A follow-up WSJ article on airline blankets.
A follow-up WSJ article on airline blankets.
Really? Just US? Ignant' as usual. Read the AA board on their "crusty" blankets, and get back to us.
EDIT: Just watched the Crew News in PHX, and DP says that other airlines are inquiring about the bev sales.... This has just got to stop!!
Love to see that. Perhaps a picture? US could always use pictures for their obit.In short, I'm cutting Doug Parker and the rest out of my life and it will be a great pleasure to one day mail him my cut up US Airways Club card, Credit Cards along with a nice note telling him Exactly how I feel.
You know one of the reasons I've been less vocal here is because I fly less now. I've had one round trip for business since June 25.
You guys (read Airlines) reap what you sow and I am really begining to reacquaint myself with the joys of driving and the extra few cents a mile I make from the mileage allowance. Also working on getting new job that requires either less travel in total or international travel only when it comes to air travel. One really cool gig I'm working on would involve going from PHIL-PIT a few times a month. WN business select here I come!!!!!!!! I could still hold Platinum on US with this potential new job but Platinum on US is like Assistant Janitor Status on any other airline.
In short, I'm cutting Doug Parker and the rest out of my life and it will be a great pleasure to one day mail him my cut up US Airways Club card, Credit Cards along with a nice note telling him Exactly how I feel.
Sorry to stir up an old thread, and it's never easy to say I told you so, but CO just dropped the 500 mile minimum (which everyone was sure no one wold follow US, then UA did.. then...), higher mileage requirements, and added a first bag fee (elites exempt, similar to US): :blink:
Horrifying. What next, airlines? :angry:
I mean CONTINENTAL is ridding itself of the 500 mile minimum? 😱
EDIT: Just watched the Crew News in PHX, and DP says that other airlines are inquiring about the bev sales.... This has just got to stop!!
I am still in shock about Continental myself. And I am sure that I am one of many that has written to them. (I wrote to US, too, when they took it away, a lot of good that did!) I had no idea that they would race to the bottom, too. This really hurts short-haul, high yield travelers like me.
As to beverage sales on any airline, I will buy adult beverages on board, but I will buy sodas, juices, water, coffee, etc. prior to boarding.
Here’s a thread on the changes at CO. 382 posts as of this morning since Friday.<SNIP> Why isn't there a thread 14 pages long on the CO board about this? I understand this 500 minimum is the worst "cut" that the airlines have implemented!
How disturbing. I never thought CO would match USAir on this....Here’s a thread on the changes at CO. 382 posts as of this morning since Friday.