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US cares about curtomer retention


Mar 27, 2003
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With all airlines now offering the fly three get one free promo, I e-mailed Monday Evening US my #1 carrier, NW my #2 and UA, because they have direct to ORD about my concern that they are leaving the full fare one way customer out of the program.

First thing this morning I received a Phone call from US about my concern that I would not qualify because I do not take round trip flight ever, but I do spend alot.

This is Wed evening, and no replys from the other airlines about the concern, I''m Gold on NW.

I do not have a firm answer yet from US but they will be in touch with me, and I have a direct phone number to the person I spoke with this moning, and they will have an answer to my question about qualifying after they review my strange flying habbits.

I was very pleased with their quick response to my question, and their concern to retain a very good customer. This is another example of how US goes out of their way to keep their elite customer base happy.

As a CP who has occasion to fly other airlines and holds elite status on two others, I find your response offensive and totally out of touch with what is going on in this industry today. I can sight many examples of the great service this airline provides vs. anybody else I fly.

US treat me very well and considerably better than any other airline I fly. Granted being CP is more than likely the difference, I find that the front line folks at US are head and shoulders above any other airline I fly. I am Gold on DL and I cannot get any one to return a phone call and all I get from many emails is canned pre-written response. In fact you can not talk directly to any one in their SkyMiles department. They simply will not talk with you. I have never received a personal response to any written communication to DL. While the DL employees are great people, they are so afraid of doing anything but follow the book they are now being overly hard nosed to any request. You can see the fear and the disappointed of not being able to help you in their eyes and body language.

I believe you are a FA if I remember reading your many post here slamming the company that you work for. I can only hope that I am never on one of your flights, because if you attitude carries over to the cabin I will write my first ever letter about an employee with a very poor attitude. In fact I am more sensitive to how I treat US employees now because I do feel badly about the stress you all must be under now and much more willing to look the other way when I do feel the customer service is up to level it should be, i.e., like losing my bags three times in the past two weeks.

Quite frankly, I find just the opposite attitude with the crews on my flights. Yes there are problems with the airline, but I feel much appreciated by the employees on this airline, from a gate agent telling that they really appreciate my loyalty, to the FA who personally greets me once I have taken a seat and thanks me for flying US so much.

The folks on the CP desks are without a doubt the best in the industry. They have always gone out of their way to either accommodate a request or get an answer to a question. There have been times I have received an answer that I did not like, but I knew from the tone of voice on the phone they really did not want to disappoint me. They have helped me find my son in PIT at a gate late one night after his flight had been cancelled and his cell phone had died. Took a long time to find somebody to answer a phone at what ever gate he was at, but they got him on the phone. I can site many more examples, but lets just leave it that they are simply the best.

Last week I tried to book two more envoy awards to FCO when there was no availability. I had already booked six on the flight and knew that if I asked the answer would be no, but I asked any way. Guess what, I got them. I was stunned to say the least.

Maybe I am being too hard on you, but they are still people in the company who do value my business and are willing to go out of their way to insure my continued loyalty. You sound like you truly care for US but have reached a point that there seems to be nothing positive concerning US. Trust me, there is, and I only hope that things for the employees will in fact become more positive and you will find a renewed joy in working for this airline. In the mean time, Is there really a need to be so negative?
I feel the need to chime in here. I completely agree with longing4piedmont. Virtually all US employees I come in contactwith are absolutely fantastic. There are ticket agents who will go out of their way to change a flight for me--sometimes without my even asking. The club concierges are always friendly and welcoming, and can''t do enough to help if there is a problem. Gate agents who deal with problems all day long still have time to note a busy itinerary and spend an extra second to say thank you for being a loyal customer. Flight crews make the best with what little they have left in the cabins, and are truly embarrassed at the conditions in which they find the cabins of the airplanes.

I have said it before and will say it again. You folks at US Airways are absolutely the best in the industry. Your management may not realize it or appreciate it as we do, but we keep trying to tell them.

PITbull, I realize you have issues with management. I sincerely hope you don''t take your frustrations out on passengers, or let your disappointment show while working. That in my opinion would be letting your fellow employees down as well.

You folks at US have accomplished alot with a little, and you can rest assured that fellow US1''s and myself DO notice and appreciate your efforts. I for one am in regular contact with consumer affairs--and the ratio of complements to complaints (or constructive comments as I call them) is 99 to 1 in favor of complements.

Keep up the good work! And please accept my thanks (and my fellow US1''s I think as well) for looking out for us and for taking such good care of us. I look forward to meeting more of you during my travels.
Thank you for all "chiming in".

As I have stated in every post I write...that the employees of U, specifically the "rank and file" employees are the very reason U exists today, and the only reason we are still in business. If you were paying attention to the threads I respond to, the message could not be any clearer. But I can see you are either both new to aviation or new to posting.

As far as my work ethic, you are only making an assumption and judgement on what you may think I MAYBE like as a professional employee doing my job. These posts are dedicated for the purpose of public dialogue to receive as well as give opinions, as it relates to U.

Most of the employee complaints, again if you pay attention, are criticisms soley towards management regarding their lack of focus, leadership on the operation of an airline (outside completely of cost cutting which they are only focused on), as well as the lack of employee/management relations as it relates to the human suffering in the work place, and as it exists today. Has nothing to do with employee attitudes and customers and your receiving attentive service from the front line employees who make your flying experience enjoyable. If you are of the opinion that the reasons for your excellent care and service is because of what management has instituted...please rethink. Our disatisfaction with management is not for customer consumption, and quite frankly, the employees of U do an excellent job concealing their frustrations that are on the job. That is something you do not see on the front line, because U employees, obviously do a fabulous job hiding it. None the less, the lack of repore with management still exists. Most of what we go through is NOT for public consumption, and we as employees DO NOT wear our hearts on our sleeves while on the job. However, we express our frustrations to each other, and on this "message board". Which is appropriate. To pretend that the frustration and the suffering does not exist, and keep it to ourselves, would be to appease whom?

If you are sincere in your appreciation of the front line employees of U, then let management know that your flying experience is always suberb, and that management should focus on their greatest assets of this company...their employees. That, IMO, would truly show your appreciation to the employees for continuing to provide the service you have become accustomed to.

I can only hope and look forward in finding that new, rejoyed spirit with this mangement. My attitude toward my job, my company, and the customer, whether preferred or not, was never in question in all 837 posts I've written to date.
I agree completely. 12 of us started on our new jobs flying on Delta, the preferred Airline of our company. After being stranded numerous times in the first 6 weeks, 11 of us switched to USAir (this was over a year ago.) The one who remains on Delta was stranded in Richmond a few weeks ago and made it to Atlanta the next day where she was stranded again a whole nother day. How anyone sticks with those people I have no idea.

I''ve had numerous excellent customer service experiences. Three recently - upon arriving at the gate, for the last flight out of the day at a particular city, I was told that my flight was 40 minutes late and there was a chance that I would miss my connection. The agent told me to go over to the Delta counter and she''d meet me there with paperwork. I was rebooked on Delta. This was a cockroach fair. Upon checking my flights the next day, I would have made it on my original USAir flight. Today I went on standby on a connection that was so tight the computer wouldn''t let the gate agent even put me on standby. She told me that she would fight with the computer and to go on to my originating flight. Lo and behold I was 20 minutes early into PHL and made the "impossible" connection easily - and it WAS in fact all set up for me when I got to the gate. Upon leaving a certain national party event out of a certain city several weeks ago on a 757 there were only 5 people upgraded into FC. The checkin agent put all 6 of my friends in FC, even though I was the only one with status. I was charged 1 mileage deduction 20,000 to cover 3 people. I didn''t even ask!

I''m being purposefully vague here as to not get anyone in trouble by even naming cities. To give good customer service a company must allow people to deviate from policy and go the extra mile from time to time. I encounter that type of customer service regularly.

You go girl. Longing4Piedmont doesn't know you. This US1 does.
From what I see and hear, most employees are upset about not being able to deliver a standard of service we believe our customers deserve. We don''t blame the customers for this. Most of us are professional enough to not take this frustration out on those we serve. We realize our customers are being just as abused by inept management as we are. If we didn''t care, we wouldn''t be angry. We''d just take an attitude of "So what?" and go merrily on our way. I don''t see this attitude from the employees. Most of us will still go above and beyond for the customer. I think this is what has kept US in business.

Our management doesn''t seem to think misconnected bags, dirty aircraft or understaffing causing customers to stand in lines, wait for check-in or wait to get a drink is important enough to be addressed. Heaven knows I write up stuff all the time, offer solutions and only get a "Thank you for your concern" response. I don''t think this is acceptable.

We take pride in our professions and want to present an outstanding product to our consumers. It''s getting harder and harder to do. Many times I feel like I''m working with one arm tied behind my back. I''m sure many of my fellow employees feel the same.

Obviously, the majority of us felt we wanted to do what we could to "save" our airline. I doubt you could have found a more cooperative group. Good will has been burnt from employees and customers. Is this any way to run an airline?

How many other customers know the name of VP of marketing at their usual airline? I''d bet you right now B. Ben Baldanza is better known by our customers than any marketing guy in airline history. And not because he''s beloved, either. Witness the Cockroach movement! Did anyone else see the article in the Washington Post (I think it was) about Ben being a board game fanatic? If so, why can''t he think a few moves ahead on the job?

This management has run riot over its customers and its employees. It does not seem to listen to any of us. Kudos from Wall Street are sweet in the short term, but what about the long term?

I never thought I say such things but I no longer have any faith or confidence in Team Siegel. I''ve considered myself a loyal employee. I was willing to accept cuts in pay and benefits in the hopes this airline would take them and improve our service. I believed Siegel needed some time to set us on the road to recovery. Well, I''m not seeing any improvements. Instead, service is being cut and actually deteriorating. Who''s at fault?

Frankly, I think we employees deserve the 5% "War Defferal" cuts returned...now! We''ve done our part. We''ve given management the tools they said they needed. Our customers are also nickeled and dimed. Is this right?

It''s becoming obvious our "bright and talented" management isn''t all it claimed to be. I''m deeply disappointed employee input is apparently disregarded. I''m ashamed when a FF tells me about a form letter they got in reply to a concern or problem. I can only do so much and am grateful we have such wonderful customers.

Sorry about the rant. I usually look at the positive but it''s getting harder to find. I hate it that so many great employees have lost jobs after years of excellent service. I want to be proud of the company I''ve invested years of service in and given up so much for. I need to see management devote the same effort and money as we all have to make US successful. Is that too much to ask?


Please allow me to clarify my statement. I merely wish to acknowledge that the main reason for the continued survival of U and for the loyalty of us frequent flyers is YOU, the employees. I never meant to insinuate that you or anyone else was letting their frustrations get in the way of serving the customer. I merely indicated that IF that were the case it would be a shame.

I have no doubt that you are as good to your passengers as those crews I come in contact with on a regular basis, and hope I have the pleasure of flying with you one day (if I haven''t already).

Also as I indicated, I frequently try to make management aware of the outstanding service provided by you and your colleagues, and I always comment that management needs to get their act together, give you back the 5% and instead of taking more from the employees they should pay more attention to marketing and trying to fill seats, and above all, RATIONALIZE THE FARES!!!!

I agree that this forum is an excellent place to exchange ideas and even frustrations with fellow employees and knowledgable customers.

For my part, I continue to fly US, and will continue to offer my support and praise to the front line employees who deserve it the most!!

I wish you all the best, and again, thanks for all you do!

PITbull was aimming her remarks to Longing4Piedmont, not you or I. She knows that we (the US1's) know what the frontline employee is going through lately.

We'll have to say HI in person at RSNA this year Art. It's coming much too quickly.

Hey PITbull.......I'm going to AMS for July 4th and my birthday, work the flight and we can kibitz about my favorite guy!!


You seem to have taken offense to my post and you indicate that you have never been negative to anyone other than management in your post. In addition you imply that I’m making an assumption about your professional behavior. IMHO you were and yes I guess I was.

Your original post was extremely negative and sarcastic. Think about it. This was posted by a pax whom we do not know if he or she holds any type of elite status (and it doesn’t matter), but was complimenting both the airline and another employee for offering good customer service vs. other lines he or she flys. Rather than asking two days later if he had been contacted again by U or thanking the pax for the compliment, you chose to be very sarcastic in your response. The only difference in what your response was here or what you may have done in the cabin is anonymity. Whether the response is made to my face or on this forum makes no difference to me, it is the attitude that counts. In either case, this was a customer who was complimenting another employee’s work and in my opinion you attacked the efforts of one of your fellow employees, not management, directly in a conversation with a customer.

And if you are finally finished editing your second post, let inform you that I have been lurking on this board for about five months and signed up about a month ago because I wanted to ask a question. More than long enough to understand both your frustration with U but also your negative attitude about virtually every topic that gets posted here and the constant pounding of management. On many of the points you make, I agree with you, and on a fair number I do not. But since this is a forum for the employees of this company, I have chosen to limit my post to being positive about the action of the U employees or to encourage those who seem to be genuinely down about the conditions under which they must now work and to let them know that we US1â€￾s really do appreciate what they do. Hopefully this has encouraged them when they needed some support from some of the very people that often does not tell them how much we enjoy flying with them. I lurk here because I chose to spend and average of eight to ten hours a week on a plane with the folks of U and the future of this company is important to me. It is amazing how much I have learned about this company and the issues that you face as an employee by visiting this forum almost everyday. And while your complaints here are not for public consumption, they have helped me have a better understanding of what you go through everyday working for this airline. It has changed the way I treat a FA or a GA or one of the folks in the club to the better.

I quite often have written letters to U and the vast majority have been in support of an employee or employees. The only negative letters I have ever written has been directed to management criticizing some of their more questionable moves. If you read my entire post you will see that I was concerned about whether I was being too harsh in my criticism of your post. I understand that I see only a small part of your day at U and that the frustration that you must feel is very strong. I too have been in situations with prior employers that I would get sick at my stomach thinking about the decisions we were making as a company and it is not fun.

I truly appreciate what you do and truly hope that this works out for you. If you knew me, you would find that I am quite often on your side of the argument. Your original response to a customer just hit me wrong and I hope you can in fact be more positive about the good things that this company offers. There are many and I hope you can be proud of that. If we ever meet face to face (I’m thankfully almost never in PIT) I would love to buy you a drink and we can get to know each other better. No hard feelings?
The purpose of my post is was that US does care about retaining their loyal customers. The return I received was quite a surprise to me, and shows that they want to keep their high paying customers. I am CP on US; Gold on NW and DL all earned. I e-mailed all alirlines I fly the same question about the fly 3 get one free promo, because it was for RT and I only fly on one way tickets. To this date the only response was from US. I also beleive that there was some management (mid-level) interaction prior to the call to me so they could determine what it would take to make this loyal, high paying customer happy. I am the polar opposite of a cockroach, by need not choice.

I have listed my flights, airlines and cost below:

SUN MHT-LGA US $339.00
MON LGA-IND US $570.00
WED IND-LGA US $571.50
FRI LGA-STL AA $731.50
STL-Marion, IL AA $224.34
PAH-STL-BOS AA $606.34
As you can see I fly to various places, and my company pays alot for tickets becasue of the ever changing travel I take each week.
As TomBascom pointd out in a previous post, BBB should be calling me to make sure that I am very satisfied with US on a daily basis so that US will keep the revenue.

The point of my first post was just that, US wants to retain their loyal customers. The average flight on US was approx. $500.00, on AA, it was more. And all I got from AA was a sharp stick in the eye, from a very rude ticket agent, and ended up spending an additional $224.34 to purchase another ticket so I could make my meeting on time because of AA mistake.

I have always stated that US front line employees are the best. I beleive the TA & GA have much more latitude in making decisions than their counterparts at other airlines, and if that is true then it was a management decision that made the policy of keeping the the customer satisfied.

This does not mean I agree with all of the changes that are taking place. BUt US is not the only airline with dirty planes. The AA plane (ex-TWA) was redone recently, but was dirty. I did enjoy having glassware, and hot towels in first. Unfortunally the industry is changing.

PITBull, zI think you also need to find out what is going on at other airlines as well, or indusry in general. Like you I am paying more for my health care than before and the plan is not as good as before. Every company is making cutbacks and are expecting more for less from their employees. I also have a good friend that flew for 23 years at DL until last november. Then management told her, and others, since you like your volentary LOA so much we are going to make it perement for you so we can keep the lower paid lower senority FAs on the payroll.

Long and short of the entire post is that the employees of US care about their customers, and so does management. It is just tough for us (PAX) to give us some of the nice perks we have enjoyed over the years. Lets just hope when things do get better, management will be smart enough to return those perks.
On 6/28/2003 6:26:00 PM Singleflyer wrote:

Long and short of the entire post is that the employees of US care about their customers, and so does management. It is just tough for us (PAX) to give us some of the nice perks we have enjoyed over the years. Lets just hope when things do get better, management will be smart enough to return those perks.



Those prices you paid for 1 way are not unreasonable. I pay more than that for my 1 ways. I have tallied up my expenses for the last 7 years of flying US weekly, no wonder my boss cringes when she gets my expense reports. And as far as I'm concerned only the frontline cares about me, not management. BBB should be down on his knees kissing my behind for all the money I spend (actually my company) on US.

Yes it's nice that someone called you back. But I highly doubt it was anyone within the management ranks that you spoke to. But again, it's the frontline people on the planes and in PIT, LGA and even PHL that have made my flying experiences worthwhile. BBB needs to keep his mind on real life matters and not childish board games. But maybe he needs that to escape whats happening in the real world.


One last thing. Customer retention should be done for every high paying customer/very frequent flyer. The latest targeted bonuses that are going on only seem to reward those people that don't fly enough or spend a lot of $$. Guess Dave knows I'm going to spend my $$ and time on US no matter what since I live in PIT and I don't deserve any FF perks.

I don''t think the prices I listed are out of line with the fares my company pays for my travel. Unlike you, I fly out of a non-hub city and have choices of carriers. US front line has always treated me well, and that is why I fly them.

My point to US in my e-mail was that you do not have target promos for people who fly on one way tickets and pay full fare. I could easly shift 20 or more flights away from US to another carrier offered a promo like the fly three get one free applied to one-way flights.

As I stated before I e-mailed all carriers fro a clarification on their rules if six one way flights would qualify as three round trip flights. Only US got back to me so far, and I received a big maybe. (Fly them first and we will look at them later.)

I just think some of the targeted promos are for flyers that the bring the crowds, but not the profits. They say they want the high paying business flyer, but as you and I agree management at most airlines are doing little to keep people like us. You are probaly correct, we are being taken for granted.

I still beleive some mid-level manager was involved in the phone response I received from US.

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