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Amfa Wins Arbitration

I have been organizing AMFA since 1989 and do not plan on giving up until the TWU is gone.

My lunch has been repacked so many times I lost count. However I do know that each time it is repacked there is less there under the TWU. This year my lunch was reduced by more than 17.5%.
Northwest plans to idle 150 mechanics

Thursday, June 19, 2003
Airline cites drop in Asian-Pacific travel due to SARS
By Steve Karnowski / Associated Press

The airline notified the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association Tuesday that it needed about 700 fewer technicians because of its previously announced decision to park 16 Boeing 747s, spokesman Kurt Ebenhoch said. Because Northwest is opening three new maintenance lines at its Minneapolis-St. Paul base for Boeing 757s and Airbus A320s, requiring about 550 employees, the net number of furloughs will be about 150, Ebenhoch said. Nearly all of the affected positions are in the Twin Cities! AMFA objected, saying that the SARS situation doesn't justify the furloughs and that no other airline has invoked force majeure because of severe acute respiratory syndrome. The union said it was considering what action to take. Northwest announced in March that it expected to cut about 2,000 mechanics' jobs as part of 4,900 layoffs worldwide, or 11 percent of its work force, because of the Iraq war. The actual number turned out to be 1,685.

Looks to me like NWA has already settled the FM2 case. Laying off 315 less than announced. I suspect we will see little thru the negotiation process of bring technicians back. Especially since they are asking for concessions from the pilots and note, Amfa will be in negotiations before the 6 month time table will be up.

The saga continues,
Buck said:
I have been organizing AMFA since 1989 and do not plan on giving up until the TWU is gone.

My lunch has been repacked so many times I lost count. However I do know that each time it is repacked there is less there under the TWU. This year my lunch was reduced by more than 17.5%.
Organizing for 15 years Buck????
Not had much luck huh??

15 years???????
No not much luck, but I have patience. As you continue to condone further concessions that devastate the pay and benefits of the mechanics, the membership will do what is right, but not for the right reason.
Buck please show us the average pay in the Industry and how many surplus mechanics in the Industry? With 52% of the work now being outsourced thanks to the bad language amfa has negotiated. I believe you will find out Amfa has contributed dramatically to the demise of the Industry!

Also I beleive you are part of the problem and not the solution!!! Amfa might have worked in the 60's but is outdated in todays environment.
Checking it Out said:
Buck please show us the average pay in the Industry and how many surplus mechanics in the Industry? With 52% of the work now being outsourced thanks to the bad language amfa has negotiated. I believe you will find out Amfa has contributed dramatically to the demise of the Industry!

Also I beleive you are part of the problem and not the solution!!! Amfa might have worked in the 60's but is outdated in todays environment.
cio, I am glad you are well enough to return to the internet. I had hoped that your time away you would have been able to think for yourself with the facts as they are presented before us in this industry.

You wrote, "With 52% of the work now being outsourced thanks to the bad language amfa has negotiated. I believe you will find out Amfa has contributed dramatically to the demise of the Industry!"

What do you not understand? AMFA was not at NWA when the iam allowed outsourcing. AMFA was not at SWA when the ibt allowed outsourcing. AMFA was not at UAL when the iam allowed outsourcing. AMFA is not at USAir where the iam is allowing outsourcing. So how can you say that AMFA is allowing outsourcing?

What has contributed to dramatically allow the demise of our profession is industrial fear/ineptness to fight for our craft. It is the ability of union officials like yourself to hide behind an alias while posting lies that encourages greedy airline executives to continue to erode our proud craft.
Ken MacTiernan said:
cio, I am glad you are well enough to return to the internet. I had hoped that your time away you would have been able to think for yourself with the facts as they are presented before us in this industry.

You wrote, "With 52% of the work now being outsourced thanks to the bad language amfa has negotiated. I believe you will find out Amfa has contributed dramatically to the demise of the Industry!"

What do you not understand? AMFA was not at NWA when the iam allowed outsourcing. AMFA was not at SWA when the ibt allowed outsourcing. AMFA was not at UAL when the iam allowed outsourcing. AMFA is not at USAir where the iam is allowing outsourcing. So how can you say that AMFA is allowing outsourcing?

What has contributed to dramatically allow the demise of our profession is industrial fear/ineptness to fight for our craft. It is the ability of union officials like yourself to hide behind an alias while posting lies that encourages greedy airline executives to continue to erode our proud craft.
Ken, you are a true believer.

SWA's business plan has never considerd in-house maintenance. Just like JetBlue, Airtran Virgin etc.

AMFA did negotiate first a garanteed 38% and further a financial payoff for any amount exceeding 38%.

I don't know about the IBT, but the IAM and TWu considered all work theirs, and could therefore grieve, negotiate, arbitrate for any work that is being outsourced.

Will all the work be done in-house? No. but just like AA swapped routes with Eagle in places there is always the option, to get the work back.
j7915 said:
Ken, you are a true believer.

Will all the work be done in-house? No. but just like AA swapped routes with Eagle in places there is always the option, to get the work back.

And that "option" will not also be available to the new AMFA Leadership at AA?
Say it aint so?
j7915 said:
Ken, you are a true believer.

SWA's business plan has never considerd in-house maintenance. Just like JetBlue, Airtran Virgin etc.

AMFA did negotiate first a garanteed 38% and further a financial payoff for any amount exceeding 38%.

I don't know about the IBT, but the IAM and TWu considered all work theirs, and could therefore grieve, negotiate, arbitrate for any work that is being outsourced.

Will all the work be done in-house? No. but just like AA swapped routes with Eagle in places there is always the option, to get the work back.
j, I am a true believer in things that I find truthful and factual. I believe in God. I believe in democracy & I believe in accountability. All three I learned from my parents.

Am I a true believer in AMFA? I am as long as their constitution remains the tool to protect our profession.

SWA's bussiness plan has never considered in-house maintenance? That is true from the beginning of Herb's creation set forth on a napkin many years ago. But then why did not the ibt ever force the issue as SWA grew? Would not bringing work back in-house better protected SWA AMTs? Why does AMFA's opponents point to outsourced maintenance where they represent AMTs if it was never AMFA's choice to offer this option?

AMFA was able to get a cap at NWA's farmout capacity after the iam's negotiated 100%. Is 38% great? Well, not as great as 100% in-house but it is a start. Wording a financial penalty if this % is surpased is positive protection.

The twu has indeed considered all work theirs. That is why the twu did not care if push-backs, deicing and airstarts were given to the Ramp. After all, the Ramp is twu. Taking shop repair away from licensed AMTs and given to unlicensed people is not outsourcing because it is twu represented people doing the work.

I do not see any "option" for this work being returned to AMTs because why should the company give it back? As for Eagle getting routes I admit that for certain routes that can not be filled by an MD80 a RJ may make more practical sense. But at the rate Eagle is expanding at the expense of AA does not give me a warm feeling. Especially with the twu representing both companies.

I do not see all work being done in-house 100% at all carriers. But with the twu negotiating srp/osm language, ramp doing AMT work and willingly accepting concessions with no snap backs they are forcing other airlines to follow suite. If not for the twu's unaccountability and the other industrial unions fear of fighting together, (read afl-cio), for AMTs we face continuing erossion of our craft.

I believe in our profession. I believe our profession is facing a turning point right now. I believe one path leads to the extinction of the level of pride, respect and professionalism that our craft deserves and that path is lead by the twu. The second path leads to the ability to regain and restore the pride, respect and professionalism our craft demands. That path is lead by democracy and accountability and the strength to stand up and fight for what is right. That path is lead by AMFA.

Lastly, I believe that when all AMTs are in the same union we will indeed dictate our futures and the safety of our country's airline safety.
Checking it Out said:
Buck please show us the average pay in the Industry and how many surplus mechanics in the Industry? With 52% of the work now being outsourced thanks to the bad language amfa has negotiated. I believe you will find out Amfa has contributed dramatically to the demise of the Industry!

Also I beleive you are part of the problem and not the solution!!! Amfa might have worked in the 60's but is outdated in todays environment.
Doesnt AA spend more on outsourcing than any other airline? Hasnt this been the case for years despite the fact that we have the lowest paid mechanics in the industry?

As far as AMFA being outdated its the TWU that has not been up to the challenge. Twenty years of decline is nothing to brag about.
It appears to me that AMFA will be putting those laid off in force-majure II back to work, some of them with full back pay as AMFA takes care of business. Conversely it appears the twu is asking the company if the company has checked the percentage of OSMs lately to see if there is any discrepancies.

Now why wouldn't the twu keep track of this themselves and if a person has been injured make sure they have complete back pay??? The lamest of union administration should surely be able to keep track of 25% Geeeez. 10% to 20%, what kind of crap is that??? If the twu can't keep track of this how are they going to keep track of out-sourcing???


"Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Over the course of time I have been in conversation in particularly about the AMT/OSM mix. It is my opinion that the Company needs to assign AMT/OSMs back to the AMT classification. Below is an email that was sent to me.

Randy McDonald


From: “David Lee Stewartâ€￾

To: Randy McDonald
Cc: “Carmine Romanoâ€￾ “David Lee Stewartâ€￾ “Mark Eastonâ€￾
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:36 AM

Subject: Recall of AMTs

As we discussed late yesterday, we followed your suggestion that we re-examine our mix of AMT headcount and OSM headcount. Following our analysis, we have determined that we have a surplus of OSM positions with a shortage of AMT positions.

Accordingly, we plan to issue a recall and reassign approximately ten (10) to twenty (20) employees from OSM positions to AMT positions. This will be accomplished by occupational seniority in accordance with Article 15 (i)(4). The exact number has not yet been determined. Seeral factors impact the timeline, however we would fully anticipate, based on our initial assessment, that the actions will be completed over the next six weeks.

As details become final, we will remain in communication with you. Thank you for your suggestion. This recall makes good business sense and provides a better utilization of our skilled employees.

Approved for Posting


Randy McDonald, President"
j7915 said:
I don't know about the IBT, but the IAM and TWu considered all work theirs, and could therefore grieve, negotiate, arbitrate for any work that is being outsourced.

Will all the work be done in-house? No. but just like AA swapped routes with Eagle in places there is always the option, to get the work back.
Get the work back for whom? The TWU or aircraft mechanics?

Thats the difference. The TWU does not care if the mechanics get the work, they only care that they get the dues. Thats why we have to get rid of the TWU. This union cares nothing about our profession. When I went to school to get my A&P I did not do so in the hopes of becoming a TWU member, I did so to become an A&P mechanic. My concern is for my profession, I want a union that will promote my profession and fight to keep jobs for A&P mechanics. This TWU has not done this for over 20 years, in fact they have done the opposite, trading away A&P jobs at each contract, lowering AA ratio of A&P mechanics per aircraft. There is no way that the TWUs track record of transferring work away from A&P mechanics can reasonably be considered a plus for the profession.

When is the TWU going to grieve, negotiate, arbitrate for the $465.2 million that AA outsources?

$465 million is more than the entire maint budget for Alaska,America West, Continental or USAIR.
More about the situation with the AMT/OSM percentage head count. The twu negotiated this mess then forgot or are to stupid to put in a penalty for going over the percentage of OSMs. So the company goes over on the percentage and it's "Oh hmmmm we will fix it". The real tragedy here is that the twu does not even keep track so that no one gets injured in the first place. What kind of crap is that???
What about license premium back pay for an equal number of mechanics required to reach to proper percentage?

Is this a grievance in pursuit of this backpay? Or just another bed wetting by the TWU?

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