This whole thread (along with the pilot thread and a few others) is representational of how toxic the culture at US Airways is. I could write several more paragraphs of how bad-to-the-bone rotten this company is. Now I can't wait for my furlough date so that I can get the "F" away from here. The culture combined with the inept leadership will ceratinly expidite the demise of this company. It is a train wreck and the derailing has been happening since the merger in 2005. Good Luck to all those who are earnest, hard working people... because there are a few diamonds in the rough with this company.
You can tell UPNAWAY has a desk not far from Doug's Kool-Aid pitcher... anyone who endorses even 1 employee to involuntarily lose his/her job has been brainwashed. is UN-American. The Company heralds the insourcing of the overseas reservations call center...guess what, it would not have been possible without the Fleet Service sacrificial lamb. We lose, they gain, Fleet is expendable in Company eyes. UPNAWAY can justify "52", huh? You mean to tell me, that the Company is in that dire of a situation that those "52" are going to make or break the Company? Really?