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US to Take Blankets Off Flights

There is an AA board on this forum?

as in Alcoholics Anonymous?


Hey, now. As a member of Alcoholics Anonymous for over 24 years, I find a delicious irony in the fact that I spend part of every work day serving cocktails to passengers. And the first thing I do is put down a paper napkin on the tray table that says AA on it. :lol:
I've seem babies diapres changled on them *burp*

AA? What is that? Am I on the wrong board again? IF these keys woudl stay still i cloud push them better.

DINGDINGSDINGDONGDINGDONG!!! Can I plz have my pesos back becuaese there is no booz in my drinkie poo.

Pigeons, oh my. And have you ever seen the floor of the men's rooms in CLT? None of those Philistines have any sense of aim. Those wheels roll in some nAAsty stuff.

It's the same reason I'm grossed out by the bottoms of shoes. And by the kettles who go to the onboard lav in their bare feet or socks. I wonder if they get in there and suddenly realize "yuck!" when they sense the wetness, but then feel the need to maintain their composure upon exiting and returning to their seats, or if they are just clueless.

Pigeons, Wheels and Piss. Reasons 4,653, 4,654 and 4,655 not to use the blankets and pillows.
Really? Just US? Ignant' as usual. Read the AA board on their "crusty" blankets, and get back to us.

Or how about United Airlines? I just hope with selling pillows and blankets, they don't go the route of Air Canada and sell an "inflatable" plastic pillow.
Sorry to stir up an old thread, and it's never easy to say I told you so, but CO just dropped the 500 mile minimum (which everyone was sure no one wold follow US, then UA did.. then...), higher mileage requirements, and added a first bag fee (elites exempt, similar to US): :blink:


Horrifying. What next, airlines? :angry:

I mean CONTINENTAL is ridding itself of the 500 mile minimum? 😱

EDIT: Just watched the Crew News in PHX, and DP says that other airlines are inquiring about the bev sales.... This has just got to stop!!
EDIT: Just watched the Crew News in PHX, and DP says that other airlines are inquiring about the bev sales.... This has just got to stop!!

I saw that, too. I guess we have to tell them it's going great so they start selling, too, and people can stop b!tching at me when they hand me their $2 and tell me how ridiculous I am for doing this to them... lol
In short, I'm cutting Doug Parker and the rest out of my life and it will be a great pleasure to one day mail him my cut up US Airways Club card, Credit Cards along with a nice note telling him Exactly how I feel.
Love to see that. Perhaps a picture? US could always use pictures for their obit.
You know one of the reasons I've been less vocal here is because I fly less now. I've had one round trip for business since June 25.

You guys (read Airlines) reap what you sow and I am really begining to reacquaint myself with the joys of driving and the extra few cents a mile I make from the mileage allowance. Also working on getting new job that requires either less travel in total or international travel only when it comes to air travel. One really cool gig I'm working on would involve going from PHIL-PIT a few times a month. WN business select here I come!!!!!!!! I could still hold Platinum on US with this potential new job but Platinum on US is like Assistant Janitor Status on any other airline.

In short, I'm cutting Doug Parker and the rest out of my life and it will be a great pleasure to one day mail him my cut up US Airways Club card, Credit Cards along with a nice note telling him Exactly how I feel.

Shocking. What's even more unbelievable is CO and UA are following the 500 mile minimum (CO really should listen to their FFs more....)! Can you believe it? Continental? United? Following DP's lead? According to the blogs I have read, the 500 mile minimum is generating the most complaints at US and UA, and CO matches? What gives?

Looks like WN business select is your best bet now....
Sorry to stir up an old thread, and it's never easy to say I told you so, but CO just dropped the 500 mile minimum (which everyone was sure no one wold follow US, then UA did.. then...), higher mileage requirements, and added a first bag fee (elites exempt, similar to US): :blink:


Horrifying. What next, airlines? :angry:

I mean CONTINENTAL is ridding itself of the 500 mile minimum? 😱

EDIT: Just watched the Crew News in PHX, and DP says that other airlines are inquiring about the bev sales.... This has just got to stop!!

I am still in shock about Continental myself. And I am sure that I am one of many that has written to them. (I wrote to US, too, when they took it away, a lot of good that did!) I had no idea that they would race to the bottom, too. This really hurts short-haul, high yield travelers like me.

As to beverage sales on any airline, I will buy adult beverages on board, but I will buy sodas, juices, water, coffee, etc. prior to boarding.
I am still in shock about Continental myself. And I am sure that I am one of many that has written to them. (I wrote to US, too, when they took it away, a lot of good that did!) I had no idea that they would race to the bottom, too. This really hurts short-haul, high yield travelers like me.

As to beverage sales on any airline, I will buy adult beverages on board, but I will buy sodas, juices, water, coffee, etc. prior to boarding.

Why isn't there a thread 14 pages long on the CO board about this? I understand this 500 minimum is the worst "cut" that the airlines have implemented! I mean, it's fine if everyone crucifies US in their changes, but everyone else is exempt? Like I said, sit back and watch....

And, if you get thirsty on board and change your mind, we are just a call bell away. It's on me... :lol:
I am not thrilled about the changes, but US still doesn't come anywhere close to CO:

1. CO still offers elite bonus miles--this is the biggie!

2. CO still offers premium class service and better service in the back than any other carrier

3. CO offers bonus segments for higher fares

4. CO offers bonus miles for higher fares.

5. CO still provides drinkie coupons to at least Platinum elites in the event you are on an RJ or in the back of the bus.

I think it was poor timing on CO's part since oil prices are fallllllllllllling.

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