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Us Airways Negotiations: 12 Angry Men

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Addressed to; "USA320Pilot";

Please take a moment and check your anatomy, to see IF there is ANY existance of "INTESTINAL FORTITUDE" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ????????????? :unsure: :unsure:

mwereplanes said:
He is not prepared. If he was he wouldn't be hanging on every word of what's going on in DCA today. Nor would he be willing to give up whatever is asked of him in order to keep his job.


My guess is that he bet his whole nest egg on UCT #1. Remember U/UAL that he was touting as a slam dunk. Wasn't it going to go at $60.00 a share, while it was trading down around 25.00 a share. I think he believed his own hype.

Come on folks!!!
At least we're getting some info on the goings on in the meeting. Can't we stop with the insults for a while?

A320 Driver
The entire NC (hand picked by the RC4 and aligned with the hardliners) is now telling the RC4 that they cannot go back into negotiations and expect a deal if the RC4 place restrictions on the discussions, e.g. the DC plan.

Every member of the NC is protesting the actions of the RC4 and the discussions are heated.

The RC4 are still abusing their power and are at odds with ALPA's president, the ALPA Board Member, the MEC Chairman, MEC Vice-Chairman, MEC Secretary/Treasurer, ALPA's Legal Advisor, ALPA's Bankruptcy Attorney, ALPA's Financial Advisor, ALPA E&FA, and 2/3 of the MEC Reps.

8 MEC members that includes all of the Reps from BOS, LGA, DCA, and CLT agree with the leaders listed above, but so far the RC4 are still not budging from their offer of about a $210 million concession and no DC Plan changes.


I give them credit for doing what they think is right and fair. The world has enough "YES" people following along like sheep being led to wolf's den. Apparently they have VERY GOOD reasons for their stance and they obviously represent the MAJORITY. I wish them luck in their hostile deliberations. Savy
Late this afternoon the ALPA NC has been charged with re-entering negotiations with the company. The MEC is deciding whether or not to stay in D.C. tonight or recess to the call of the chair.


The "RC4" are not "abusing their power" if they are indeed faithfully representing the pilots in their bases who elected them. In fact, one might argue that the ALPA MEC structure is somewhat flawed, in that it gives much smaller bases equal standing with larger ones in the absence of roll-call voting.
Yeah, the chest beaters are havin' a field day, aren't they? I'm not in favor of any cram down, but I feel that the negotiating committee has not had it's best day mainly due to the fact that their hands are tied in so many different ways, that they can't do what negotiating committees are supposed to do...NEGOTIATE.

A320 Driver
I concur. Anyone who faithfully performs his/her fiduciary duties should not be attacked for doing so. Savy
Amazing how there are so many sky-cowards.

Why don't you just work for Mesa's wages if you want to save the company who has constantly lied to you?
[ Every member of the NC is protesting the actions of the RC4 and the discussions are heated.

The RC4 are still abusing their power and are at odds with ALPA's president, the ALPA Board Member, the MEC Chairman, MEC Vice-Chairman, MEC Secretary/Treasurer, ALPA's Legal Advisor, ALPA's Bankruptcy Attorney, ALPA's Financial Advisor, ALPA E&FA, and 2/3 of the MEC Reps.



Strange. The RC4 represent the MAJORITY of U pilots...and the biggest NUMBER of U pilots. Greeter.
I think that sfb's comments need to be echoed loud and clear...

1. A new pilot contract signed and delivered today by ALPA will not prevent a potential S1113 filing during the BK process, if that S1113 process is required for a successful reorganization.

Sidenote: If ALPA does not continue to negotiate with the company now, they may fair better through the S1113 process just by having a higher starting point. The question then becomes whether management uses the lack of concessionary agreements with any union to justify Ch 7 instead of Ch 11 (i.e. a carefully orchestrated situation in order to give management a scapegoat: labor).

2. If the "RC4" (I don't know what "RC", but I assume it refers to the "four hardliners") are representing their constituency, they are doing their job.
USA320Pilot said:
The RC4 are still abusing their power

In other words, they disagree with you.

The roll call was not established were 4 pilots, 3 that are rookies, can go against the advice of every key ALPA leader, every advisor, and the majority of the MEC. The RC4 are leading the charge for the death of US Airways. They have backed them self into a corner and do not know how to get out. They would rather let the airline die than come ofof of their position that they ran their campaign on, especially with the alleged Philadelphia recall election fraud.

If US Airways dies, it dies. Time to move on.


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