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US Airways CEO sees airline industry heading down

Last call for alcohol......

I agree Doug...we're a mess. Thanks .....
The question is: What's the point of making those types of doom and gloom statements? Perhaps, just to shore up investor confidence? :lol:
It's to manage expectations from investors. The industry is down, not just US Airways. Relative to most other carriers we're in good shape and should have enough cash reserves to ride out the rough period. Overall, something has to be done nationally to address the airlines that are still adding seats into the market at times like these.
It's to manage expectations from investors. The industry is down, not just US Airways. Relative to most other carriers we're in good shape and should have enough cash reserves to ride out the rough period. Overall, something has to be done nationally to address the airlines that are still adding seats into the market at times like these.

Whaaaaaa? The majik marketplace don't work sometimes?

Commie! 😉
It's to manage expectations from investors.

Understood. I also studied "Lie, Cheat and Steal 101" classes whilst in business school, and have some familiarity with the standard MO's. It's also often done in order to "manage" the employee expectations, anyone missing that's not gotten the Big Picture. Negative prognostications are additionally often employed as PR resources/smokescreens by failing managements......"It's not our fault!..It's the industry trends!".."Nothing's EVER our fault!"/etc.

Given that management is totally disconnected from and cares not one whit for employees, what do you expect?

Your line reminds me of the deal where a butter bar LT. told his troops "I want a positive attitude around here!" and the troops responded in unison, "Yes Sir! We positively hate the Army!"
The employees ( east and west) of this airline need to bring it to a stand still until the BOD replaces Parker and his lack of management team.
Umm, Mr. Parker, if you think that you will get even one penny/ shred / concessionary work rule out of me, you are sadly mistaken. Shut the damn thing down for all I care.

Call. Your move.
It's very obvious Pug Darker is way over his head. This ain't a regional airline.

The Board of Directors needs to replace him with someone who can provide true leadership.
galley princess: We can agree 100% on this issue. Go ahead Doug. I dare you to ask for one more dime and will expect contract improvements if you ever want to truly merge. <_< It won't happen buster brown. We will shut it down first.
That's not a very positive attitude, NOT untrue just not positive..

Be in the C Concourse in PHL of Friday Evening arounf 7:30 and we can have a US Airways campfire and sing kumbaya and old negro spirituals :up:

Dunno if that'd do it Piney. If we're to be waxing "spiritual"...We could try some "old time religion" to better effect 😉

The following's obviously offered in purely adolescent jest 😉

We collectively contribute towards, and have constructed, an Aztec monument out in the desert outside Tempe, leave a loose trail of dollar bills from the main offices to the top.....etc.

Aww...nevermind: The IRS/Dept of Justice/etc would just be all over us for launching yet another "Pyramid Scheme" :lol:
It clearly doens't take much to get this board going again. In case you all didn't know, this was a "bite" taken out on media day today in Tempe and since when do you all take media reporting so seriously. I was there, it was good, informative and candid. Get ready thanks to the east pilots stubborn position, more change is on the way.

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