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US to Take Blankets Off Flights

Screw blankets...If US Airways stopped serving PBI altogether, imagine all the weight in wheelchairs they'd save.
PHX should be up there too. I flew HP back in 2003, EWR-PHX and I counted 14 wheelchairs on the flight. When they started to preboard, they all lined up waiting to get on. I am sure the ADA, DV, and the US Government won't allow that.
I do like how AA provides premium blankets and pillows wrapped in plastic to its First Class customers. US will probably use the old pillows and blankets in what it calls FC.
Well, it sounds like the AA blankets are wrapped in something! Groooooooss! (Notice, in Post #3 below, the crusty yummy blanket was in ... wait.. FC. On the first flight of the day? The horror....)

From AA board, "Blankets" thread:

"Just the other day, I was taking the blankets out of the o/h bin in FC to put in the blanket pockets (first flight of the day). Two of the blankets were stiff with dried god only knows what. I think if the local health departments got involved none of the airlines would have blankets to be passed out that weren't sealed in plastic at the factory or laundry."(Post #3)

Ick. Or, how about...

"The problem here at JFK is that every international inbound is merely turned-cleaned, not overnight cleaned. So blankets are just folded, clean or dirty."(Post #4)

INTERNATIONAL INBOUND blankets are recycled as well? P-U!! At least US washes those!! :lol:
Wait! I like this one, too....

"On flights that do overnight and the blankets should be removed they aren't. That's because the overnight cleaning company AirServ, cuts corners and does turn cleans when then should be overnights."(Post #4)

Shameful outsourcing and cost cutting. That pesky AirServ. How about....

"For the many that end up on the floor, there are always several with someone's shoes or barefeet (I'm not sure which is worse) on them. Might as well give them recycled napkins to wipe their faces with also." (Post #7)

Delicious. Well, I guess when you fly the 300+ MD80's AA has, you can play some sort of "Guess What the Crusty Stuff Is" game, since there is no IFE whatsoever.
I watched a passenger sneeze right into a pillow he had on his lap then place it on the seat next to him.

I was grossed out needless to say.

well, it's anybody's guess how many I've farted on.
Yes, and apparently, their FC blankets are nasty! :lol:
I'm surprised that, like here, you didn't conclude that those comments were made by chronic whiners and that everything was really peachy over at AA.....

I'm surprised that, like here, you didn't conclude that those comments were made by chronic whiners and that everything was really peachy over at AA.....


Oh, I've concluded it! Shame you can't conclude that OA's have the same blanket problems as USAir. 🙄

A little ridiculous, isn't it?

Please show me the post where I said that everything was "peachy". Just find it hilarious that people are *still* arguing over a $2 coke that has largely turned out to be a non issue. AA's crusty blankets, however... now there's an issue... :lol:
Just find it hilarious that people are *still* arguing over a $2 coke that has largely turned out to be a non issue.

That's funny, the people I've spoken to say is dreadful...we would hear the real truth, but the sandfleas have scared people away
That's funny, the people I've spoken to say is dreadful...we would hear the real truth, but the sandfleas have scared people away
Who are you speaking with? Did you read the recently closed thread? All accounts on here say it's fine, and I have not had one outburst.

So is everyone on here lying, or is Tempe somehow getting to them before they post on here? :lol:

You slay me. As I predicted, it's simply a non issue. 😉
Oh, I've concluded it! Shame you can't conclude that OA's have the same blanket problems as USAir. 🙄
Which makes my follow on question fit well....

Why are F/A passing out such filthy blankets. Replacements should be available in the hubs, and most focus cities as of when I retired. That means that clean, packaged blankets are available as replacements about every other stop but not requested - why is that? Just too lazy or the "What do they expect for their $_____ fare" passengers don't deserve any better attitude?

Which makes my follow on question fit well....

Why are F/A passing out such filthy blankets. Replacements should be available in the hubs, and most focus cities as of when I retired. That means that clean, packaged blankets are available as replacements about every other stop but not requested - why is that? Just too lazy or the "What do they expect for their $_____ fare" passengers don't deserve any better attitude?

Dunno.. ask the same question on the AA board, and see where you get an answer first.
It's about time people owned their own pillow and blanket.

Watching what people do to these things is gross.

It's not hygienic to share these things.

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