A lot of our super senior gals, especially the Eastern ones, could run rings around anyone on any plane and make the service immaculate. The ones that are lost are some of the folks who have never worked anywhere (or even flown anything) but USAir, and have a DC9 mentatlity that doesn't work in a larger crew. Certainly not all, but there's a few you just have to laugh at... These are the ones who think it's a big deal to go to London and carry an Aeroboutique bag to show that they've been to Paris. The more junior folk have been furloughed and worked elsewhere, or at least were hired during the "global carrier" phase. I love being in a briefing and they are like "Is this your first time going to SNN? Are you comfortable with 'this airplane' (meaning the 757 we've been flying forever)?" Well, I've worked flights to five continents and multitudes of aircraft, widebody, narrowbody and regional. I think I can handle this lol...