Dog Wonder
In 100 years you may be cool again. If you ever were.History ALWAYS repeats itself. It is just a matter of time.
In 100 years you may be cool again. If you ever were.History ALWAYS repeats itself. It is just a matter of time.
Never mind. This concept obviously eludes you.southwind said:So Gay's are not allowed free speech and the right to assemble? Since when?
So long as equality comes I really could not care less abiut the other stuff you believe in. You are free to believe in what ever you choose. Just stop forcing it on everyone else.Black Magic said:The sodemites will have their fake marriage eventually. The homosexual movement is just a matter of time. In the Christian religion it's longgg been prophesied this will come..."good will become bad and bad will become good" sort of sense. Its just makes it that much closer to the reckoning day, it will all play out in the end.
So you dont sleep with a woman during menstration, no clothing of mixed fabric, how many adulterrs and bad children have you stoned?Black Magic said:I have my bases covered. No matter what the liberal media movement does to try and de sensitize the nation into whats morally acceptable it will have no affect on those that stay true to the gospel teachings.
So you have some side action going on just on case?Black Magic said:I have my bases covered.
Exactly..who cares about anything. Let the people snort, inject, smoke, anything and everything they choose and watch the nation go down the toilet.Ms Tree said:So long as equality comes I really could not care less abiut the other stuff you believe in. You are free to believe in what ever you choose. Just stop forcing it on everyone else.
Heed your own words fool.Ms Tree said:So long as equality comes I really could not care less abiut the other stuff you believe in. You are free to believe in what ever you choose. Just stop forcing it on everyone else.
Now your thinking like a libtard.Black Magic said:Exactly..who cares about anything. Let the people snort, inject, smoke, anything and everything they choose and watch the nation go down the toilet.
KCFlyer said:
Yes....but what will you do if, when you arrive at the gates of heaven, you are greeted by St Peter, Liberace and Rock Hudson? Will you pass on going in?
KCFlyer said:
Yes....but what will you do if, when you arrive at the gates of heaven, you are greeted by St Peter, Liberace and Rock Hudson? Will you pass on going in?
Unlike the above person who never was and will never be "Cool"!Dog Wonder said:In 100 years you may be cool again. If you ever were.
You cruisin' again Quag?Glenn Quagmire said:So you have some side action going on just on case?
By your standards. I will pass on being a Dim-Witted Racist Loser.Unlike the above person who never was and will never be "Cool"!
SOCHI, Russia (WNB) - Scooter Van Neuter reporting from the 2014 Winter Olympics.
This weekend was one I'll never forget, probably because I can hardly remember it.
The reason, of course, is because of the fact that Russian civil engineers have somehow perfected the art of transforming crystal clear mountain snow runoff into the urine-colored mucus that flows from every faucet in Sochi. With imported bottled water going for $14.75 USD, and a bottle of vodka going for 18 cents, even brushing one's teeth becomes a party.
I woke up shortly after noon on Saturday to find unidentified bugs had deforested my crotch and used the hair to construct a fairly elaborate dwelling on the right side of my face. Fortunately, I had enough vodka left to wash it off, and made a mental note to enclose my head in a plastic bag while sleeping to prevent this from happening again.
Because of my religion (Baconism) I don't work on Saturdays or Sundays, so going to the olympic competitions was out of the question. I decided to spend the weekend doing what I do best - hard-hitting investigative journalism. A major US publication had offered me $$$ for a story on the plight of Russian gays, so this was my focus.
After getting another case of vodka, I took a refreshing sponge bath, and in the spirit of "green" recycling, drank it to hydrate. Before I left I looked up the Russian word for "homosexual" to use in finding some gays to interview, then headed downtown to find some.
Within two minutes of arriving on a busy street corner, I was unexpectedly and brutally attacked by Russian police. The sign I was holding, Стремясь отнял у (Seeking gay man), was violently ripped out of my hands and despite my high-pitched squeals, I was thrown into a van and transported to a nearby jail.
Fortunately, jail turned out to be not so bad - it was far nicer than my hotel room, and had more gay guys than a Pelosi fundraiser. I found one who spoke a little English, and attempted to ask him questions for my story while simultaneously fending off 15 other crazed pole smokers who were pawing at me. I was thankfully released into the custody of a media liaison just in time, and went back to my hotel and wrote "Rump Riders Rub Russians Raw" - probably one of my best pieces.
Unlike the United States now, Russia supports treatment to turn gays normal, and I spent Sunday drinking vodka and being treated by two "therapists" sent to my room by local government authorities. My thanks to Varushka and Bronislava for their treatment (and the (so far) untreatable STD) - I don't feel even slightly fruity )
I'm starting to really like this place.
Yes. It's called freedom. Do you have something against that? Are you under some sort of delusion that you know what's best for us heathens? You are aware that there are others out there who think they know the truth as well. Hint. It's different than your truth. Prove it wrong. In dare you.Black Magic said:Exactly..who cares about anything. Let the people snort, inject, smoke, anything and everything they choose and watch the nation go down the toilet.