I started this topic concerning SICK TIME and not union bashing. Bob, I am glad you feel so confident in your abilities that you require no unionization making it through life just fine. It seems lately all the woes facing this company are either directly or indirectly the consequence of U’s unions, according to your posts anyway. The simple fact is unions are indeed necessary because of a term called depravity making man flawed, hence employers will not treat everyone fairly or even equally given the same tasks assigned, or even humanly if unregulated. If there was no union we all would be working for China wages with zero benefits. Just look at the latest, HOOVER vacuum factory employees in Ohio losing their jobs over the plant moving to China. They paid those employees all of $13 an hour, which was too much they felt, so now they are moving to China, where they will pay 33 cents an hour instead. We all would be making 33 cents an hour if unions disappeared overnight. The corporations are not paying you because they are nice, they pay you to stay put and if one doesn't have an education then the union is the next best thing. I have held my peace with you Bob, but give it a break already. We all know your views ad nauseam on your feeling towards unions and their leaders. This topic has veered off course over your loathing union bashing rants. Coming on here and doing what you’re doing is like walking directly into a hornet’s nest naked and expecting to walk out without any welts. It ain’t going to happen. You are changing nobody’s mind; this is a unionized airline like it or not.