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Useing Bk To Break Unions

nycbusdriver said:
If the power over my life or death hung on the decision of a politician, I pray it would be a Democrat.
dude you best look into to the plans 'hillary' had for national health care and as she termed it 'quality of life'.... you'll eat your words.
AAmech said:
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is "more middle of the road"????? Compared to who, Pol Pot? Stalin??? She sits comfortably at the extreem left of the spectrum. A true "middle of the road" justice is Sandra Day O'Conner.

Middle of the road? What are there six lanes on the right but only one on the left of that road? Why because she votes for womens reproductive rights but against workers rights?
MCI transplant said:
<_< Bob another example was the lack of leadefship by the AFL/CIO in regards to the Seniority issue beween two member Unions! They set quit a Precedent!! Seniority no longer means anything!!!! And never again will!!! :down:

Fair enough. But the fact that unions are now agreeing to slash wages across the board is another attack upon seniority. I was talking to a coworker who is going to have to retire ealy and get another job because with the cuts we took the longer he stays the less pension he will get. These concesssions hurt every single worker and destroyed the protections that seniority gave even if the employer remained intact. In the past seniority was always at risk if the employer went under, questionable if they merged but ironclad if the company remained in business. In fact that was the companys greatest source of leverage. Give concessions or we will go under and you will have to start at the bottom somewhere else. However if we were all in one union, with portable seniority, seniority once earned could not be taken away or used as leverage to gain concessions.

That is a far off goal, but as you have experienced, within seperate unions of the AFL-CIO it is an impossible goal. That is one of the reasons why we must try and get AMFA, it may not restore your seniority but maybe its about time we start thinking a little more long term.

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