Sorry, but no amount of cognative dissonance on your part can equate some union lowlife goon murdering someone over a job to what soldiers do in the armed services during a war.
Its amazing the lengths you union people will go to convince yourself that you aren't breaking a law.
Brainwashed is what you are.
Who is the one who is brainwashed?
Union leaders that have others attack someone who threatens their objectives is the same thing morally as when a President orders his troops to attack based on the same thing. The only differences are that a lot more people are killed when the President does it and the law allows it.
During the first Gulf War Bush cabinet member Regan said that the reason we were going to war was for "American jobs". So our government has killed for jobs before.
We attacked Iraq because the Bush Administration claimed they threatened "our interests". Law is only the rules set in place by those with power, they are not always just but they almost always are set in order to keep those in power in power.The fact that the law allows the government to attack and kill those whom our leaders feel threaten their interests does not make it right, just as when a union leader encourages his members to attack scabs.
We've committed sins, were not perfect, but we have a constitution and a bill of rights that allows us the right to assemble and the right to express our views (called freedom of speech).
If Bush has his way we wont for much longer. Besides the courts are already working to diminish that right by claiming that "the government" can not supress that right, however it gives other institutions the right to use whatever means are at their disposal to thwart these rights. If your Boss does not like your political position he can fire you. With corporations becoming the dominant Institutions of society, surpassing the church and government, our laws are not geared to protect our cherished rights from corporate interference. Corporations have been given rights that are superior to people. Eisenhower warned us 40 years ago to beware of the military Industrial complex, his warnings went unheaded, they now control our government.
When it boils right down to it, it is a criminal matter which unions and their members are involved. And to hell with any union trying to cover it up as one previous poster suggested. It's criminal and inhumane.
Coming from someone who supports a corrupt union like the TWU I'll pass that off as ignorance.
The way the TWU International abuses their power and screws over their members they should be thankful that those they have screwed have not resorted to worse. Violence is an abuse of power, however its not the only way power is abused, one of the reasons why the poor resort to violence more often than others is because that is the only means at their disposal. So for those who have power with the means to exercise power without violence and use it to abuse others its very handy to take this high minded position towards violence, it secures an advantage, however all things need checks and balances, those with such power may be less inclined to use it abusivly towards others if the risk of violent retaliation is real. Our court system was supposed to provide remedy without violence but the laws and the interpretation of laws have become so skewed toward those with power that for most following that path is an exercise in futility. Futility leads to desperation and that often leads to violence.
The fact is I dont know all the details of what happened in Philly, neither do you. Perhaps these were just thugs, perhaps they were incited by the lies and distortions of the TWU, after all the TWU was the union that set the standard for concessions that the IAM was forced to meet, now the TWU is verbally attacking the IAM for meeting the standards of the TWU, but to just make a blanket statement that any violent act is wrong, no matter what led to it is wrong and hypocritical.
I never said that I thought the killing of scabs was right. I just said it was less of an injustice than when an innocent bystander was harmed. Scabbing is not freedom of speech, it is coveting.