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Using the Olympics to push the Gay Agenda.

traderjake said:
Another one of Tree's false dilemmas,  it's either genetic or you make a conscience choice to be gay. 
What about identical twins where one is straight and one is gay? 
Identical twins are not as identical as you think they are.
Scientific America
If it's not a choice and it's not genetic what is option C?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Because laws have a purpose stupid.
They do not make laws just to make laws.
You make a law to either produce an outcome or eliminate one.
I see you bring up COTUS about every 5 posts like you are the resident expert in law. I got news for you. You're not.
Libtards have done more to damage the Constitutional rights of Americans since Barack Obama has been in office than any other time in the history of the United States.
I have a theory.
My theory is you could really care less about gay marriage. Your attack on the sanctity of marriage is nothing more than your disdain for Christianity and promoting your atheist beliefs.
You claim to care about civil rights. The truth is your just a selfish prick with an agenda.
What is the productive purpose of allowing the KKK free speech?  How about NAMBLA?  What is the productive purpose of allowing people to get married if they are not going to produce a child?
Equality is always productive.
The productivity of the legal right is independent of the productivity of the participants.  The equal protection clause of the COTUS does not specify that the participants must be 'productive' in order to be protected by a law or treated by the law.
Theories and a$$holes .... everyone has one.
We know you sure as hell do not care about equality.
This is a constitutional issue.  That is why it goes before the courts and in all likelihood will end up before the SCOTUS.  You may want to read up on it to understand the argument and understand why the courts have ruled against banning marriage equality in 18 states and why they will continue to do so in every other state where there are cases pending.  
Ms Tree said:
If it's not a choice and it's not genetic what is option C?
The didn't look at either link I posted, did you?
"There seems to be general agreement in late research that traumas while in the womb can predispose to homosexuality. This is certainly true in animals where females show mounting behavior. Yes, there are many animals who show homosexuality.
That is not the whole story. Now we need a specific constellation of family life to make the sex base turn into homosexuality or hypersexuality. And that all devolves down to need. Whatever the unfulfilled need is, there will be a militating force toward fulfillment. So the groundwork may be chemical but it will not expand into homosexuality without other key factors apparent."
Hey Fa la la la la,
Maybe you need to learn from this guy:
traderjake said:
The didn't look at either link I posted, did you?
"There seems to be general agreement in late research that traumas while in the womb can predispose to homosexuality. This is certainly true in animals where females show mounting behavior. Yes, there are many animals who show homosexuality.
That is not the whole story. Now we need a specific constellation of family life to make the sex base turn into homosexuality or hypersexuality. And that all devolves down to need. Whatever the unfulfilled need is, there will be a militating force toward fulfillment. So the groundwork may be chemical but it will not expand into homosexuality without other key factors apparent."
I read it. Took it with a grain of salt (that I dropped). Janov went to a non accredited university and has not published in any peer reviewed journals. I'll pass. Has about as much credibility as L Ron Hubbard.

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