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Us Airways To Contract With Mobile Aerospace

instead of argiung which out side contractor did what to this plane and that plane may be we should think abiut how the iam screwed us, and how in one year 10
more planes will be going for checks at the same place no more lay offs just another corporate lie
ClueByFour said:
Something that the morons at CCY did not even take into account when they contracted with a firm who (badda bing) has been cited and had a 6 figure proposed fine for (*drumrolll*):

"offering chemical oxygen generators for transportation by air that were not marked
or labeled in accordance with the Department of Transportation's hazardous materials regulations"

You can read about it on various sites, but the following link is from the FAA itself: http://www1.faa.gov/apa/pr/pr.cfm?id=451.

If they can't label boxes, do you really really want 'em actually working on the aircraft? Another PR blunder from the Fort Fumble crew.....
If that's your criteria of who is qualified to perform maintenance, US itself shouldn't be in the running:

FAA Proposes Civil Penalty of $245,000 Against US Airways, Inc.

FAA Proposes $70,000 Fine Against US Airways for Hazardous Materials Violations

And before any one reads too much into either the actions against Mobile Aerospace or US you should take a look at the complete list of such actions:


Certainly two violations by US is nothing to brag about, but fact of the matter is that's pretty low compared to other carriers ...
ITRADE said:
I think most every airline has been cited for some cargo violations or another in the recent few years.

One airline got a proposed fine for transporting a gallon or two of grapefruit oil - which according to DOT/FAA is flammable.
That's about right, I didn't read through them all obviously from the site I posted above (there's hundreds of them over the past few years), but this one caught my eye because of the named company:

FAA Proposes $60,000 Penalty Against Dreamworks SKG for Hazmat Violations

$60,000 for shipping three butane lighters ...
Its not the IAM that screwed you...its this management, regardless of all employee contributions to save this company, management has squandered it, and will be coming back for more and more andmore....there is no end to this. They are out there reporting to the public that they have STILL the highest labor costs! And the VPs still make the cash...why, because they still make all the rules for how we will live our working lives.

As long as there is no protest, no risk to take by the employees, management will continue to come.



YOU LIED OVER THE WEEKEND. YOU SAID THAT THE OUTSOURCING WAS MISINFORMATION. You lie again and again, and now come out and say we all have a bright future, when you know that the mechanics and related will surely lose their jobs....not today, but definitely in the future.

Just so you know Southwest does'nt contract out all of their heavy maint. You should check your facts out before you make a statement like that !!!!
Machinists Take Legal Action Over Outsourcing at US Airways

Washington D.C., October 6, 2003 - The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) District 141-M today will file for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania to prevent US Airways from subcontracting heavy maintenance of Airbus aircraft.

See Story
US Air has 279 jets and 3750 pilots. Thats about 13 and a half per plane. That's still high, it should be closer to 12 per a/c.
Southwest has 380 jets and 4150 pilots. Thats about 11 pilots per a/c.
Here is where the numbers really get crazy.
US Air has 5037 IAM's (MTC, cleaners, stores) for those 279 a/c. Thats a ratio of 18 to one.
Southwest has a ratio of 3 to 1 for MTC.
I think our gate agents, ticket counter, res.agents, now, are staffed at probably the same nunbers as Southwest.
US Air f/a's can fly as much as 100 hrs. per month, but they can chose to fly as little as 55 hrs. So I don't know how they stack up against the Southwest f/a's.
As a pilot, my craft has taken the biggest hit of all, in terms of pay check and retirement. And just as many pilots, looking at the other crafts, have been laid off, if not more.
True, the IAM took a hit with ch.11, but not the hit that the rest of us took. Not in numbers, and not in W2's.
I think all the crafts have to take a hard look at the IAM and this 18 to one ratio per a/c before we get behind them.
Without cost reduction in return for heavy checks, I can't see it.
Yes, heavy has allways been done in house.
And back in the day,all flying was done by US Air pilots, and BTV, YUL, LEX,etc, was maned by main line agents, and on and on.
These are different times.
Folks, I have just been PM by Hawk, and what he stated is verbatim to what Strike Facts poster just wrote. Coincidental, or are they sleeping together????????

They are all over these boards.

Strike facts,

Hawk did not say the word "outsource", he said that that the airbus issue was misinformation. No matter how he stated it...it was a "snow job". What he did was fail to tell us when....which will now be Oct. 13 and 10 planes to boot. 4% of the airbus fleet so it looks to a judge that it is a minor dispute....

Hawk fails to address in the PM message what happens to the mechanic's jobs when the boeings phase out. He has not answered this and I have asked 3 times.

Can you answer this mouthy??
The way I understand it, there will be no job losses over this, they would have to recall to do this work. Is that Correct? The company will need the same number of mechanics that there are on the property now, this heavy maint. would be new work. This company needs to look to new ways to cut cost and if this helps they should do it. Times have changed and we need to do whatever it takes to compete or we will all be without a job.
positiverate1 said:
The way I understand it, there will be no job losses over this, they would have to recall to do this work. Is that Correct? The company will need the same number of mechanics that there are on the property now, this heavy maint. would be new work. This company needs to look to new ways to cut cost and if this helps they should do it. Times have changed and we need to do whatever it takes to compete or we will all be without a job.
If they would have to recall, then that is the same as a lost job. I don't see how you can interpret it any other way. 🙁
USFlyer said:
You serious?
They are not only employee friendly, they are friendly to everyone.
Just trying to keep it all in the same context.

Hawk, etal...
How about trying something different? Try working with the employees instead of what you are doing. Try to succeed with labor instead of what you are doing.

Geez, you're like drug addicts....'just one more time, I promise...'
There will be layoffs. Any time you get rid of work you cut jobs. After these ten are done then they will cut jobs (if not sooner). It is 'foolish' to think they would keep employees sitting around with nothing to do when the company has vendor out the employees work. The company has stated on these very boards that they would not vendor out the Airbus work. They have also told us the language to cover the Airbus work was in the "scope' of our contract and that we needed to vote 'yes' for the contract to protect our scope. If the company would be forced to take it to the judge they would eliminate our scope. They even told us we were confused and made us vote twice on this contract since we voted 'no' the first time.

--The employees here are the company and we are tired of the senior management lying and stealing from us. We do not want them to keep eating away at us from what little we have. We would rather see it all go under. No more lies and no more stealing from us.

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