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US Airways cutting 52 employees at IND

The East people couldn't work for SWA. 10% or less of you have the fortitude and the work ethic much less the team spirit. They wouldn't hire you and you wouldn't last so bringing them up as examples is a moot point.
You should get a job with CALLOWAY AND HR, DO you know how many EX usairways people got hired by SWA? or you would'nt make such a jackass statement! MM
The East people couldn't work for SWA. 10% or less of you have the fortitude and the work ethic much less the team spirit. They wouldn't hire you and you wouldn't last so bringing them up as examples is a moot point.

Did anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are when you foam at the mouth?
As this thread continues in a moot point mode... there are decent, hard-working US Airways ramp employees in the process of getting hired by Southwest Airlines. Even prior to the merger, America West was the "training ground" for future Southwest employees..countless numbers of people went there are all say it was THE BEST move they made. If you love the ramp and aren't afraid to work hard, go SOUTHWEST. Some of us love what we do but hate the way US treats us. We would gladly stay with US, but the business model at US does not support employees whatsoever, and neither does the IAM DL141. Why there is even a "Human Resources" department is baffling. US treats its employees poorly in every work group, the accepted practice of employee contact is founded around negative reinforcement. The union representing Fleet Service is inept and devoid of true leadership, therefore, just as bad as the company. What a trainwreck the combination is. Glad to be furloughing out of this poophole. Retention of good employees is not in the model, so, being a good airline will never happen.... remember, your only as good as your weakest link! Mediocrity is the BEST US will ever be and even that is pushing the envelope. Good Luck!
The East people couldn't work for SWA. 10% or less of you have the fortitude and the work ethic much less the team spirit. They wouldn't hire you and you wouldn't last so bringing them up as examples is a moot point.
I wouldn't throw stones at the pot, Kettle :lol:
I'm sure those 52 employees are feeling real warm and fuzzy about how nice they were having their jobs pulled out from under them....knowing how they are keeping the rest of us employed. I'm starting to think.......they are the lucky ones....damn them!!
Then quit, please!
Did anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are when you foam at the mouth?

actually there are many f/a's that left here and went to SWA... and are very.... very.... happy...
Now the next question..?????? " are you" ???? Also... The f/a's that jumped ship... are laughing all of the
way to the bank... because they are the highest paid in the industry...
Don't you wish you could be there too???

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