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US Airways cutting 52 employees at IND

Your way off topic, your selfish and dont care about your coworkers, I hope you job gets eliminated and see how you feel!

I can appreciate your anger and disgust at the comments made by UPNAWAY. However I would never wish for someone to lose their job. That's as wrong headed as his/her posts. Like my Dad told me "Two wrongs don't make a right"
This whole thread (along with the pilot thread and a few others) is representational of how toxic the culture at US Airways is. I could write several more paragraphs of how bad-to-the-bone rotten this company is. Now I can't wait for my furlough date so that I can get the "F" away from here. The culture combined with the inept leadership will ceratinly expidite the demise of this company. It is a train wreck and the derailing has been happening since the merger in 2005. Good Luck to all those who are earnest, hard working people... because there are a few diamonds in the rough with this company.

You can tell UPNAWAY has a desk not far from Doug's Kool-Aid pitcher... anyone who endorses even 1 employee to involuntarily lose his/her job has been brainwashed. Wake-up...it is UN-American. The Company heralds the insourcing of the overseas reservations call center...guess what, it would not have been possible without the Fleet Service sacrificial lamb. We lose, they gain, Fleet is expendable in Company eyes. UPNAWAY can justify "52", huh? You mean to tell me, that the Company is in that dire of a situation that those "52" are going to make or break the Company? Really?
Then if you despise them, then give up your wage, workplace safety, retirement, medical insurance and labor laws, cause unions brought that to the general public!
The culture is toxic but it is almost exclusively an east phenomenon.
Ya'll hated all management before Tempe and will hate all afterwards too. Allegheny has hated every airline that they have ever merged with and have continued their PA centric work ethos of do as little as possible with more and complain as much as possible about everything culture.

Look in the mirror!
The culture is toxic but it is almost exclusively an east phenomenon.
Ya'll hated all management before Tempe and will hate all afterwards too. Allegheny has hated every airline that they have ever merged with and have continued their PA centric work ethos of do as little as possible with more and complain as much as possible about everything culture.

Look in the mirror!

With your intense hate of unions, why did you lower yourself to take a union job?
Certainly with your abilities you could do much better.
The culture is toxic but it is almost exclusively an east phenomenon.
Ya'll hated all management before Tempe and will hate all afterwards too. Allegheny has hated every airline that they have ever merged with and have continued their PA centric work ethos of do as little as possible with more and complain as much as possible about everything culture.

Look in the mirror!

Ever been to PA outside of the airports?

You must be standing next to Tattoo hearing "Look boss da Plane" if you think for half a second that most of the west are no more happy than the East.
Guess he/she doesnt realize if it was for the unions, there would be no US Airways and that person wouldnt have a job!
How is that any different then you mindless, senseless, slogan regurgitating unionista's bashing everything the company does, even when they do something obviously well or correct?
Laughing stock of the industry, six years later and the merger isnt complete.

Nothing to be proud of and the company sees the employees as the enemy.
Laughing stock of the industry, six years later and the merger isnt complete.

Nothing to be proud of and the company sees the employees as the enemy.
Who turned the employer-employee relationship into one of enmity and a battle against a despised adversary first, the unions or the company? Why don't non-union employees claim that the Comapny is their enemy when they work for the same place as their union represented co-workers? The adversarial relationship starts with and is fueled by labor cartels who gain power and wealth by convincing uninformed followers that Managment wants to steal their lollipops because they just hate employees because they can actually read and understand how a profit and loss statement works. More often than not the effect of unionization is lost jobs and bankrupted companies. WN has avoided this so far based on twenty years of winning the fuel hedging battle but take those away and WN would have likely been under bankruptcy protection at some point in the last two decades and have been asking for wage concessions just like everybody else. AA is certainly headed that way after trying to get the unions to cooperate with needed steep wage concessions in order to survive but they just don't understand how a business works so they will likely get far worse once a bankruptcy court gets involved. Management and bankruptcy judges understand math and finance well enough to make decisions that give the best chance for am,Inc a profit; unions clearly don't understand or don't care because it's all aout them.
It is only class warfare when a stand is taken against the rich and powerful.

The rest of the time it is business as usual.
The company as far back as 1992 attacked the employees, why dont you educate yourself on the history of anti-labor relations of US Airways, including the airline after the merger.

You have no idea of what you speak about.

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