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Us Employees Treated Like Cattle

A320 Driver said:
Wasn't Michael Boyd one of the talking heads that said we had to slash costs to stay in business and compete with the LCCs? Sounds like he's workin' both sides of the street now. Guess that's how he stays in business himself.

A320 Driver
corporate butt kisser???
dick buttkiss??
First, forget Boyd. He'll say whatever he needs to say to generate a headline. Second, I thought US was granting travel certs to any employees with perfect attendance around the holidays. US can't afford to pay you more, whether you think you deserve it or not. If you think you deserve it, honestly, after the holidays is a great time to refocus on one's career and find something better. I find it hard to believe anyone really wants to work for this bloody company at this point.
Best served cold,

Excellent post, and very true to form.
4merresrat said:
paycheck that keeps getting smaller and smaller. What kind of incentive is that for anybody ??????

Geez, why can't you GET IT. IF the "smaller and smaller" paycheck that you now get is not incentive enough, then QUIT. Now, not to be mean-spirited however the answer must be that you can not find another way to support yourself that is equal or better to the conditions at Usairways. Im sorry either that or you just enjoy being miserable. Because you are definately miserable and bitter and you are not making enough money to make you happy. So, either you do not have employable skills to leave, or you dont want to applyl yourself and go back to school and get the skills needed to make more money. Which is it?????/

Why would anybody quit ? Why not ride this pig into the ground, then collect unemployment ??

And to respond to your other smack ### comments - I never said I was or was not an employee of US Airways and you have no clue as to what my skills are. I am not bitter or miserable, just see this management team continue to demoralize the work force, treating them like a inconvenience rather than an asset.
A320 Driver said:
And now you want everyone else in the same boat. If your so glad to be gone, why don't you leave us alone go your merry way.

A320 Driver
I know you didn't address me but since I am gone as well I will respond: I am here because I was there for 15 year of my life and gave them my heart mind and soul while there. I have many friends still there worrying about the final outcome and how it will affect their families. I paid my dues with 15 years of my life and unlike "pineybob" who put zero hours in at U as an employee, I and “salesguyâ€￾ are entitled to our opinions whether you or anyone else likes it or not. Like we hear all the time, “if you don't like it leave“, same goes for posts such as mine. If you don't like what I say, don't read them. In other words stop acting like children and denying the reality that is upon U which is employees no longer give a rats hind-end thanks to a ruthless lying conniving management team supported by the a few whackos on these boards.

Love Curt
USFlyer said:
First, forget Boyd. He'll say whatever he needs to say to generate a headline. Second, I thought US was granting travel certs to any employees with perfect attendance around the holidays. US can't afford to pay you more, whether you think you deserve it or not. If you think you deserve it, honestly, after the holidays is a great time to refocus on one's career and find something better. I find it hard to believe anyone really wants to work for this bloody company at this point.

Truthfully, folks normally shouldn't need incentives to come to work OR make themselves available to a company that they are loyal to.

This is no longer the case for the U employees. This mangment has "whipped" all their employees to extinction, with 3 concession, including double digit pay cuts, and the list goes on and on....

Can the company afford not to offer incentives? How much did we lose this holiday due to unanticipated weather during a weekend xmas holiday, no less?

Incentives of "two space positive tickets" in first class may be great for a pax, but on a double digit pay cut, you can only use it to ride on the airplane and turn right back around for the day, cause you can't afford anything else.

Giving employees a bonus today of "two personal trip drops" using them starting in Feb, or an extra 5 hours pay for making yourself available during the holiday, that can be paid after Feb as well, are nice incentives.

And if it would have remedied even 30% of the problem, that would have saved the company much more than they now, will lose.

Did the company know about these incentives...you betcha. Starting last year. Did they do anything about it...answer: NO.

Stupid is; as stupid does.
Did the company know about these incentives...you betcha. Starting last year. Did they do anything about it...answer: NO.
Stupid is; as stupid does.

SKY HIGH states:

It's "stupid" to DO NOTHING!!! :down:
SKY HIGH said:
Did the company know about these incentives...you betcha. Starting last year. Did they do anything about it...answer: NO.
Stupid is; as stupid does.

SKY HIGH states:

It's "stupid" to DO NOTHING!!! :down:
because in their eyes they didn't do anything wrong..... :blink:
SKY HIGH states:

It's "stupid" to DO NOTHING!!! :down:

Yeah, should be right next the to full page apology from those unethical employees who called in sick over the holiday weekend :down:

Looking at your screen name are you former US employee?

And are God?

How do you know who was sick and who was not?
700UW said:

Looking at your screen name are you former US employee?

And are God?

How do you know who was sick and who was not?

Of course no one can determine who was actually sick or not. Are you REALLY saying you believe it was not done to stick it to management. You really believe it was just a coincidence, come on!! And yes, that is correct, former. And as far as your other question, Im sorry I can help but jump in when I see how these boards are slanted to one side. I know it is hopeless but I cant believe people have bought hook, line, and sinker into this union, entitlement mentality. I know it is not the popular way of thinking around these boards (a huge understatement).
No one believes in entitlement.

If you were an ACTIVE employee you would know the employees of this company have given over $2.4 Billion in concessions since 9/02 and 20,000 less jobs since 9/11/01.

And that is not counting the current ALPA and CWA concessions and the pending AFA ones.

The above contradicts everything you have said about union entitlements.
stay home with family ....

go to work for peanuts ....

that is a no brainer
4merresrat said:
SKY HIGH states:

It's "stupid" to DO NOTHING!!! :down:

I suspect Al Crellin with do just that. When he returns from his Christmas vacation.... :down:

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