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US Airways Chief Sees Deals on Horizon

You obviously don't understand Allegheny/Mohawk LPP's.
You do realize that the Allegheny/Mohawk LPP's don't contain the words Date of Hire, right? They do, however, contain the words Binding Arbitration......

He might as well predicted that this year will be a leap year.... duh

I'm just wondering why he is being quoted in regards to Delta merging. The reporter must have initially been doing a story on what US is doing to prepare for the coming recession and get the performance, service levels and quality back up to par and when Doug told him his plans the reporter realised the only news to report was dougs opinions of DL merging.
You do realize that the Allegheny/Mohawk LPP's don't contain the words Date of Hire, right? They do, however, contain the words Binding Arbitration......


You do realize that the Allegheny/Mohawk LPP's don't contain the words staple either, which is what was being responded to. As long as those LPP protections are not voluntarily given up as was done at TWA, then there won't be a staple no matter who buys who, or what union is involved.

US Airways and United made a merger deal in 2000, but after United lost interest, the Justice Department turned it down.

Resulting in both companies filing for BK, costing me 100,000 in my 401k, and resulted in my pay and benefits being cut 40%. Now I have no defined retirement, 100,000 less in my 401k and now depend on the PENSION BENEFIT GUARANTY CORPORATION for any health care if they choose to ration it out.

Now the government to probably approve the same deal. IM proud to be an American.
You do realize that the Allegheny/Mohawk LPP's don't contain the words Date of Hire, right? They do, however, contain the words Binding Arbitration......


Jim scores with the reality punch to the breadbasket! oh the humanity!
You do realize that the Allegheny/Mohawk LPP's don't contain the words staple either, which is what was being responded to. As long as those LPP protections are not voluntarily given up as was done at TWA, then there won't be a staple no matter who buys who, or what union is involved.

So you're saying that USAPA's quest for DOH will be unsuccessful because the A-M LPP's prevent what end-of-alpa claims will happen - a simple majority imposing it's will on the minority?

You do realize that the Allegheny/Mohawk LPP's don't contain the words staple either, which is what was being responded to. As long as those LPP protections are not voluntarily given up as was done at TWA, then there won't be a staple no matter who buys who, or what union is involved.


Do you realize you are arguing against USAPA?
Is it just me, or did Parker seem to be making some not-so-subtle hints about a possible US/UA merger with some restructuring of domestic route networks? Maybe I am reading too much into his statements. :blink:

As for United's desired strong NY presence that Parker alludes to, he can only be referring to LaGuardia as US has relatively small operations to/from JFK and EWR. Last time I checked, you can't fly a transatlantic 747 into or out of LGA! :lol: :lol: :lol: Flying into that airport in a L1011 or DC-10 during a snowstorm can make a white-knuckled flier out of the most seasoned of travelers!

I'll be interested to see how everyone else interprets this article.
Back in the day ,we ( AA ) flew DC-10s into LGA from DFW, MIA, RDU .... The good old days...
So you're saying that USAPA's quest for DOH will be unsuccessful because the A-M LPP's prevent what end-of-alpa claims will happen - a simple majority imposing it's will on the minority?


I'm saying exactly what I said. A staple would never happen under A-M LPP's. I don't know if USAPA will be successful in it's effort to overturn Nic, and you don't either.

If you have a question for end-of-alpa, please ask it of him and don't try to twist my words into his mouth. As you know, A-M LPP's have strongly favored doh for the last 35 years or so, including the recent arbitration between the US-AW dispatchers, even though they don't specifically state it. Doh has certainly been a precedent set becasue of A-M. USAPA seeks what the A-M LPP's have favored since thier inception. Whether they will be successful in this case is anybody's guess. One thing for sure: there is no question what will happen if ALPA remains, Nic will be implemented in some way shape or form.


p.s. A-M LPP's are now the law if another merger takes place, and the unions are not the same. Another good reason to dump ALPA.
As I'm SURE most of you (gents) realize, there is Ample fertile ground, for a MAJOR Cluster F*** to "take root".

It's a (better than) 50/50 bet that DL/NW will happen.
That will trigger(with-in a micro second) of UA going after CO, but because of the allience differences, CO strongly resists UAL. IMHO, rather than UAL wanting a protracted hostile take over fight for CO, they turn toward LCC(one thing we ALL agree upon, is that Tilton SALIVATES over a consolidation involving UAL, ANY consolidation, as does DOUGWEISER)

Next, the pilots at UAL could put the Kibosh on ANY deal with LCC. If they Don't, the pilots at LCC(east) push HARD for their own union(USAPA I believe) further complicating a UAL/LCC deal.

It's at that point, that Tilton could convince the UAL/BOD's to "scuttle the ship"(sell off pieces).

At this point,I WANT to REITERATE that I wish NO ILL WILL($$$$$$) to "one single person at UAL/LCC", NOT ONE !!

But again, it's just(sadly) that I feel the Industry environment will be ultra RIPE for this to occur(AFTER) DL/NW !

I sincerely HOPE, that "out of the blue" 2 Industry experts appear to run (both) UAL(who does'nt need to consolidate) and LCC(who needs to consolidate) !
I'm saying exactly what I said. A staple would never happen under A-M LPP's.

p.s. A-M LPP's are now the law if another merger takes place, and the unions are not the same. Another good reason to dump ALPA.
I just find it fascinating that two merger policies can be viewed so differently, one despised and the other as offering protection. Yet they say the same thing - negotiation following by binding arbitration if necessary.

In theory, a staple is just as likely, or unlikely, under both policies and I could see situations where it could occur although such situations - a mainline carrier merging with an express carrier or a new airline just getting geared up to begin operations merging with an established carrier, for example - are unlikely to occur. The same can be said for DOH. It all depends on what the parties agree to or the facts presented to the arbitrator, if that step is reached, and what the arbitrator considers "fair and equitable".

As I'm SURE most of you (gents) realize, there is Ample fertile ground, for a MAJOR Cluster F*** to "take root".

It's a (better than) 50/50 bet that DL/NW will happen.
That will trigger(with-in a micro second) of UA going after CO, but because of the allience differences, CO strongly resists UAL. IMHO, rather than UAL wanting a protracted hostile take over fight for CO, they turn toward LCC(one thing we ALL agree upon, is that Tilton SALIVATES over a consolidation involving UAL, ANY consolidation, as does DOUGWEISER)

Next, the pilots at UAL could put the Kibosh on ANY deal with LCC. If they Don't, the pilots at LCC(east) push HARD for their own union(USAPA I believe) further complicating a UAL/LCC deal.

It's at that point, that Tilton could convince the UAL/BOD's to "scuttle the ship"(sell off pieces).

At this point,I WANT to REITERATE that I wish NO ILL WILL($$$$$$) to "one single person at UAL/LCC", NOT ONE !!

But again, it's just(sadly) that I feel the Industry environment will be ultra RIPE for this to occur(AFTER) DL/NW !

I sincerely HOPE, that "out of the blue" 2 Industry experts appear to run (both) UAL(who does'nt need to consolidate) and LCC(who needs to consolidate) !

NHBB, more research is needed on your part.. Have you not heard L.K.s statement recently on how CAL will not be left behind.. ALso believe it or not Tilton said that he would leave the STAR (big mistake) in order to get a deal done.. Also, on the DAL board i thought your "opinion" was more toward a DAL UAL deal... Although I truly hope not, I do not want to merge with DAL... I do agree that they will spin off some things if UAL does not merge however, just not things that you want them to spin off... They will spin off MNTC, and MP program... If they do that UAL will be the wealthiest carrier in the industry, with the least debt... Then if they need they can purchase whomever they want.... Think about that...
That will trigger(with-in a micro second) of UA going after CO, but because of the allience differences, CO strongly resists UAL. IMHO, rather than UAL wanting a protracted hostile take over fight for CO, they turn toward LCC(one thing we ALL agree upon, is that Tilton SALIVATES over a consolidation involving UAL, ANY consolidation, as does DOUGWEISER)
You are missing some key facts in your scenario.

First of all, CO would not resist UAL. In fact they might be the ones pursuing UAL. Going it alone is not an option if NW and DL hook up, and no one but UA can give them the access they need to Asia. Leaving their alliance for STAR would actually be advantageous for them. Besides, this was already discussed when LCC attempted to take over DL. UA and CO already had high level discussions about a combination and were ready to pull the trigger if LCC was successful. When LCC failed, the talks were scuttled.

Second, Parker and Tilton have been blowing the consolidation horn for a long time. If they were going to merge it would have happened already.

I do agree that Tilton would prefer not to get into a bidding war for CO. Therefore I do not even think a NW/DL merger is a pre-conclusion. I think Tilton would find it personally insulting if two big airlines merge without his participation after all the hot air he's been blowing about consolidation. IMO Tilton is going to do what ever he has to do to make UA look extremely attractive to DL (ie: lots of $$$$) in a hope to be part of the first wave of consolidation. Of course DL may still choose NW leaving him no choice but to pick up where CO & UA left off last year.

One more thought is that "bidding war" is not really the best term to use in this case. Any consolidation this time around will most likely be a stock swap, and not a purchase funded by outside equity. So it's not just a matter of the "highest bidder" this time. The board of directors will be weighing many benefits and drawbacks, including which management survives, where the new HQ would reside, and long term strategic issues such as alliances and route structure. Then they will decide which combination they perceive to be the best option.

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