Tiger, Im not sure why the need to use contempt and attempted ridicule in this debate. Point is, there were no "pilot neutrals" in the NWA/DAL arbitration. And which two of the Horowitz, Eischen, Bloch trio are going to relegate themselves to the role of "non-voting." ALPO doesnt follow its own merger policy. Your continue barrage of contempt and ridicule is noted. snooper, aka Fred the first officer
Bloch is the only arbitrator; the other two are attornies, will they have a vote?
Freund once again makes perfect sense:
In his opening statement on behalf of Delta's pilots, attorney Jeffrey R. Freund told the panel that to integrate the two pilot lists, the first step should be to place the aircraft on both sides of the combined company in broad categories and then look at each pilot's status on those aircraft.
Pilots value their seniority. Those at the top of the list get first choice on vacations, the best routes and the bigger planes.For example, Freund said, there could be international wide-body captains and narrow-body first officers.
He said that whatever the categories are, the appropriate process would be to then count the pilots in each status and category who held those positions on a particular date, on the respective seniority lists.
So, if there were 200 Delta international wide-body captains and 100 Northwest international wide-body captains, the top 300 pilots from the two seniority lists would be distributed on the merged seniority list on the basis of two Delta pilots and then one Northwest pilot, and so on down the line.
Freund said the pilots in other aircraft categories should be distributed on the merged list the same way.
"That's the way its been done at Delta in every decade, the '70s, '80s, '90s and now the 2000s," Freund told the panel.
"And every decade up until this decade, there has been seniority integration that has been done on status and category and it's been done fundamentally successfully."