On 4/23/2003 5:56:16 AM PineyBob wrote:
On 4/22/2003 7

02 PM USAirBoyA330 wrote:
The AFA Pit Local 70 pres. better hope she is not using our union time to post on this board. Serveral people are looking into it.
Gees. "AS AFA TURNS" will return in a moment.
Geez USAirBoy,
You must be Jerry Glass's new best friend! Divide and conquer! Get them fighting amongst themselves. Foment enough unrest for a union recall election. Unfrigginbelievable! The reason you lost isn't due to the Union President of any local it is because as unions you can't gain enough concensus to organize a one car funeral nevermind go up against a Jerry Glass. Bluntly put he divided you and set you against each other and summarily cleaned your clock and now you seek to put the blame on local Presidents. Look inward my friend and ask yourself, "did I do all I could to keep my union strong? did I attend all of the meetings? Was I active in day to day union activities? If you can't answer YES to all of the above then you are far more to blame then any union leader will ever be!
From your lips to God's ears, PineyBob. You may not be in a union, but you are a true unionist.
Folks, perhaps the only union where the membership can sit back and let the leadership run things is ALPA. They have the money to hire experts to assist their leadership. The rest of us have to do the heavy lifting ourselves. In safety cases, grievances, political action, etc., the MEMBERSHIP does most of the work at the IAM, CWA, TWU and AFA. I can assure you a well trained and prepared steward is the ONLY prayer we have of winning a grievance - the unions place a heavy burden on these good folks. And from personal experience, I can tell you it's damned hard to focus on management when you've got to keep one eye on your back. My biggest critics would not sit on a committee, take on the role of steward, or run for union office if you put a cannon to their heads. They are, however, adept at sniping from the weeds.
And to those critics, you don't have to like us or pat our fannies. Just let us work. If you don't like the results, well pitch in - we need all the help we can get.