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US Airways chief says labor strife worsening

Good Lord, Doug is just figuring out that our employee groups won't mix?
In other news, the sun rose in the east today.

Geeez, it's taken them this long to figure out they have a problem, now let's see how long it takes for them to fix this. I foresee a long summer for Dougie and Co.
"Integrating culures"? Didn't they appoint a position of VP of Cultural Integration? What the f is Larry Leseuer doing? Making videos? Attending hot dog parties? Larry come out of your room right now! You have some splainin' to do! :down:
I have come to the conclusion that the VP of Culture is like a deer in the headlights and is in way over his head.
Has anyone seen anything that has come out of his office that remotely resembles a vision, or what exactly he is working on? It seems that his job lately is to pass the microphone around during town hall meetings.
The position could be totally eliminated and no one would know the difference. Plus his salary would buy a lot more hotdogs.
"More and more," unions are "looking to get more and more back. That is causing more and more strife throughout our business."

The unions are causing this strife?

Look in the mirror Doug. The guy with the bloodshot eyes and both hands in the cookie jar may have something to do with it.