the same i REALLY like the part where THEY say "it did not suceed" you talk about "coming into the light" well pal I think y'all need some LIGHT 🙂
O. yeah let me say this too 🙂 i quote same page(18) DAVE 3rd paragraph.
"the ASSOciation should not be allowed to gain in ARITRATION (my caps)what it did not get in NEGOTIATIONS. (my caps) o my, o my, now listen DAVE
"what part of NEGOTATIONS don't you understand?" 🙂
if it weren't for so many people out there without jobs that were taken away by you SCABS this would perhaps some the funniest stuff i have ever read but, it is perhaps the SORRIEST i have ever read
i want to know something else DAVE. these 150 who have gotten their jobs back.
They were won in arbitration, who gets the money? (back pay they get) & who paid
for the arbitration?
y'all come to the light, hear
DAVE i won't EVEN go off on what mccormick said on page 7. my, o my, i'm glad he isn't working for the TWU. he wouldn't any way because the TWU is UNION!!!!!!!!!!
hey "busboy" jump! & jump NOW!!!!! it's over pal...."back to the basics...scabfree🙂
I thought the TWU dident like RTW because it was more jobs but at less pay and less bennies, well thats what we now have thanks to the TWU!!! makes no sense.
cheetah said:
I thought the TWU dident like RTW because it was more jobs but at less pay and less bennies, well thats what we now have thanks to the TWU!!! makes no sense.
Cheetah, Checked your Occupational Seniority date lately..? May answer your question..! Unless you like browsing through the Employment section of the Tulsa World, RTW supportive newspaper...!

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!

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