USFlyer said:
First, forget Boyd. He'll say whatever he needs to say to generate a headline. Second, I thought US was granting travel certs to any employees with perfect attendance around the holidays. US can't afford to pay you more, whether you think you deserve it or not. If you think you deserve it, honestly, after the holidays is a great time to refocus on one's career and find something better. I find it hard to believe anyone really wants to work for this bloody company at this point.
Truthfully, folks normally shouldn't need incentives to come to work OR make themselves available to a company that they are loyal to.
This is no longer the case for the U employees. This mangment has "whipped" all their employees to extinction, with 3 concession, including double digit pay cuts, and the list goes on and on....
Can the company afford not to offer incentives? How much did we lose this holiday due to unanticipated weather during a weekend xmas holiday, no less?
Incentives of "two space positive tickets" in first class may be great for a pax, but on a double digit pay cut, you can only use it to ride on the airplane and turn right back around for the day, cause you can't afford anything else.
Giving employees a bonus today of "two personal trip drops" using them starting in Feb, or an extra 5 hours pay for making yourself available during the holiday, that can be paid after Feb as well, are nice incentives.
And if it would have remedied even 30% of the problem, that would have saved the company much more than they now, will lose.
Did the company know about these betcha. Starting last year. Did they do anything about it...answer: NO.
Stupid is; as stupid does.