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Us Airways Negotiations: 12 Angry Men

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Nobody likes the cuts. My point is that management is seeking the America West contract. Do I like this, no, of course not. This contract pays all narrowbody equipment the same rate. The RC4, all of who can fly the B757, instead offered to cut night and non-transatlantic pay nd keep their B757 pay premium.

I would love an ERIP and if I could take one, I would. The issue is the RC4 are saying they want all but 10% of the DC Plan and lump sum payments, but there is no money in the pot for such payment.

I do not want to see anybody lose retirement monies. In addition, I do not think it right for those near retirement, who have been the highest paid all along, get all of their current retirement while 17-year pilots in their late 40s or early 50s are furloughed to pay for those at the top to getr lump sum payments.



Azdryheat asked: “If the RC4 are out of touch with the membership, has any recall attempt been made. Granted this takes some time, but from 320's posts this has been going on a long time. Any members of these councils care to comment.â€

USA320Pilot comments: In regard to a RC4 recall, let’s look at what happened at the June 25 Philadelphia LEC meeting where the recall of the Reps was on the meeting agenda.

On Sunday, June 27, 2004, in a letter to the PHL council 41 pilots when discussing the recall effort, F/O Rep Dan Von Bargen said, "Both the proxy certification process and ballot certification process were conducted with the utmost professionalism and accuracy by the six volunteers."

Let’s look at this in greater detail:

 The pilots leading the recall effort had more than 328 names on the PHL recall petition submitted to ALPA International to force the election. The petition was submitted to ALPA since Captain Rep John Crocker refused to accept certified letters from members seeking his recall. Moreover, the word “on the street†was that there were close to 400 names total seeking the recall meeting.

 The Philadelphia Reps, obviously unsure that they would have 400 votes to stop the recall, attempted to invalidate faxed copies of proxies just days before the meeting. Upon notification that this violated ALPA policy, ALPA National intervened and told the Reps to accept fax copies. The Philadelphia Reps knew fax copies were allowed all along, but they attempted to violate ALPA policy anyway.

 The Philadelphia Reps did not invite anyone from ALPA National to attend the meeting, even as observers, despite repeated requests by those leading the recall effort to do so. If the meeting was going to be legitimate, why not agree to permit ALPA National to attend, since Council pilots requested the ALPA National appearance?

 The LEC meeting and recall election was held in a bar where alcohol is served. Moreover, the proceedings were in full view of the public where 162 US Airways pilots were conducting ALPA business.

 The PHL Reps then appoint the ballot certification committee to both certify the proxies and to count the ballots cast, without permitting those seeking in the recall to participate in the process. Instead, only “hardliners†were allowed to count the vote. Why were both parties not allowed to participate in the ballot count process and only “hardlinersâ€?

 The Philadelphia Reps win, stop the recall effort, and are not recalled. They win with a stunning 377 votes cast against the recall, amazingly close to the 400 they thought those leading the recall might bring to the meeting.

 When the pilots in the room were counted, this meant the Philadelphia Reps had at least 94 pilots on their team out of the 162 pilot’s total in the room, with each and every one of those 94 pilots carrying exactly 3 certifiably correct proxies with no errors! None, every proxy was perfectly completed.

 Those leading the recall had a very difficult time getting correct and properly filled out proxies. However, the Philadelphia Reps were able to get every pilot in the room on their side to have 3 perfectly filled out proxies with no errors.

 The Philadelphia Reps laugh so hard they fall down, probably holding their sides so much that it hurts because they were able to prevent the recall by only allowing their side of the union to validate the recall effort.


A320 Pilot

You are so wise and wonderful. The way you cannot let anyone speak the last word is an indication of your ability to never to admit any one is wiser than you.

With great anticipation I wait for your next words of wisdom.

It is impossible to explain why you speak for yourself and no one has selected you to be their voice.
This is going to be my last post on this topic (I think)!

This contract pays all narrowbody equipment the same rate. The RC4, all of who can fly the B757, instead offered to cut night and non-transatlantic pay nd keep their B757 pay premium.

This group offered a 16.25% wage reduction for all pilots. No other aircraft is incurring a downgrade category except the 757. This results in a double whammy.

Cutting night pay impacts all pilots across the board.

Cutting non-transatlantic pay is in effect a 16.25% wage reduction that impacts all pilots across the board.

The issue is the RC4 are saying they want all but 10% of the DC Plan and lump sum payments, but there is no money in the pot for such payment.

The lump sum payment is a fraction of what the terminated defined benefit lump sum would have paid after 30-35 years of work.

while 17-year pilots in their late 40s or early 50s are furloughed to pay for those at the top to getr lump sum payments.

If the near retirement age pilots leave the property, many 17-year pilots maintain their jobs.

I wish you well.

I do not dispute your points and there are no easy answers to this terrible situation.

I wish there was money for an ERIP, sick bank cash out, early notational account payments etc. But there are not.

US Airways is on the brink of collapse and without a TA, every advisor and every ALPA official (except the RC4) believe the employees will get killed in bankruptcy court.


Where did my post go about the July 26, 2002 ALPA MEC Code a Phone Update?

Truth hurt someone?
YOU lost the recall, and were not even BASED in PHL. You are a disgrace to the pilot group. YOU were concerned that there was a CLOSED bar at the end of the room, and were worried it would affect the outcome of the vote. We are ASHAMED of you 320. Greeter, ready with the facts when asked!

Moderator note: Don't quote an entire lengthy posting.
USA320Pilot said:

Does the truth hurt to much?


You are a disgrace to the profession. Actually, I am already prepared for the job loss. You are not, and will be viewed as just short of a "wound cover" for the rest of your short career. Both of us have one thing in common. Neither will ever fly again. Right back at you, prescab, Greeter.

Are we getting a little personal with the insults? Are you getting a little scared? I believe you may hear some interesting information from MEC Chairman Bill Pollock shortly that may change your tune.

Don't worry -- it's just a job. Soon it could be no pay, no medical, no benefits, and no DC Plan for you. Puff...it could all be gone and all due to the RC4 not permitting those who want to work at the company with an LCC contract to do so.

Tic...Toc...Tic...Toc...only 14 more days to September 12.


You need help, call the EAS.

Amazing how they let you fly.
And they let some edited drive LAVman's lavatory trucks in CLT too.



Thanks for the professional posts tonight -- you have added so much to the debate. But you do not need to worry about me. I'm not the one "losing it" on this forum with the emotional outbursts, insults, or a general lack of decorum. Remember it's just a job and you can file for unemployment online.


USA320Pilot said:

Thanks for the professional posts tonight you have added so much to the debate. But you do not need to worry about me. I'm not the one "losing it" on this forum with the emotional outbursts, insults, or a general lack of decorum. Remember it's just a job and you can file for unemployment online.



You are in serious denial.

You sound like Freshwater at Friday's MEC meeting with his insults or his email today today to an ALPA member. By the way, what's your definition of a SCAB?

Besides personal insults while hiding behind your keyboard, do you have anything else to offer this forum?


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