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US Air(ways) spends $20M on baggage mess


Nov 15, 2005
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US Airways has spent $20 million over the last six months to improve baggage handling and to upgrade baggage facilities at Philadelphia International Airport, the airline's chief executive said yesterday.

"And there will be more," said W. Douglas Parker, who also is US Airways chairman. He described the capital investment while meeting at the airport with regional chief executives.

The upgrades occurred, he said, after US Airways merged with financially robust America West and reflects this airport's revenue significance to the airline.

Parker said US Airways is fully staffed at Philadelphia International, which is the airline's biggest hub and gateway to European and Caribbean flights.

Parker was here to meet for the first time with the CEO Council for Growth, a 52-member executives-only board within the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce. A main agenda item was to release a letter to the Federal Aviation Administration requesting it to approve a plan to "offer the most relief of congestion" at Philadelphia International.

In 2005, the airport was the ninth-busiest in the world in terms of takeoffs and landings, according to the Airports Council International trade group. But the airport ranked at the bottom for on-time departures and arrivals among the largest 33 U.S. airports.

Philadelphia Daily News
hearing buzz about new monies for union/management anger management classes......
hearing buzz about new monies for union/management anger management classes......

Why associate spending money at Philly with the unions being angry over the money being spent to upgrade the equipment/facilities at Philly? Shouldn't the unions be pleased we are getting essential upgrades ... if for nothing else...safety and job satisfication. I hope I misread your statement above Dell.
sorry... but isn't "financially robust" a bit of a stretch when describing HP or any other airline? AMR is about the only airline that I would call "well padded" and it's with borrowed money. They're all up to their eyeballs in debt - hardly a description of financially robust.
sorry... but isn't "financially robust" a bit of a stretch when describing HP or any other airline?
You are correct. Even HP upper management has admitted they would not have survived without the cash U brought with them.
sorry... but isn't "financially robust" a bit of a stretch when describing HP or any other airline?

No WT...the new definition of a robust airline is one not YET in BK! Hope you are doing well. Mark.
Why associate spending money at Philly with the unions being angry over the money being spent to upgrade the equipment/facilities at Philly? Shouldn't the unions be pleased we are getting essential upgrades ... if for nothing else...safety and job satisfication. I hope I misread your statement above Dell.
time for a corporate wide looky see.......... :shock:
Does anyone have any stats to back up whether the improvements have made an overall improvement in PAWOB