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US cares about curtomer retention


I was not complaining about the fares, I think they are reasonable for the flying I do I just think they are putting too much effort in attracting the $199.00 RT fares to just fill seats, and not building more value into the system for the people who actually use the higher unrestricted fares
On 6/28/2003 6:26:00 PM Singleflyer wrote:

The purpose of my post is was that US does care about retaining their loyal customers. The return I received was quite a surprise to me, and shows that they want to keep their high paying customers. I am CP on US; Gold on NW and DL all earned. I e-mailed all alirlines I fly the same question about the fly 3 get one free promo, because it was for RT and I only fly on one way tickets. To this date the only response was from US. I also beleive that there was some management (mid-level) interaction prior to the call to me so they could determine what it would take to make this loyal, high paying customer happy. I am the polar opposite of a cockroach, by need not choice.

I have listed my flights, airlines and cost below:

SUN MHT-LGA US $339.00
MON LGA-IND US $570.00
WED IND-LGA US $571.50


You want fares? I''ll show you fares!

Next week:

DCA-PHL-CDG-PHL-DCA x3 envoy = $16,800......

No hard feelings here. I was only speaking the truth in my above thread. Sometimes hearing someone's honesty can be offensive if you are sensitive.

I know the response to his (original poster) needs has to come from mangement, as the "front line" employees are NOT permitted to make decisions. We no longer have that atonomy, nor do the supervisors.

So, Since days went by, I resurrected his post and asked (as a funny) "are you still holding your breath"?

It was a simple question.

Are you really a customer? Or are you really an employee? For instance, Pinney Bob is a "coachroach" flyer, in fact, he invented it. He has told us his name. I am just inquiring if you are really a customer...I have my doubts. Out of all the posters on here, negative or not, you selected me to respond to. Why?

I am a customer who happens to be a CP and I have been flying US (and Piedmont before that, thus the name) for about twenty years. I fly an average of six segments a week and have flown about 110 segments so far this year (about sixty on US). I too have a cockroach pin but have quit wearing it. After trying several different airlines over the past six months, due to BBB and black Tuesday last summer, I have found that US is my airline of choice and no longer feel the need to show my dissatisfaction with the airline or possibly upset an employee who feels that it may be a slap at them. US treats me better than any one else I have flown. This excellent service comes mostly from the CP Desk and the FA’s and GA’s, but also from upper management. The feelings of most of the employees on this forum are well know concerning “Team Siegelâ€, but I do give them some credit for listening last year when the preferred members went absolutely ballistic over the changes that were announced and later rescinded. I do not however understand or know how to run an airline (I just sit in the seats) and so I have lurked on this forum to educate myself on the inner workings of US and make sure that the 600,000 miles were in fact going to be good for something).

I disagree with your assessment that front line employees can not make a decision on behalf of a pax. I know you have no way of knowing this, so just trust me on this one, the employees on the other airlines have been threaten with their jobs if they do not follow the rules to the letter even when dealing with their elite members. This to date has not been the case at US. In the past two months alone I could site many examples of employees who have cut me some slack on various issues, all of which I asked for nothing. As a matter of fact I have been careful to try to follow the rules and not ask for favors out of concern for putting an employee in an awkward situation. The only exception was mentioned above when to keep peace in the family I asked for and received two extra envoy awards to FCO after I had already booked six.

Given as much as I fly, I probably don’t write as many letters of praise as I should, but every letter that I have ever written to US concerning anything other than their policies has been letter complimenting an employee. (As a matter of fact, if I was a US employee why would I write and post to the DL forums on this site a letter concerning a flight crew last week). I am one very vocal customer to everyone that will listen to me about what a wonderful job that the employees of US has been doing with very little to work with.

As to why I picked your response out, it just hit me wrong and I did not “sense†the “funny†in it. Because of my sensitivity to how well US is doing and my concern that “we†are not out of the woods yet, I felt like you may have been taking out your frustrations on a pax, one that like myself feels pretty good about the efforts that the company and employees are making to keep loyal customers in the seats. It appears that he took no offense to it but I didn''t know that at the time.

PITBull, the long and short of it is, and you would have to agree the over all tone of most of your post are negative. I’m not sure that if I were in your shoes that mine might not be negative as well. But having been there before, I also know that it can impact many areas of ones life, personal, family, friends, and yes performance on the job. Trying to find something positive in a situation like this is hard, I know, but I’m just as sure that there are positives to US. That’s the reason I came back after trying the rest of the competition.

I would prefer to keep my personal information private, because I am convinced that BBB is out to get me, but you ask so you have a PM if I can figure that out how to send it. That way maybe we can meet and I can buy you that drink after all.

Thanks for responding because I was truly afraid that I had been too harsh.

Nice to meet you, hope to know you...

Glad you are pleased with our airline and our service. I think the folks are pretty great here, that is why I fight for them. There are those in life who suffer in silence, and those who suffer and make it known, none the less it still is suffering, and if you are going to be on here, welcome...AND get ready for some major kick-butt-and-take-no-names dialogue.

I can''t seem to use the little character faces below...but I am winking now.

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