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US Airways to Lay Off 890 Flight Attendants

The AFA Pit Local 70 pres. better hope she is not using our union time to post on this board. Serveral people are looking into it.
Gees. "AS AFA TURNS" will return in a moment.
On 4/21/2003 8:18:48 PM PSA1979 wrote:

USAIRBOYA330, Since I first "outed" PITBULL a few months ago, I believe by the way her writings have changed that she has turned over her diatribe to the person who was always doing her ghost writing anyway. So, when she says, she is not the Local LEC, I think she may be telling the truth, now. But I do believe she is our MEC VP. It stinks of her ramblings. And if it is, she too is getting paid to spend time on this link, instead of doing her Union job.

You people are so delusional!!! You and A330whatever are so concerned about who PITbull is that you aren''t even listening to what they are saying. It seems to me that maybe you should work for the CIA in their "master of impersonations" department. Talk to Dave, maybe he could put a word in for you to be the new VP of that new department.
I too was at that meeting and 1, yes one person from "the recall bandits" showed up. You basically threw that poor women to the wolves and made her look like an ass. Yes, she looked like and ass. I along with many DO HOWEVER salute Teddy for her dedication. Without her you would have been screwed more so than we already were.
PITbull, whoever you are, YOU GO!!!!!!!!
Please don't assume that you know the true identity of a member. Please respect the privacy of our members and don't make claims that can't be verified. I am sure that you don't want your identity revealed on this board by another member and please don't make "hints" of another person's identity.
On 4/21/2003 6:24:23 PM USAirBoyA330 wrote:

I won''t even go there because it isn''t worth it. But lets just say the PIT Local 40 refused to amend the agenda when a recall was underway. When the elections occur in PIT I am sure "she" will be replaced with great speed. But I guess you can tell yourself whatever you need to get through the day.
As for some furloughs being canceled because of the 55 hour option....
We have not gotten ANY answer from the company but will in a few days. Are you saying that you know something the rest of AFA doesn''t that''s FACT?

Do you know something no one else seems to know too? You seem to be shooting off your mouth about things that have no concrete background. I don''t know you and I don''t know Pitbull, but you seem to think you know them. I read you comment about the recall of some June furloughs. I approached the union about such and they have no idea what you are talking about.
On 4/23/2003 12:17:23 AM Todd B wrote:

Please don''t assume that you know the true identity of a member. Please respect the privacy of our members and don''t make claims that can''t be verified. I am sure that you won''t want your identity revealed on this board by another member and please don''t make "hints" of another person''s identity.

Right on Todd B........the moderator. I couldn''t agree with you more. That was my point exactly.
Yes, I know things people on this board don''t. I can''t air dirty laundry and SEVERE MISJUDGMENTS of my union officials on this board. When certain posters on this board early on IDENTIFY themselves and then all of a sudden don''t want to be identified it''s a little goofy to say the least. So until your privy to my information and pay my union dues then be quiet.
You're embarrasing and shaming yourselves with this public display. Please take this behavior to a private arena. Honestly, it's unacceptable and passengers should not be exposed to this.

Step back a bit and read this objectively, it's appalling. Imagine yourselves as the consumer of a product and were witnessing this exchange....I doubt any of you would continue purchasing/utilizing the services, especially due to the nature of your duties related to safety. It is immature and paints an ugly picture of unstable mentalities.

I realize that these issues have been emotional and it's been extremely difficult, but as a former dues paying member, I'm begging you to take this elsewhere, please.
On 4/23/2003 5:56:16 AM PineyBob wrote:

On 4/22/2003 7:21:02 PM USAirBoyA330 wrote:

The AFA Pit Local 70 pres. better hope she is not using our union time to post on this board. Serveral people are looking into it.
Gees. "AS AFA TURNS" will return in a moment.

Geez USAirBoy,
You must be Jerry Glass's new best friend! Divide and conquer! Get them fighting amongst themselves. Foment enough unrest for a union recall election. Unfrigginbelievable! The reason you lost isn't due to the Union President of any local it is because as unions you can't gain enough concensus to organize a one car funeral nevermind go up against a Jerry Glass. Bluntly put he divided you and set you against each other and summarily cleaned your clock and now you seek to put the blame on local Presidents. Look inward my friend and ask yourself, "did I do all I could to keep my union strong? did I attend all of the meetings? Was I active in day to day union activities? If you can't answer YES to all of the above then you are far more to blame then any union leader will ever be!


From your lips to God's ears, PineyBob. You may not be in a union, but you are a true unionist.

Folks, perhaps the only union where the membership can sit back and let the leadership run things is ALPA. They have the money to hire experts to assist their leadership. The rest of us have to do the heavy lifting ourselves. In safety cases, grievances, political action, etc., the MEMBERSHIP does most of the work at the IAM, CWA, TWU and AFA. I can assure you a well trained and prepared steward is the ONLY prayer we have of winning a grievance - the unions place a heavy burden on these good folks. And from personal experience, I can tell you it's damned hard to focus on management when you've got to keep one eye on your back. My biggest critics would not sit on a committee, take on the role of steward, or run for union office if you put a cannon to their heads. They are, however, adept at sniping from the weeds.

And to those critics, you don't have to like us or pat our fannies. Just let us work. If you don't like the results, well pitch in - we need all the help we can get.
On 4/23/2003 6:36:24 AM USAirBoyA330 wrote:

Yes, I know things people on this board don''t. I can''t air dirty laundry and SEVERE MISJUDGMENTS of my union officials on this board. When certain posters on this board early on IDENTIFY themselves and then all of a sudden don''t want to be identified it''s a little goofy to say the least. So until your privy to my information and pay my union dues then be quiet.

And you think you are the ONLY person on these boards that is privy to imformation? You are then fooling yourself. I have to agree. Union presidents can''t go up against the Saddam''s of US with only 6 LEC and 2 MEC P/VP''S. Everyone seems to sit there and point the finger, but nobody is ever there to help or at the meetings other than to try and recall (which again was a friggin joke). Again, if "that woman" is one here...you looked stupid all by yourself. You should be mad at the rest of your cronies for not backing you.
Back to the point, even if you A330 were in office YOU TOO WOULD BE BLAMED!!! It is nature of the position. So you my dear friend don''t know what I know so.......you be quiet.
Lets get back on the original topic and avoid discussing who is who on this board.

Thank you
Todd and to those who get offended by some on these threads....,

Sorry. It's appears that I keep inflaming not only MANAGEMENT, but certain folks who are my peers, as well. Some folks do not understand what unions are all about and the position of "balance" they try to achieve with managements across the country. Presently, the powers are slanted and off kilter. Especially, our management, which now as you read in the media, PA is getting a dose of what our labor groups contend with; a new management team that has NO IDEA what "good faith" means.

I have enough aggrevation with with this mangement coming after me, I don't need to have my peers jump in, as well.

Bob, Dio, and clipped wings,

I don't even know you; I humbly thank you.
here is something that someone wrote about unions:

A union is a hall pass to screw the very company you work for, demand outrageous benefits and wages-then hawk and complain when someone comes under scrutiny for non-compliance or insubordination

What a uneducated bunch of drivel. You are apparently too young to realize that without the unions there would be no such thing as minimun wages, occupational safety legislation, anything resembling humane treatment of workers. I noticed in you garbled up tirade that you layed NO blame for non-productivity at the feet of the CEO''s who are nothing more than pimps who metaphorically #### slap the workers around. They are the ones who run companies in the groun. Do yourself a favor and get a HISTORICAL perspective on the unions. Read Sinclairs "The Jungle" see what life was like at the beginning of the 20th century for people who were barely more than slaves without the strength of the union. Yes, for sure there is corruption in unions, just like it exists in law enforcement, corporate America, politics, religion etc. etc. However, you choose to ignorantly ignore the assholes at the top who make 100 - 1000 times the wages of those on the bottom. You are obviously either a company owner or an idiot.
On 4/17/2003 3:14:11 PM ITRADE wrote:

Just came across this one...

US Airways to Lay Off 890 Flight Attendants


Heh, aren''t you glad you voted yes?