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Us Airways May Cut Jet Fleet

So if the widebody fleet goes, US will still "fly" to Europe, it will just be on a flight operated by LH, BD, SK or OS with US placing its code on the flight.
mrfish3726 said:
Obviously you haven't viewed an F9 route map lately. We fly to just about any city that one of your 100K fliers might go for a business day.


Are you serious? Maybe if you live in Denver! Hmmm, I need a shuttle flight from New York to DC... guess I'll go all the way out to the square states and connect in Denver! And is is a NEW Airbus (just like US Airways) or one of the 6 737s that fly to London? I have business there. 🙄
whlinder said:
So if the widebody fleet goes, US will still "fly" to Europe, it will just be on a flight operated by LH, BD, SK or OS with US placing its code on the flight.

Fine by me.
The industry needs a HUGE capacity reduction so the LCC's can grow and prosper.

What a contradiction, the ultimate nonsensical statement!
If USAIRways gives up the widebodied fllet say good bye to teh international routes. Keep should the 767's and A330's, add more A330's, there are lots of good used A330 around from Swissair and Tam.
I read a quote somewhere that said US Airways would be the most profitable airline in the world if it had:

30 Widebodies (A330-200/300)
150 Narrowbodies (A319/320/321)
200 Small Jets (E170/175/190/195)
100-200 Regional Jets (CRJ)

Not sure how true or current that would be, but interesting nonetheless. Also, 150 is only a little over the amount of Airbuses US currently has. One would think US would be interested in replacing the 76s with more A332/3s as soon as possible to add more transatlantic service and take more advantage of the east coast/Star Alliance position.

If US Airways were to survive (if it does) this is what it would eventually look like no matter what, or be on its way to before some sort of merger.
I doubt that equipment mix would in any way guarantee profitability. If that were true, SWA with only 1 a/c type would have gone under years ago.

However, as Embraer pointed out, New A/C = New Debt. Companies in bankruptcy are not supposed to take on new debt while dumping on old creditors and shareholders. It's neither legal, nor polite. <_< So, talk of obtaining new a/c at this point is futile.
The article was really saying if thats the aircraft they HAD (already) they would be profitable, not how they would get around to being in that position which would undoubtedly put them to bed. They didnt say the specific types, just narrowbody, small jet etc.

I actually think the 70-100 seat Ejets, if it were still possible to get them, were one of the few things right about the business plan.

Anything I've heard lately sounds like an airline either about to die, or one not worth going back to if the opportunity arose. There is no plan but to bust the unions as a favor to the rest of the industry that will remain in business.

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