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US Airways expanding its fleet

I would LOVE to see the numbers on how much money we piss away BECAUSE of the craziness in PHL. Ya never here about THAT!!

Actually, PHL wouldnt be nearly as bad as it is now for international connections if they would schedule more than a 50 minute minimum connection time there from US-Intl flights. I've heard marketings schpeel about losing conx to other carriers with a longer conx time for many years, but I'm hearing something different as I'm checking in (or during the summer rerouting) most of these people. On many international flights, these people are used to a couple hour layovers (10 hour layover in LGW anyone?). I'm not talking this long, but a 2-3 hour minimum would be most beneficial on those hot humid summer tstorm days when PHL is taking ATCs or when summer tstorms close the ramp for an hour or so in Florida. Adding a little conx time would be great especially since we get that little note in the landings now "Expect all International flights on time". Thanks.

Actually, we should serve CLT to Paris, Manchester, and Madrid. CLT IS our largest hub and I will promise you most would love to not have to connect thru PHL. Most airlines usually serve more than one hub. Yeah, I know, no airplanes.

Being able to offer these conx via CLT would be a big help to those of us in the deep South that have to push everything thru PHL. We do quite well on FRA and LGW thru CLT and think that during season at least, MAD, MAN and CDG could easily be filled from CLT (some days on Florida conx alone!). When we used to have TPA-CLT-LGW thru plane service there were many days where 60-70 of the LGW people boarded in TPA.
I think the idea is not about easier connecting in one place versus the other, it's has more to do with the local area being able to support these flights. CLT is definitely a user friendly terminal in comparison to PHL, but PHL O/D is because it is in the top 5 largest population centers in the country, CLT in no way can match those numbers. These flights during high season could probably stand on their own w/o connecting traffic.
I think the idea is not about easier connecting in one place versus the other, it's has more to do with the local area being able to support these flights.

I agree with that, but IF, and we ARE going to offer conx via PHL (to fill those extra seats that locals cant), then we need to do all possible to make PHL as convenient for those conx customers as we can. Doing the PHL hussle is not a way to entice customers to fly us again if they have the chance. I've done C27 to A17 in about 12 minutes, but that was running all the way and I was out of breath and ready to pass out. I cant imagine a family with kids or grandma with a cane trying to do it in under 30 on a good day (count getting out of the plane time and flight closeout 10-15 mins before dept). Its pushing it on a normal good ops day and we all know PHL has few of them in the summer.
I wonder if the legal connecting times in PHL can be adjusted to allow more time to change concourses and absorb more of the daily delays one encounters at that Airport without changing times on banks of flights. :huh:
I agree with that, but IF, and we ARE going to offer conx via PHL (to fill those extra seats that locals cant), then we need to do all possible to make PHL as convenient for those conx customers as we can. Doing the PHL hussle is not a way to entice customers to fly us again if they have the chance. I've done C27 to A17 in about 12 minutes, but that was running all the way and I was out of breath and ready to pass out. I cant imagine a family with kids or grandma with a cane trying to do it in under 30 on a good day (count getting out of the plane time and flight closeout 10-15 mins before dept). Its pushing it on a normal good ops day and we all know PHL has few of them in the summer.
I connected at IAH and that airport is as bad than PHL for convienient connections. I went from C29 to E4. Also did DFW a few weeks earlier and needless to say, that airport is just, HUGE!
DFW has those Trams available which can help, but are inconvienient if your caught in between certain gates.
I never connected at PHL as of the past 5 years, either I originated or deplaned there and it was straight out for me. I know there is moving walkway between B & C. But that is behind their shopping court and I believe that the moving walkway is not listed as the fastest way in between terminals. I have no clue as to B & A's if there are moving walkways, but I think there should be if there isn't any.

I know buses between the terminals would help, but that makes for increased traffic on the tarmac which really isn't the answer. Connecting in PHL is no more difficult than IAH, DFW. I don't know about ORD as it was about 10+ years since I have been thru there.

Terminal F from what I believe, you have to go thru security again if you walk, which is a hike. Do the buses stop at ALL terminals or just at C? I believe that the bus option from F is the best solution but they should have a Tram between terminals.

I used to fly out of my home airport thru PIT alot, and I say of ALL the problems I had, I would have more at PIT, but on the Express side of Ops, Mainlines were great. Then they stopped flying out of RDG, and since I have to drive, its PHL. PHL, ABE, MDT are all about 1 hour drive. Most of my travels are to SAN,LAX,SJC,LAS and once in a blue moon PHX. I would say the number 1 complaint at PHL would be the flight delays. The terminal connections are just as bad other places as in PHL. You can't make every connection the next gate over or across, maybe that planning should look at the banks and tight connections where they can schedule gates, but that isn't that easy. Its hard. That is the joys of travel.
Actually, PHL wouldnt be nearly as bad as it is now for international connections if they would schedule more than a 50 minute minimum connection time there from US-Intl flights. I've heard marketings schpeel about losing conx to other carriers with a longer conx time for many years, but I'm hearing something different as I'm checking in (or during the summer rerouting) most of these people.

AMEN to that! I worked the counter in BUF and on an almost daily basis, I used to come in early and call all the international customers to get them to come out for our earlier PHL flight if ANY weather was expected. Saved rebooking them and loosing revenue or not being able to get them their until the next day. Scheduling gave us an RJ to PHL with a 50 minute connection to Rome. F terminal to A West in 50 minutes? Yeah right! Gee, you EXPECTED your bags to arrive with you? They didnt RUIN like you did!
PIT used to claim the largest hub status and it was killed because of the lack of O & D. PHL is the goldmine for US.

Goldmine is relative. Domestic yield tanked about a year and change ago. And will only get worse.
Goldmine is relative.

Astute observation.....

PHL generates a lot more O&D revenue in total for all carriers, but when you consider the percentage of traffic that US carries there vs CLT, the difference shrinks drastically. PHL still stays in front, but I still wonder what the difference is once the extra costs of operating at PHL are factored in.


ps - PHL may be the 4th (or whatever) largest metropolitian area in the country, but it's 19th in O&D revenue according to the latest available consumer airfare report. FLL actually generates more O&D revenue - the "focus city" that wasn't.
People don't tend to fly to NYC from PHL... or to DCA for that matter. That takes a lot of air travel out of the PHL travel market.

Rowunderdca aka KING OBVIOUS!
Precisely right, Row. Which is why PHL has 10-12% less O&D traffic than it should for it's population.

Pure guess.....

I suspect that you'll see those that are operated under contract to West (HP) painted to the new colors at some point.

As for the ones still operated under contract to East (old US), I suspect Ornstein will wait to see who they end up flying for before painting them - unless, of course, Doug pays for the paint job and time out of service.

PHL is the #1 revenue generating city for US and yes the Transatlantics flight do very well. CLT is a transfer hub vs O&D.

In 2003, PHL O/D traffic was 64% ! That was before WN entered the market. I dont know what the new numbers are.
The whole picture here is that CLT in NO WAY can compare to the O/D in PHL....as unfortunate as it may be. T/A flights will do much better served out of PHL plain and simple.

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