You're always talking about people and how they "spin" facts. How about your spin? Of course if you take the highest Y fare as an elite you are guaranteed an upgrade! I have to wonder sometimes about the legitimacy of your board persona. Your name is US1YFare....but for you to not know the instant upgrade on a fare like that really makes me wonder if you are another 17 year old kinglobjaw who isn't really even a preferred member.
IGNORE THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!!!!! (Apparently, I am the man behind the curtain) Too bad for you, I know about what I speak.
Talk about spin. YOU ARE NEVER
GUARANTEED AN UPGRADE!!!! Maybe I am speaking from experience and you are half-reading what they tell you. Even though many on here know me, let me take the time to educate you--although it seems that the kool-ade runs thick through your veins and the sand is clogging your brain. Stay out of the sun also--too much is not a good thing as evidenced by some of your statements.
Now, let's start from the beginning. Anyone can buy WN's fares and get those perks--and there has to be a seat left for them to buy the ticket. NOT SO ON USAIRWAYS oh numbnut one.
So let's start with US elites. A US elite, a lowly Silver (US4) for example, buys a ticket at the airport, a Y ticket on a PHL-CLT flight 8-seat 757. Sorry, Mr. Silver, FC is full, so you get sit in Y. And, as a bonus for paying such a high fare, we are not going to give you extra credit for buying such a high fare, and, oh, drinks will cost you $5. Thanks for your business. This would apply to US1, US2, and US3 as well. On WN, the purchaser is getting more value and a cheaper ticket. This happens all the time on US--a preferred changes their flight at the last minute, and guess, what, FC is unavailable--sorry have to sit in coach.
Now, if you aren't an elite, which you don't have to be an elite on WN to buy those fares, and you buy a Y fare, you are even dumber to do so on US--1) you don't get extra credit for buying a high fare; 2) you don't get a free drink (if you do, a westie would write up the FA); and 3) you don't get an upgrade to FC unless you use miles or US sells it to you at an additional cost.
So, to quote my girlfriend who is the Homecoming Queen this year (GO RAIDERS!!!!)--