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Us Airways Hints Merger Is Best Option

RowUnderDCA said:
Religious Christianity in the US has been turned into a greedy, selfish poitical movement to get a bigger piece of a shrinking pie for people who can find those that deserve to be estranged from their own governemnt according to some dogma. Tragically, it has less and less to do with Christ, everyday.

This is why God blessed the founding fathers of this country to create the separation of church and state. It's a GOOD thing.

This is the only post that I have ever agreed with you on.
And the Sunday School question of the week.

According to Fareed Zakarias' latest Newsweek column, global corporations realize that national sovereignity has been breached, and that global coordination is next.

According to Revelation 13:16-17, "And he (the AntiChrist) causeth all...to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save that he had the mark.."

According to every, and there were many, sermons I have ever heard in evangelical services, a global economy is a necessary tool for the Mark of the Beast.

Given that this Administration enables globalization, why do so many evangelicals support him?
I guess that an airline which has international routes must be a participant in this evil, then.

Better watch out -- when God comes down for the next visit, she's gonna be mighty pissed off at U!
Dea Certe said:
I believe St. Jerome said it best: "The love of money is the root of all evil."


St. Jerome would not accept the credit for that qoute.

sentrido said:
"4) Thus it is not religion per se that perpetrates violence, but a certain mindset that seeks to use an ideology or a religious justification to control people's thinking and restrain the most fundamental freedoms."

Ha, I guess Its blame the player, not the game now, right?

"congress shall make no law.."

Seems pretty straight forward to me.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Yeah it does. "no law" seems pretty clear:

1. No law regarding a religious establishment,
2. no law prohibiting the free excercise of individual members of a religious establishment,
3. no law abridging the freedom of speech to individuals,
4. no law abridging the freedom of the press to individuals,
5. no law abridging the right of individuals to assemble peaceably,
6. no law abridging the right of individuals to petetion the government for redress.

How many laws have been passed by Congress that do these very things?

All these posts are fine and good but what does any of this honestly have to do with "Usairways hints merger is best option"? I really don't get it. Isn't there a 700 Club site to do this at or something? Weird and the furthest off topic thread I have EVER read......wacko.
Phoenix said:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Yeah it does. "no law" seems pretty clear:

1. No law regarding a religious establishment,
2. no law prohibiting the free excercise of individual members of a religious establishment,
3. no law abridging the freedom of speech to individuals,
4. no law abridging the freedom of the press to individuals,
5. no law abridging the right of individuals to assemble peaceably,
6. no law abridging the right of individuals to petetion the government for redress.

How many laws have been passed by Congress that do these very things?


True, and thats why we have our safety valve, the supreme court.
Bill, I believe it would be best if this thread is closed.


I second that. This bible beatin' crap is nuts. Why is it on here? Koo Koo....

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