Us Airways Faces Cash Crisis

Good gosh, they only pay us for four out of five days worked, and they still can't make it.

Like many on this board have been saying for a couple of years now, we could pay US Airways for the privilege of working here, and they'd still lose money.

A bad company is a bad company, and this one rank. The rules of capitalism require that bad companys die. Unfortunately, US Airways is unnaturally one of the undead.

It's obvious that the only reason for US Airways to exist, is for the upper managment to suck the blood out of the remaining employees. Sorry, but the remaining Union groups have all picked up wooden stakes, and are just waiting for their opportunity to use them.
The Headline should read like this....

" Employees Face Cash Crisis"

See Story..

Not to worry. They only need $200 million more now. If they ask the pilots for $300 million more they are sure to get it. Everyone else hold fast. The additional $300 million can come from the retirees pay. Maybe they could charge a fee to the 1800+ furloughed pilots to remain on the recall list? Maybe they can increase ALPA dues so we have more of a tax deduction hence more money in our pocket during the 1st quarter. That way we will be able to give more back to the company. Its time to get creative :rolleyes:
Bluetoad, that makes a lot of sense. Why should the company fight with the other unions and create bad feelings all around in the process, when they can just get the pilots to roll over time and time again?
The judge will deal with this kind of behavior...this part of what has not happened in the past. Foe example MetroJet, low-cost pilot deal with no one else participating.

Thats not going to happen now, in fact, it is not currently happening. "Holding fast" will result in the judge & company deciding how you participate.

bluetoad said:
Not to worry. They only need $200 million more now. If they ask the pilots for $300 million more they are sure to get it. Everyone else hold fast. The additional $300 million can come from the retirees pay. Maybe they could charge a fee to the 1800+ furloughed pilots to remain on the recall list? Maybe they can increase ALPA dues so we have more of a tax deduction hence more money in our pocket during the 1st quarter. That way we will be able to give more back to the company. Its time to get creative :rolleyes:
coachrowsey said:
That's all BS. The employees are the ones that faces the cash crisis. :down:


Did you know that was humorous or are you too, too damn serious?

Like NYC the other day slamming ALPA for saying something very true yet funny and he didn't even know it....everyone is wound too tight, and for what...hmm
Old news. Move on already.

Yes USA320Pilot, everyone on this chat board, and I presume all US Airways employees, know the dire financial straits that US Airways finds itself in. This is not news...

Why don't you dig up some articles, or other evidence, that shows that the $38mil/month cost reductions will not be enough in the face of sustained $55/bbl oil... And maybe you can use your "sources" to tell us what the company intends to do about it. If they do nothing, the recent concessions will not be enough come February.
With the strongarm moves on the employees in bankruptcy court, it seems to me it is like having a relative on life support in the hospital's emergency room's intensive care unit..... and then someone takes a punch in the face of the attending physican, who has been trying to save the patient....

The workers...the employees have been hanging in there...shorthanded...working with limited resources....trying to keep the customers happy... with all the difficulties we have been handed.....
and instead of using additional RSA resources, worth billions of $$$$$$$
they set their bullseye site of their NRA scopes, on the employees....
I guess they should not have gave all those millions to Davey boy and the rest of the ex-bunglars . :angry:
It seems as though labor is the the eyes of management.....not our competition. A big Bravo/Zulu to Mr. Lakefield for his far sightedness. Now everyone, just bend over...this wont hurt much.